org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.lib.EjbqlQueryFilterVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates the filter corresponding to the WHERE clause. Created on Sep 6, 2002 @author Christophe Ney [] : Intial developer @author Helene Joanin: Take into account the following operators abs(x), sqrt(x), length(str), substring(s, start, length), Implementation of a visitor that creates the filter org.apache.log4j.NDC org.objectweb.speedo.generation.jorm.rdb.FilterManager It manages the filter dedicated to the filtered inheritance mapping. @author S.Chassande-Barrioz org.enhydra.apache.xerces.validators.schema.TraverseSchema Instances of this class get delegated to Traverse the Schema and to populate the Grammar internal representation by instances of Grammar objects. Traverse a Schema Grammar: @author Eric Ye, IBM @author Jeffrey Rodriguez, IBM @author Andy Clark, IBM @see org.enhydra.apache.xerces.validators.commo A sequence of interaction with a user is defined as a "Controller". <p/> An Expresso controller is best thought of as a finite state machine. The only real difference is that because of the stateless nature of the web, anybody can reach any state with using the "s A simple, {@link java.util.Stack Stack}-based {@link KeyedObjectPool} implementation. <p> Given a {@link KeyedPoolableObjectFactory}, this class will maintain a simple pool of instances. A finite number of "sleeping" or inactive instances is enforced, but when the pool is empty, new instanc @author horn org.objectweb.jotm.Current <code>Current</code> is the common implementation for both <code>UserTransaction</code> and <code>TransactionManager</code>. <ul> <li><code>UserTransaction</code> is used by clients that want to demarcate transactions themselves. It is re ...SOFA.SOFAnode.Util.DFSRChecker.DFSR.DFSRTraverser DFSR traverser performs the traversing of the graph generated by the given parse tree. It uses the DFS with Replacement algorithm. jxl.biff.formula.StringFormulaParser Parses a string formula into a parse tree The logger The formula string passed to this object The parsed formula string, as retrieved from the parse tree The parse tree The stack argument used when parsing a function in order to pass multiple arguments back to the calling method The wo A base root SAX handler. @author Arun Yadav, Sun Microsystem jxl.biff.formula.TokenFormulaParser Parses the excel ptgs into a parse tree The logger The Excel ptgs The cell containing the formula. This is used in order to determine relative cell values The current position within the array The parse tree The hash table of items that have been parsed A reference to the workbook w <code>RandomWaitPoolConnectionManager</code> test class. @author <a HREF="">Mathieu Peltier </a> @see org.objectweb.cjdbc.controller.connection.RandomWaitPoolConnectionManager This Class verifies that Sars are valid. It performs a number of checks to make sure that the Sar represents a valid application and excluding runtime errors will start up validly. Some of the checks it performs include; <ul> <li>Verify names of Sar, Blocks and BlockListeners contain This is the base class of all DOM parsers. It implements the XNI callback methods to create the DOM tree. After a successful parse of an XML document, the DOM Document object can be queried using the <code>getDocument</code> method. The actual pipeline is defined in parser configuratio The Parser handles the SAXEvents and forwards the event call to the currently active ElementDefinitionHandler. Contains methods to manage and configure the parsing process. <p> An initial report definition handler must be set before the parser can be used. @author Thomas Morgner org.xquark.mediator.DOMUtils.EvaluationVisitor A simple class for evaluating en attendant the real evaluator. evaluate the expression and return true or false This class acts as a base class for the XML "serializers" and the stream serializers. It contains a number of common fields and methods. @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen @author G. Todd Miller | Popular Tags |