org.xquark.mediator.DOMUtils.EvaluationVisitor A simple class for evaluating en attendant the real evaluator. evaluate the expression and return true or false org.xquark.xquery.reconstruction.EvaluationVisitor A simple class for evaluating en attendant the real evaluator. evaluate the expression and return true or false org.apache.poi.util.TestBinaryTree Class TestBinaryTree @author Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org) A collection of {@link TaskSeries} objects. This class provides one implementation of the {@link GanttCategoryDataset} interface. org.xquark.schema.datatypes.ComparableType
org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree Red-Black tree-based implementation of Map. This class guarantees that the map will be in both ascending key order and ascending value order, sorted according to the natural order for the key's and value's classes.<p> This Map is intended for applications that need to be able to look up a k Red-Black tree-based implementation of Map. This class guarantees that the map will be in both ascending key order and ascending value order, sorted according to the natural order for the key's and value's classes. <p> This Map is intended for applications that need to be able to look up a k A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the {@link IntervalCategoryDataset} interface. <p> The standard constructor accepts data in a two dimensional array where the first dimension is the series, and the second dimension is the category. @author Jeremy Bowman groovy.lang.ObjectRange Represents an inclusive list of objects from a value to a value using comparators @author <a HREF="">James Strachan</a> @version $Revision: 1.14 $ A data structure that stores zero, one or many objects, where each object is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key). A category dataset that defines various medians, outliers and an average value for each item. @author David Browning A class that maps keys (instances of <code>Comparable</code>) to groups. A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the {@link StatisticalCategoryDataset} interface. @author Pascal Collet An ordered list of (key, value) items. This class provides a default implementation of the {@link KeyedValues} interface. An extension of the {@link IntervalCategoryDataset} interface that adds support for multiple sub-intervals. An example Comparable for use with the custom sort tests. It implements a comparable for "id" sort of values which consist of an alphanumeric part and a numeric part, such as: <p/> <P>ABC-123, A-1, A-7, A-100, B-99999 <p/> <p>Such values cannot be sorted as strings, since A @author Teodor Danciu ( @version $Id:,v 1.14 2005/07/10 09:49:03 teodord Exp $ org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.validationruleimpl.RangeValidationRule Checks numeric ranges. Works for Integer, Long, BigDecimal, Float, Double, and Date values. Numbers are converted to the BigDecimal before comparing. <p>This validation rule can perform 3 different checks: <ul> <li>check minimum value <li>check maximum value <li>chec <p> A static class providing utility methods to all of JFace. </p> @since 3.1 A handler for reading a series for a category dataset. org.jfree.chart.annotations.CategoryTextAnnotation A text annotation that can be placed on a {@link org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot}. org.objectstyle.cayenne.exp.parser.ASTNotBetween "Not Between" expression. @author Andrei Adamchik org.apache.pluto.portalImpl.aggregation.PortletFragment <p>Responsible for rendering a single Portlet.<p> <p>Requires two JSP files to exist, PortletFragmentHeader.jsp and PortletFragmentFooter.jsp. These pages define the header and footer of the portlet.</p> <p>A PortletFragment.PortletInfo object is added to the reques
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