org.objectweb.carol.rmi.exception.NoSuchObjectExceptionHelper This class throws NoSuchObjectException by using provided exception, and set the detail attribute of the newly created exception. This avoid to forget initial exception.<br> initCause() cannot be used as it is a RemoteException.<br> Use detail attribute as suggested by Vadim Nasardinov Abstract implementation of the {@link ORB} interface. @author <a HREF="">Tim Anderson</a> @version $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2005/06/04 14:46:00 $ org.bsf.remoting.http.HttpSessionServer This is the servlet that intercept all the client calls and transmits these to the EJBs. All the client calls are Http POST calls that use url rewriting to keep the session id. <p> If the client uses authentication, it should call an authenticate(String login, String password) on a session. @author Juergen Hoeller @since 16.05.2003 org.jboss.ejb.plugins.StatefulHASessionInstanceCache SFSB cache for clustered environment. Mainly avoid "excessive" locking that can generate cluster-distributed deadlocks. @see org.jboss.ejb.plugins.StatefulSessionInstanceCache @author <a HREF="">Sacha Labourey</a>. @version $Revision: $ & Class <code>JrmpPRODelegate</code> for the mapping between Rmi jrmp UnicastRemoteObject and PortableRemoteObject com.caucho.ejb.NoSuchObjectExceptionWrapper Wraps the actual exception with an EJB exception org.jboss.iiop.rmi.RmiIdlUtil This class contains a bunch of methods taken from org.jboss.verifier.strategy.AbstractVerifier. There they are declared as instance methods. I copied them to this class and made them static here in order to call them as utility methods, without having to create a verifier instance, @author <a ... | Popular Tags |