org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.GenericLockTest Tests for generic locks. @version $Revision$ Stores all the relationships between locks (rules are also considered locks), and the threads that own them. All the relationships are stored in a 2D integer array. The rows in the array are threads, while the columns are locks. Two corresponding arrayLists store the actual threads and locks. The JUnit 3 testcases for @since Ant 1.6 org.jboss.test.cache.stress.ReadWriteLockWithUpgradeStressTestCase Stress test for RWLock with upgrade. org.jboss.test.cache.test.generic.ReadWriteLockWithUpgradeUnitTestCase NonBlockingWriterLock is a read/write lock (with upgrade) that has non-blocking write lock acquisition on existing read lock(s). <p>Note that the write lock is exclusive among write locks, e.g., only one write lock can be granted at one time, but the write lock is independent of the read loc Reader/Writer Lock test class. @author <a HREF="">Emmanuel Cecchet </a> @version 1.0 org.jboss.test.cache.test.replicated.SyncTxUnitTestCase Replicated unit test for sync transactional TreeCache Note: we use DummyTransactionManager for Tx purpose instead of relying on jta. @version $Revision: $ com.opensymphony.oscache.base.TestConcurrency Test the Cache class for any concurrency problems $Id:,v 2005/04/30 21:35:02 dres Exp $ @version $Revision: $ @author <a HREF="">Chris Miller</a> org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.SecurityUnitTestCase Test of security features in JBossMQ @author <a HREF="">Peter Antman</a> @version $Revision: 1.8 $ org.apache.jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine @version $Revision: $ Updated on: $Date: 2004/12/15 23:34:42 $ org.objectweb.perseus.concurrency.TestPessimistic
org.jacorb.test.notification.CosEventChannelTest Unit Test for class EventChannel. Test Backward compability. Access Notification Channel via the CosEvent Interfaces. @author Alphonse Bendt org.jboss.cache.tests.lock.IdentityLockTest Testing of different locking semantics. @author Bela Ban @author Ben Wang @version $Revision: 1.2 $ org.enhydra.dods.DODS Main DODS class. There are two modes of usage: non-threading and threading. In non-threading mode, only one DatabaseManager is used for the whole application, no matter the application has one or more Threads. In threading mode, there is one DatabaseManager for every Thread. User needs, for every A collection of privileged actions for this package @author @version $Revison:$ org.jivesoftware.messenger.launcher.SwingWorker Modified SwingWorker that actually works. @author Derek DeMoro com.lutris.appserver.server.Enhydra import org.enhydra.dods.DODS; import org.enhydra.dods.DODSException; The Enhydra class provides static methods that allow each application to conviently get at their application object. It also provides access <P> This class implements dynamically scoped global variables, accessed via st tpc bm b scaling rulesorg.jboss.test.jbossmq.stress.MassiveTest @author <a HREF="">Peter Antman</a> @version $Revision: 1.2 $ org.apache.xmlrpc.WebServer A minimal web server that exclusively handles XML-RPC requests. @author <a HREF="">Hannes Wallnoefer</a> @author <a HREF="">Jason van Zyl</a> @author Daniel L. Rall Provides applet host for the XSLT processor. To perform transformations on an HTML client: <ol> <li>Use an <applet> tag to embed this applet in the HTML client.</li> <li>Use the DocumentURL and StyleURL PARAM tags or the {@link #setDocumentURL} and {@link #set SocketServerInvoker is the server-side of a SOCKET based transport @author <a HREF="">Jeff Haynie</a> @author <a HREF="">Tom Elrod</a> @version $Revision: $ @jmx:mbean test.performance.modelmbean.ThroughputTEST
org.objectweb.openccm.descriptor.componentassembly.ccm.deployer.installer.NodeDestinationDeployer The NodeDestinationDeployer is the DestinationDeployer able to install a home on a DCI node. @author <a HREF="">Briclet Frédéric</a> @version 0.1 | Popular Tags |