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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > javax > xml > transform > sax > SAXSource > Top Examples

  • com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl
    A TransformerFactoryImpl instance can be used to create Transformer and Template objects. <p>The system property that determines which Factory implementation to create is named "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory". This property names a concrete subclass of the TransformerFactory abstra ...
    <p>This data type provides a catalog of resource locations (such as DTDs and XML entities), based on the <a HREF=""> OASIS "Open Catalog" standard</a>. The catalog entries are used both for Entity resolution and URI res ...
  • com.thaiopensource.validate.schematron.SchemaReaderImpl
  • com.icl.saxon.PIGrabber
    The PIGrabber class is a SAX ContentHandler that looks for xml-stylesheet processing instructions and tests whether they match specified criteria; for those that do, it creates an InputSource object referring to the relevant stylesheet @author Michael H. Kay (
  • net.sf.saxon.Transform
    This <B>Transform</B> class is the entry point to the Saxon XSLT Processor. This class is provided to control the processor from the command line.<p> <p/> The XSLT syntax supported conforms to the W3C XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 recommendation. Only the transformation language i ...
  • com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet
    This <B>StyleSheet</B> class is the entry point to the Saxon XSLT Processor. This class is provided to control the processor from the command line.<p> The XSLT syntax supported conforms to the W3C XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 recommendation. Only the transformation language is impleme ...
    JaxMe's {@link javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller} implementation.
  • com.thaiopensource.validate.schematron.ValidatorImpl
  • com.icl.saxon.functions.Document
  • org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl
    Implementation of a JAXP1.1 TransformerFactory for Translets. @author G. Todd Miller @author Morten Jorgensen @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen
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