jsp.HugeTreeModel @author hengels @version $Revision: 1.1 $ org.enhydra.shark.swingclient.workflowadmin.EngineTreeModel Represents the tree model of engine. The first level nodes of the tree represents the packages imported into engine, the second level nodes are the workflow definitions within given package, and the third level nodes are instances of corredponding process definitions. The tree is periodically refr ...org.objectstyle.cayenne.modeler.ProjectTreeView Panel displaying Cayenne project as a tree. org.objectweb.util.browser.core.common.DynamicTree Implementation of a Entry tree which is dynamic. You can customize icons, panels and popup menus for every objects you display. @author <a HREF="mailto:Jerome.Moroy@lifl.fr">Jerome Moroy</a> @version 0.1 hero.client.manager.JProjectList
org.objectstyle.cayenne.modeler.ProjectTreeModel ProjectTreeModel is a model of Cayenne project tree. @author Andrei Adamchik ui.DOMTree Displays a DOM document in a tree control. @author Andy Clark, IBM @version ui.DOMTreeFull DOMTree class to enter every DOM node into a Swing JTree tree. The forward and backward mappings between Nodes to TreeNodes are kept. demo.EverythingSwing
org.enhydra.shark.corbaclient.workflowadmin.instantiation.ProcessInstantiationManagement Implements the user interface and program logic to instantiate the process from it's definition. @author Sasa Bojanic @version 1.0 ist.coach.coachEmfClientComponents.gui.MOTree
org.apache.ecs.examples.HtmlTree This JavaBean returns the hierarchical structure described in a javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode as valid XHTML. This class is a very simple counterpart of the javax.swing.JTree with the exception that the external Controller is integrated into this View. If you want your tree elements (nod ...com.jgoodies.looks.demo.SplitTab Contains nested split panels and demonstrates how ClearLook removes obsolete decorations. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.7 $ @see UIFSplitPane Builds and returns the panel. Builds and returns the horizontal split using stripped split panes.<p> Nesting split panes often ...com.jgoodies.looks.demo.TabTestTab Demonstrates optionals settings for the JGoodies tabbed panes using two <code>SimpleInternalFrame</code>. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.7 $ Builds and returns the panel. Builds and returns the horizontal split using stripped split panes.<p> Nesting split pa ...com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.Navigator @author Hani Suleiman (hani@formicary.net) Date: May 15, 2003 Time: 8:56:07 PM org.jacorb.imr.util.ImRModel This class provides the GUIs functionality communicating with the repository. @author Nicolas Noffke $Id: ImRModel.java,v 1.10 2004/05/06 12:39:59 nicolas Exp $ org.apache.poi.contrib.poibrowser.TreeReaderListener <p>Organizes document information in a tree model in order to be e.g. displayed in a Swing {@link javax.swing.JTree}. An instance of this class is created with a root tree node ({@link MutableTreeNode}) and registered as a {@link POIFSReaderListener} with a {@link org.apache.poi.poifs.eventf ...org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing dmarshall@users - 20020101 - original swing port of DatabaseManager sqlbob@users 20020401 - patch 537501 by ulrivo - commandline arguments sqlbob@users 20020407 - patch 1.7.0 - reengineering and enhancements nickferguson@users 20021005 - patch 1.7.1 - enhancements deccles@users 20040412 - patch 933 ...SOFA.SOFAnode.InOut.Impl.Browser Browses TR and enables installing components from other TRs. @author Petr Panuska org.jrobin.mrtg.client.Client controls menubar MRTG menu Routers menu Interfaces menu Help menu MRTG popup menu ROUTER popup menu INTERFACES popup menu tree paneorg.objectweb.clif.analyser.lib.gui.GuiPanelAutomaticAnalyser
org.jacorb.ir.gui.IRBrowser @author (c) Joerg von Frantzius, Gerald Brose, FU Berlin @version $Id: IRBrowser.java,v 1.8 2004/05/06 12:39:59 nicolas Exp $ Constructor com.genimen.djeneric.tools.specifier.tree.DjenericTreeNode
org.enhydra.jawe.JaWEGraphModel A process editor implementation of a graph model. org.enhydra.jawe.JaWEGraphUI This class and it's inner classes controls mouse actions and clipboard. It is addapted to get wanted editing cell behaviour, selection behaviour , to implement cell overlaping, to implement right participant adjustment after cell (or group of cells) is moved, and to implement proper copying and pa ...org.enhydra.jawe.ProcessGraph JaWE implementation of JGraph. Represents a process graph. com.genimen.djeneric.tools.console.nodes.CustomTreeNode
org.apache.jmeter.gui.tree.JMeterTreeNode @author Michael Stover @version $Revision: 1.24 $ org.apache.ojb.tools.mapping.reversedb2.ojbmetatreemodel.OjbMetaObjectReferenceDescriptorNode
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