org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl Default implementation of the BeanWrapper interface that should be sufficient for all typical use cases. Caches introspection results for efficiency. <p>Note: This class never tries to load a class by name, as this can pose class loading problems in J2EE applications with multiple deploymen This class is interoperable with java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport, but relies on a streamlined copy-on-write scheme similar to that used in CopyOnWriteArrayList. It also adheres to clarified semantics of add, remove, and fireVetoableChange operations. <p> <b>Sample usage.</b> &l This class is interoperable with java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport, but relies on a streamlined copy-on-write scheme similar to that used in CopyOnWriteArrayList. This leads to much better performance in most event-intensive programs. It also adheres to clarified semantics of add and remove operat Superclass for exceptions related to a property access, such as type mismatch or invocation target exception. @author Rod Johnson org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.BrowserViewer A Web browser widget. It extends the Eclipse SWT Browser widget by adding an optional toolbar complete with a URL combo box, history, back & forward, and refresh buttons. <p> Use the style bits to choose which toolbars are available within the browser composite. You can access the embedd The JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel implementation of <code>InternalFrameUI</code>.<p> Uses a <code>PlasticInternalFrameTitlePane</code> that in turn uses <code>PlasticTheme</code> colors. @author Karsten Lentzsch @version $Revision: 1.2 $ The JGoodies Windows look and feel implemenation of <code>MenuBarUI</code>.<p> Can handle optional <code>Border</code> types as specified by the <code>BorderStyle</code> or <code>HeaderStyle</code> client properties. @author Karsten Lentzsch
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