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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > javax > naming > ldap > Control > Top Examples

  • org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerLdapContext
    An Eve implementation of a JNDI LdapContext. @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $
  • org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.DeadContext
    A do nothing placeholder context whose methods throw ConfigurationExceptions. The provider returns these context when the shutdown environment property key is set. By returning a non-null Context we prevent an unnecessary exception being thrown by InitialConext and any one of its subclasses. @au ...
  • org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerContext
    A non-federated abstract Context implementation. @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $
  • org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerDirContext
    The DirContext implementation for the Server Side JNDI LDAP provider. @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $
  • org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerContextFactory
    Adds additional bootstrapping for server socket listeners when firing up the server. @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a> @version $Rev: 169198 $ @see javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
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