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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > java > sql > SQLException > Top Examples

  • org.objectweb.rmijdbc.RJDatabaseMetaData
    This class provides information about the database as a whole. <P>Many of the methods here return lists of information in ResultSets. You can use the normal ResultSet methods such as getString and getInt to retrieve the data from these ResultSets. If a given form of metadata is not availab ...
  • com.mysql.jdbc.Connection
    A Connection represents a session with a specific database. Within the context of a Connection, SQL statements are executed and results are returned. <P> A Connection's database is able to provide information describing its tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored procedures, the capabi ...
  • org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet
    A base delegating implementation of {@link ResultSet}. <p> All of the methods from the {@link ResultSet} interface simply call the corresponding method on the "delegate" provided in my constructor. <p> Extends AbandonedTrace to implement result set tracking and logging of code which cr ...
  • com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet
    A ResultSet provides access to a table of data generated by executing a Statement. The table rows are retrieved in sequence. Within a row its column values can be accessed in any order. <P> A ResultSet maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is positione ...
  • com.genimen.djeneric.jdbc.DjResultSet
    Title: @author Gert Rijs @version 1.0
  • com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.CallableStatementWrapper
    Wraps callable statements created by pooled connections. @version $Id:,v 2005/05/13 18:58:38 mmatthews Exp $
  • com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData
    JDBC Interface to Mysql functions <p> This class provides information about the database as a whole. </p> <p> Many of the methods here return lists of information in ResultSets. You can use the normal ResultSet methods such as getString and getInt to retrieve the data from these ...
  • org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate
    <p> This is meant to be an abstract base class for most, if not all, <code>{@link org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.DriverDelegate}</code> implementations. Subclasses should override only those methods that need special handling for the DBMS driver in question. </p> @author < ...
  • org.objectweb.cjdbc.driver.DriverResultSet
    A <code>ResultSet</code> provides access to a table of data generated by executing a Statement. The table rows are retrieved in sequence. Within a row its column values can be accessed in any order. <p> A <code>ResultSet</code> maintains a cursor pointing to its curre ...
  • com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.DatabaseMetaData
    This class provides information about the database as a whole. <P>Many of the methods here return lists of information in ResultSets. You can use the normal ResultSet methods such as getString and getInt to retrieve the data from these ResultSets. If a given form of metadata is not availab ...
  • org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcDatabaseMetaData
    fredt@users 20020320 - patch 1.7.0 - JDBC 2 support and error trapping JDBC 2 methods can now be called from jdk 1.1.x - see javadoc comments boucherb@users 20020509 - added "throws SQLException" to all methods where it was missing here but specified in the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface, upda ...
  • org.objectweb.cjdbc.driver.DatabaseMetaData
    DatabaseMetaData retrieves most of the values from the C-JDBC controller. If you are using an heterogeneous cluster, the values returned are the one of the first database that was enabled on the controller. @author <a HREF="">Emmanuel Cecchet </a> @auth ...
  • org.objectweb.rmijdbc.RJDatabaseMetaDataInterface
    This class provides information about the database as a whole. <P>Many of the methods here return lists of information in ResultSets. You can use the normal ResultSet methods such as getString and getInt to retrieve the data from these ResultSets. If a given form of metadata is not availab ...
  • org.objectweb.rmijdbc.RJDatabaseMetaDataServer
    This class provides information about the database as a whole. <P>Many of the methods here return lists of information in ResultSets. You can use the normal ResultSet methods such as getString and getInt to retrieve the data from these ResultSets. If a given form of metadata is not availab ...
  • com.nilostep.xlsql.jdbc.xlDatabaseMetaData
  • org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedCallableStatement Created: Sat Apr 20 22:43:24 2002 @author <a HREF="">David Jencks</a> @version
  • org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingCallableStatement
    A base delegating implementation of {@link CallableStatement}. <p> All of the methods from the {@link CallableStatement} interface simply call the corresponding method on the "delegate" provided in my constructor. <p> Extends AbandonedTrace to implement Statement tracking and logging o ...
  • org.apache.commons.dbcp.TesterResultSet
    A dummy {@link ResultSet}, for testing purposes. @author Rodney Waldhoff @author Dirk Verbeeck @version $Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 2004/03/27 17:47:34 $
  • org.webdocwf.util.i18njdbc.I18nResultSet
    This class implements the ResultSet interface for the I18nJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic @author Zeljko Kovacevic
  • org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvResultSet
    This class implements the ResultSet interface for the CsvJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • org.webdocwf.util.xml.XmlResultSet
    Class that implements JDBC ResultSet interface. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcResultSet
    fredt@users 20020320 - patch 1.7.0 - JDBC 2 support and error trapping JDBC 2 methods can now be called from jdk 1.1.x - see javadoc comments SCROLL_INSENSITIVE and FORWARD_ONLY types for ResultSet are now supported fredt@users 20020315 - patch 497714 by lakuhns@users - scrollable ResultSet all abs ...
  • org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedResultSet
    A wrapper for a result set @author <a HREF="">Adrian Brock</a> @version $Revision: 1.1 $
  • org.apache.commons.beanutils.TestResultSet
    <p>Mock object that implements enough of <code>java.sql.ResultSet</code> to exercise the {@link ResultSetDyaClass} functionality.</p> @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2004/02/28 13:18:36 $
  • org.hibernate.jdbc.ResultSetWrapper
    A ResultSet delegate, responsible for locally caching the columnName-to-columnIndex resolution that has been found to be inefficient in a few vendor's drivers (i.e., Oracle and Postgres). @author Steve Ebersole
  • com.nilostep.xlsql.jdbc.xlResultSet
  • com.mockobjects.eziba.sql.ResultSet
  • org.webdocwf.util.i18njdbc.I18nPreparedStatement
    This class implements the PreparedStatement interface for the I18nJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic @author Zeljko Kovacevic
  • com.mockobjects.sql.MockResultSet
    This is the base implementation of a mock result set. It manages converting objects from the current row into a other types. Entries can be found by either column index or column name. For basic java types (e.g. int, boolean), insert an instance of the appropriate object (e.g. Integer, Boolean) It ...
  • org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvPreparedStatement
    This class implements the PreparedStatement interface for the CsvJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • org.webdocwf.util.xml.XmlPreparedStatement
    Class implements the JDBC PreparedStatement interface for the XmlJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement
    Representation of stored procedures for JDBC @author Mark Matthews @version $Id:,v 2005/05/13 18:58:38 mmatthews Exp $
  • org.jboss.varia.stats.DataSourceInterceptor
    @author <a HREF="">Alexey Loubyansky</a> @version <tt>$Revision: $</tt> @@jmx:mbean name="jboss.stats:name=DataSourceInterceptor" extends="org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean"
  • com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.PreparedStatementWrapper
    Wraps prepared statements so that errors can be reported correctly to ConnectionEventListeners. @author Mark Matthews @version $Id:,v 2005/05/13 18:58:38 mmatthews Exp $
  • com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.StatementWrapper
    Wraps statements so that errors can be reported correctly to ConnectionEventListeners. @author Mark Matthews @version $Id:,v 2005/05/13 18:58:38 mmatthews Exp $
  • com.genimen.djeneric.jdbc.DjPreparedStatement
    @author Gert Rijs @version 1.0
  • com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.ResultSet_2_0
  • com.mysql.jdbc.UpdatableResultSet
    A result set that is updatable. @author Mark Matthews
    Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law ...
  • org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.loadbalancer.paralleldb.ParallelDB
    This class defines a ParallelDB @author <a HREF="">Emmanuel Cecchet </a> @author <a HREF="">Jean-Bernard van Zuylen </a> @version 1.0 These are generic functions for all ParallelDB load balancers. <p> ...
  • com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.ResultSet_base
    <P>A ResultSet provides access to a table of data generated by executing a Statement. The table rows are retrieved in sequence. Within a row its column values can be accessed in any order. <P>A ResultSet maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is ...
  • org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.DriverDelegate
    <p> This is the base interface for all driver delegate classes. </p> <p> This interface is very similar to the <code>{@link org.quartz.spi.JobStore}</code> interface except each method has an additional <code>{@link java.sql.Connection}</code> parameter. ...
  • org.apache.cocoon.components.cron.QuartzDriverDelegate
    Wrapper around another DriverDelegate instance. <p>This wrapper makes sure that three Cocoon specific transient objects are removed from the JobDataMap before serializing it into the database, and populated back into the map when JobDetailMap is loaded from the database. These objects are:& ...
  • org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcCallableStatement
    boucherb@users patch 1.7.2 - CallableStatement impl removed from jdbcPreparedStatement and moved here; sundry changes elsewhere to comply TODO: 1.7.2 Alpha N :: DONE maybe implement set-by-parameter-name. We have an informal spec, being "@p1" => 1, "@p2" => 2, etc. Problems: return value is ...
  • org.objectweb.cjdbc.driver.CallableStatement
    This class is used to execute SQL stored procedures. The JDBC API provides a stored procedure SQL escape syntax that allows stored procedures to be called in a standard way for all RDBMSs. The only syntax accepted by this implementation is as follows: <pre> {call &lt;procedure-name& ...
  • org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvStatement
    This class implements the Statement interface for the CsvJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • org.objectweb.rmijdbc.RJCallableStatementServer
    <P>CallableStatement is used to execute SQL stored procedures. <P>JDBC provides a stored procedure SQL escape that allows stored procedures to be called in a standard way for all RDBMS's. This escape syntax has one form that includes a result parameter and one that does not. If used, ...
  • org.webdocwf.util.xml.XmlStatement
    Class implements the JDBC Statement interface for the XmlJdbc driver. @author Zoran Milakovic
  • org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedStatement
    A wrapper for a statement. @author <a HREF="">David Jencks</a> @author <a HREF="">Adrian Brock</a> @version $Revision: 1.8 $
  • org.objectweb.rmijdbc.RJPreparedStatement
    TBD: WARNING This file contains a hack for InputStream class... InputStream is not serializable, of course ! The right way would be to encapsulate InputStream in a RMI remote object (hope I'll find time to do that) <P>A SQL statement is pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. ...
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