org.apache.commons.math.linear.BigMatrixImpl Implementation for {@link BigMatrix} using a BigDecimal[][] array to store entries and <a HREF=""> LU decompostion</a> to support linear system solution and inverse. <p> The LU decompostion is performed as needed, to Test cases for the {@link BigMatrixImpl} class. @version $Revision$ $Date: 2005-07-02 15:38:00 -0700 (Sat, 02 Jul 2005) $ org.enhydra.shark.instancepersistence.DODSPersistentManager Used to save, restore or delete relevant engine objects from database, using DODS persistent layer. @author Sasa Bojanic @version 1.0 org.hsqldb.Column fredt@users 20020130 - patch 491987 by jimbag@users fredt@users 20020320 - doc 1.7.0 - update fredt@users 20020401 - patch 442993 by fredt - arithmetic expressions to allow mixed type arithmetic expressions beginning with a narrower type changes applied to several lines of code and not marked separ CounterColumns - insert auto increment values in target counter columns. <p>Representation for W3C XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatypes. Specifically, these date/time datatypes are {@link DatatypeConstants#DATETIME dateTime}, {@link DatatypeConstants#TIME time}, {@link DatatypeConstants#DATE date}, {@link DatatypeConstants#GYEARMONTH gYearMonth}, {@link DatatypeCon A simple class for evaluating en attendant the real evaluator. evaluate the expression and return true or false org.webdocwf.util.loader.Loader <p> Loader class loads data from source database into target database using criteria set in XML file which is used as parameter. Also Loader can execute SQL statements which import from XML file. <br> All loading rolls are set in XML file. Some capabilities of this loader are: there co <p>Immutable representation of a time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1.0 specification.</p> <p>A Duration object represents a period of Gregorian time, which consists of six fields (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds) plus a sign (+/-) field.</p> < @author Thomas Spiegl (latest modification by $Author: matzew $) @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/03/24 16:47:11 $ com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet A ResultSet provides access to a table of data generated by executing a Statement. The table rows are retrieved in sequence. Within a row its column values can be accessed in any order. <P> A ResultSet maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is positione !! NOTE: It would be nice to decouple this from Torque. This is a great stand-alone utility. This method of ID generation is used to ensure that code is more database independent. For example, MySQL has an auto-increment feature while Oracle uses sequences. It caches several ids to avoid needing @author Manuel Laflamme @version $Revision: 1.14 $ org.lsmp.djep.groupJep.groups.BigReals The field of Reals represented by BigDecimals. TODO Sorry power is not implemented. @see BigDecimal @author Rich Morris Created on 05-Mar-2004 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBigDecimalIncrementerFactory @author Teodor Danciu ( @version $Id:,v 1.15 2005/07/20 16:11:31 lucianc Exp $ org.jacorb.test.orb.dynany.DynAnyFixedTest DynAny tests for fixed types. com.sun.ebank.ejb.tx.TxControllerBean
org.enhydra.shark.eventaudit.DODSEventAuditManager Used to save, restore or delete relevant engine objects from database, using DODS persistent layer. @author Tanja Jovanovic @version 1.0 com.thaiopensource.datatype.xsd.DurationDatatype
com.sun.ebank.util.AccountDetails This class holds the details of a bank account entity. It contains getters and setters for each variable. com.lutris.dods.builder.generator.dataobject.GenericDO
com.jcorporate.expresso.core.misc.upload.BaseValueParser Turbine stuff import org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector; BaseValueParser is a base class for classes that need to parse name/value Parameters, for example GET/POST data or Cookies (DefaultParameterParser and DefaultCookieParser) <p/> <p>It can also be used standalone, for an example This is the base implementation of a mock result set. It manages converting objects from the current row into a other types. Entries can be found by either column index or column name. For basic java types (e.g. int, boolean), insert an instance of the appropriate object (e.g. Integer, Boolean) It This class implements Transformer interface. It can be used to convert currency from one to another type Date: 23.07.2004. @version 1.0 @author Zeljko Kovacevic org.objectweb.cjdbc.scenario.raidb1.driver.SetXXXandGetXXXScenario This class is testing the setter for preparedstatement and the getters for ResultSet. @author <a HREF="">Marc Wick </a> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.impl.EDataObjectAnyTypeImpl <!-- begin-user-doc --> An implementation of the model object '<em><b>EData Object Any Type</b></em>'. <!-- end-user-doc --> <p> </p> @generated org.objectstyle.cayenne.util.ConversionUtil A collection of static conversion utility methods. @since 1.1 @author Andrei Adamchik org.hibernate.test.sql.MonetaryAmount Represents a monetary amount as value and currency. @author Gavin King <> @author Christian Bauer <> org.xquark.mapper.mapping.MappingTypeInfo @author sr To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments org.hsqldb.rowio.RowInputBinary Provides methods for reading the data for a row from a byte array. The format of data is that used for storage of cached tables by v.1.6.x databases, apart from strings. @author sqlbob@users (RMP) @author fredt@users @version 1.7.2 @since 1.7.0 com.mockobjects.eziba.sql.PreparedStatement This class manages PortletDbEntry objects. This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Thu Apr 22 15:30:48 PDT 2004] You should not use this class directly. It should not even be extended all references should be to PortletDbEntryManager | Popular Tags |