org.jdesktop.swing.actions.ActionContainerFactory Creates user interface elements based on action ids and lists of action ids. All action ids must be represent actions managed by the ActionManager. <p> <h3>Action Lists</h3> Use a the create..(List) methods to construct containers of actions like menu bars, menus, popups and tool GUI interface for a {@link ResponseAssertion}. @version $Revision: $ on $Date: 2004/06/03 23:01:35 $ com.jgoodies.looks.demo.MenuBuilder Builds the menu bar and pull-down menus in the Simple Looks Demo. Demonstrates and tests different multi-platform issues.<p> This class provides a couple of factory methods that create menu items, check box menu items, and radio button menu items. The full JGoodies Looks Demo overrides thes @author Michael Stover @version $Revision: $ AddContactDialog
org.swixml.ButtonGroupTest The somewhat odd ButtonGroup class doesn't really fit into the way Swixml deals with objects it has instatiated. It therefore deserves its very own test class. | Popular Tags |