org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGGVTFont Represents an SVG font. @author <a HREF="">Bella Robinson</a> @version $Id:,v 1.19 2005/03/27 08:58:30 cam Exp $ org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.BasicTextPainter Basic implementation of TextPainter which renders the attributed character iterator of a <tt>TextNode</tt>. Suitable for use with "standard" java.awt.font.TextAttributes only. @see java.awt.font.TextAttribute @author <a HREF="">Bill Haneman< An attributed character iterator that does the reordering of the characters for bidirectional text. It reorders the characters so they are in visual order. It also assigns a BIDI_LEVEL attribute to each character which can be used to split the reordered ACI into text runs based on direction. ie. c The base class for axes that display dates. You will find it easier to understand how this axis works if you bear in mind that it really displays/measures integer (or long) data, where the integers are milliseconds since midnight, 1-Jan-1970. When displaying tick labels, the millisecond values a A plot that displays data from a {@link CategoryDataset} in the form of a "spider web". Multiple series can be plotted on the same axis to allow easy comparison.
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