KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > sellwin > db > Admin

1 package sellwin.db;
3 import sellwin.domain.*;
4 import sellwin.utils.*;
6 import java.util.*;
7 import java.sql.*;
9 // SellWin
//Contact for commercial help with SellWin
//This software is provided "AS IS", without a warranty of any kind.

14 /**
15  * This class implements some administrative type
16  * database routines used by the 'local' client on
17  * first time startup or initialization
18  */

19 public class Admin extends DBType {
21     private static final String JavaDoc[] drops =
22     { "drop table delete_info",
23         "drop table state_tax",
24         "drop table role_permission",
25         "drop table user_role",
26         "drop table user_group_member",
27         "drop table user_group",
28         "drop table sellwin_order",
29         "drop table quote_line",
30         "drop table quote",
31         "drop table attendee",
32         "drop table activity",
33         "drop table lead",
34         "drop table campaign",
35         "drop table customer_inventory",
36         "drop table product",
37         "drop table customer",
38         "drop table sales_person",
39         "drop table sales_person_role",
40         "drop table forecast",
41         "drop table contact",
42         "drop table opportunity",
43         "drop table address"
44     };
46     private static final String JavaDoc[] creates = {
47         "CREATE TABLE delete_info (" +
48             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
49             "class_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL)",
51         "CREATE TABLE state_tax (" +
52             "state_code VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
53             "state_full_name VARCHAR(30),"+
54             "tax_pct decimal(6,5) NOT NULL,"+
55             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
56             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
58         "CREATE TABLE address ("+
59             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
60             "first_name VARCHAR(25),"+
61             "last_name VARCHAR(25),"+
62             "middle_initial VARCHAR(20),"+
63             "address_line1 VARCHAR(80),"+
64             "address_line2 VARCHAR(80),"+
65             "title VARCHAR(7),"+
66             "phone VARCHAR(25),"+
67             "fax VARCHAR(25),"+
68             "pager VARCHAR(25),"+
69             "cell VARCHAR(25),"+
70             "email VARCHAR(80),"+
71             "city VARCHAR(25),"+
72             "state VARCHAR(25),"+
73             "country VARCHAR(25),"+
74             "zip VARCHAR(5),"+
75             "zip4 VARCHAR(4), "+
76             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
77             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
79         "CREATE TABLE sales_person ("+
80             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
81             "id VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL UNIQUE,"+
82             "password VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
83             "address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL,"+
84             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
85             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
86             "sync_date DATE,"+
87             "CONSTRAINT SPFK1 FOREIGN KEY (address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk))",
89         "CREATE TABLE customer ( "+
90             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
91             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "+
92             "ship_address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
93             "bill_address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
94             "annual_sales INTEGER NOT NULL, "+
95             "industry VARCHAR(25), "+
96             "channel VARCHAR(25), "+
97             "contact_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
98             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
99             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
100             "CONSTRAINT CUSTFK1 FOREIGN KEY (ship_address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk), "+
101             "CONSTRAINT CUSTFK2 FOREIGN KEY (bill_address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk), "+
102             "CONSTRAINT CUSTFK3 FOREIGN KEY (contact_pk) REFERENCES address (pk))",
104         "CREATE TABLE product (" +
105             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," +
106             "product_group VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
107             "line VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
108             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
109             "model_no VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
110             "cost DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL," +
111             "price DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL," +
112             "description VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," +
113             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
114             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
116         "CREATE TABLE customer_inventory ( "+
117             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
118             "customer_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
119             "product_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
120             "cnt INTEGER NOT NULL, "+
121             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
122             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
123             "CONSTRAINT CIFK1 FOREIGN KEY (customer_pk) REFERENCES customer (pk), "+
124             "CONSTRAINT CIFK2 FOREIGN KEY (product_pk) REFERENCES product (pk))",
126         "CREATE TABLE campaign (" +
127             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," +
128             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
129             "type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
130             "product_group VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
131             "product_line VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
132             "lead_count INTEGER NOT NULL," +
133             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
134             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
136         "CREATE TABLE lead (" +
137             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," +
138             "campaign_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL UNIQUE," +
139             "address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL," +
140             "company VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
141             "interest_level VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
142             "contacted_by_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL," +
143             "contact_date DATE NOT NULL," +
144             "converted_opp CHAR NOT NULL," +
145             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL," +
146             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL," +
147             "CONSTRAINT LEADFK1 FOREIGN KEY (campaign_pk) REFERENCES campaign (pk)," +
148             "CONSTRAINT LEADFK2 FOREIGN KEY (address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk)," +
149             "CONSTRAINT LEADFK3 FOREIGN KEY (contacted_by_pk) REFERENCES sales_person (pk))",
151         "CREATE TABLE opportunity ("+
152             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
153             "name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,"+
154             "dollar_value INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
155             "probability VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
156             "stage VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
157             "lead_source VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
158             "lead_type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
159             "description VARCHAR(125) NOT NULL,"+
160             "group_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
161             "prime_sp_pk bigint(15),"+
162             "cust_pk bigint(15),"+
163             "close_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
164             "lead_pk bigint(15),"+
165             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
166             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
168         "CREATE TABLE forecast ("+
169             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
170             "opp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL,"+
171             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL ,"+
172             "close_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
173             "submitted CHAR NOT NULL,"+
174             "submitted_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
175             "submitted_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
176             "revenue INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
177             "profit INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
178             "margin DECIMAL(3,2) NOT NULL,"+
179             "scenario VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
180             "amount_jan INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
181             "amount_feb INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
182             "amount_mar INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
183             "q1 INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
184             "amount_apr INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
185             "amount_may INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
186             "amount_jun INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
187             "q2 INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
188             "amount_jul INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
189             "amount_aug INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
190             "amount_sep INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
191             "q3 INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
192             "amount_oct INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
193             "amount_nov INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
194             "amount_dec INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
195             "q4 INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
196             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
197             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
198             "CONSTRAINT FORFK1 FOREIGN KEY (opp_pk) REFERENCES opportunity (pk))",
200         "CREATE TABLE contact ( "+
201             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
202             "opp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
203             "address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
204             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
205             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
206             "CONSTRAINT CONTFK1 FOREIGN KEY (opp_pk) REFERENCES opportunity (pk), "+
207             "CONSTRAINT CONTFK2 FOREIGN KEY (address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk))",
209         "CREATE TABLE activity ( "+
210             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
211             "opp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
212             "subject VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, "+
213             "type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
214             "place VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, "+
215             "message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "+
216             "start_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
217             "duration int NOT NULL, "+
218             "group_alarm CHAR NOT NULL, "+
219             "group_alarm_ack CHAR NOT NULL, "+
220             "alarm CHAR NOT NULL, "+
221             "alarm_ack CHAR NOT NULL, "+
222             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
223             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
224             "CONSTRAINT ACTFK1 FOREIGN KEY (opp_pk) REFERENCES opportunity (pk))",
226         "CREATE TABLE attendee ( "+
227             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
228             "activity_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
229             "person_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
230             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
231             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
232             "CONSTRAINT ATTFK1 FOREIGN KEY (activity_pk) REFERENCES activity (pk), "+
233             "CONSTRAINT ATTFK2 FOREIGN KEY (person_pk) REFERENCES sales_person (pk))",
235         "CREATE TABLE quote ("+
236             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
237             "opp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL,"+
238             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
239             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
240             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
241             "CONSTRAINT QUOFK1 FOREIGN KEY (opp_pk) REFERENCES opportunity (pk))",
243         "CREATE TABLE sellwin_order ( "+
244             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
245             "opp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
246             "order_number bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
247             "quote_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
248             "ship_address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
249             "bill_address_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
250             "status VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
251             "payment_form VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
252             "sub_total decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, "+
253             "tax decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, "+
254             "shipping decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, "+
255             "total decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, "+
256             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
257             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
258             "CONSTRAINT ORDFK1 FOREIGN KEY (opp_pk) REFERENCES opportunity (pk), "+
259             "CONSTRAINT ORDFK2 FOREIGN KEY (quote_pk) REFERENCES quote (pk), "+
260             "CONSTRAINT ORDFK3 FOREIGN KEY (ship_address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk), "+
261             "CONSTRAINT ORDFK4 FOREIGN KEY (bill_address_pk) REFERENCES address (pk))",
263         "CREATE TABLE quote_line ("+
264             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
265             "quote_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL,"+
266             "product_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL,"+
267             "product_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
268             "product_model_no VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
269             "quantity INTEGER NOT NULL,"+
270             "cost DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL,"+
271             "unit_price DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL,"+
272             "total_price DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL,"+
273             "product_desc VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,"+
274             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
275             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL,"+
276             "CONSTRAINT QULFK1 FOREIGN KEY (quote_pk) REFERENCES quote (pk),"+
277             "CONSTRAINT QULFK2 FOREIGN KEY (product_pk) REFERENCES product (pk))",
279         "CREATE TABLE user_group ("+
280             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
281             "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
282             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
283             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
285         "CREATE TABLE user_group_member ( "+
286             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
287             "user_group_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
288             "user_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
289             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
290             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
291             "CONSTRAINT UGFK1 FOREIGN KEY (user_group_pk) REFERENCES user_group (pk), "+
292             "CONSTRAINT UGFK2 FOREIGN KEY (user_pk) REFERENCES sales_person (pk))",
294         "CREATE TABLE user_role ("+
295             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"+
296             "name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL UNIQUE,"+
297             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"+
298             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
300         "CREATE TABLE sales_person_role ( "+
301             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
302             "sp_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
303             "user_role_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
304             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
305             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL)",
307         "CREATE TABLE role_permission ( "+
308             "pk bigint(15) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "+
309             "user_role_pk bigint(15) NOT NULL, "+
310             "name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, "+
311             "r CHAR NOT NULL, "+
312             "w CHAR NOT NULL, "+
313             "modified_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "+
314             "modified_date DATE NOT NULL, "+
315             "CONSTRAINT rpfk1 FOREIGN KEY (user_role_pk) REFERENCES user_role (pk))"
318     };
320     private final static String JavaDoc[] create_roles = {
322         "INSERT INTO sellwin.user_role (pk, name, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (1, 'Sales Rep', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
324         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (1, 1, 'Forecast', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
326         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (2, 1, 'Quote', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
328         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (3, 1, 'Activity', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
330         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (4, 1, 'Basic Admin', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
332         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (5, 1, 'User Admin', 'N', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
334         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (6, 1, 'Order', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
336         "INSERT INTO user_role (pk, name, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (2, 'Sales Mgr', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
338         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (7, 2, 'Forecast', 'N', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
340         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (8, 2, 'Quote', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
342         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (9, 2, 'Activity', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
344         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (10, 2, 'Basic Admin', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
346         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (11, 2, 'User Admin', 'N', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
348         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (12, 2, 'Order', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
350         "INSERT INTO user_role (pk, name, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (3, 'Sales Support', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
352         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (13, 3, 'Forecast', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
354         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (14, 3, 'Quote', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
356         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (15, 3, 'Activity', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
358         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (16, 3, 'Basic Admin', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
360         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (17, 3, 'User Admin', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
362         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (18, 3, 'Order', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
364         "INSERT INTO user_role (pk, name, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (4, 'System Admin', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
366         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (19, 4, 'Forecast', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
368         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (20, 4, 'Quote', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
370         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (21, 4, 'Activity', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
372         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (22, 4, 'Basic Admin', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
374         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (23, 4, 'User Admin', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
376         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (24, 4, 'Order', 'Y', 'Y', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
378         "INSERT INTO user_role (pk, name, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (5, 'Marketing Rep', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
380         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (25, 5, 'Forecast', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
382         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (26, 5, 'Quote', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
384         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (27, 5, 'Activity', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
386         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (28, 5, 'Basic Admin', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
388         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (29, 5, 'User Admin', 'N', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
390         "INSERT INTO sellwin.role_permission (pk, user_role_pk, name, r, w, modified_by, modified_date) VALUES (30, 5, 'Order', 'Y', 'N', 'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) "
391     };
393     private final static String JavaDoc[] state_tax = {
394         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('ALABAMA','AL', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
395         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('ALASKA','AK', 0.00,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
396         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('ARIZONA','AZ', 0.056,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
397         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('ARKANSAS','AR', 0.05125,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
398         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('CALIFORNIA','CA', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
399         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('COLORADO','CO', 0.029,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
400         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('CONNECTICUT','CT', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
401         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('DELAWARE','DE', 0.00,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
402         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA','DC', 0.0575,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
403         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('FLORIDA','FL', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
404         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('GEORGIA','GA', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
405         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('HAWAII','HI', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
406         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('IDAHO','ID', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
407         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('ILLINOIS','IL', 0.0625,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
408         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('INDIANA','IN', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
409         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('IOWA','IA', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
410         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('KANSAS','KS', 0.049,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
411         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('KENTUCKY','KY', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
412         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('LOUISIANA','LA', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
413         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MAINE','ME', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
414         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MARYLAND','MD', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
415         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MASSACHUSETTS','MA', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
416         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MICHIGAN','MI', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
417         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MINNESOTA','MN', 0.065,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
418         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MISSISSIPPI','MS', 0.07,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
419         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MISSOURI','MO', 0.04225,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
420         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('MONTANA','MT', 0.00,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
421         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEBRASKA','NE', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
422         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEVADA','NV', 0.0425,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
423         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEW HAMPSHIRE','NH', 0.00,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE)",
424         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEW JERSEY','NJ', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
425         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEW MEXICO','NM', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
426         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NEW YORK','NY', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
427         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NORTH CAROLINA','NC', 0.045,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
428         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('NORTH DAKOTA','ND', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
429         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('OHIO','OH', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
430         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('OKLAHOMA','OK', 0.045,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
431         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('OREGON','OR', 0.00,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
432         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('PENNSYLVANIA','PA', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
433         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('RHODE ISLAND','RI', 0.07,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
434         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('SOUTH CAROLINA','SC', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
435         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('SOUTH DAKOTA','SD', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
436         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('TENNESSEE','TN', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
437         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('TEXAS','TX', 0.0625,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
438         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('UTAH','UT', 0.0475,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
439         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('VERMONT','VT', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
440         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('VIRGINIA','VA', 0.035,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
441         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('WASHINGTON','WA', 0.065,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
442         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('WEST VIRGINIA','WV', 0.06,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
443         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('WISCONSIN','WI', 0.05,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
444         "insert into state_tax (state_full_name, state_code, tax_pct, modified_by, modified_date) values ('WYOMING','WY', 0.04,'SYSTEM', CURRENT_DATE) ",
445     };
447     private final static String JavaDoc[] office_products = {
448         "insert into sellwin.product values (1, 'seating', 'Aerial', 'Size A - Aerial', 'a-1', 911.78, 888.55, 'Aerial Size A Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
449         "insert into sellwin.product values (2, 'seating', 'Aerial', 'Size B - Aerial', 'a-2', 888.42, 777.55, 'Aerial Size B Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
450         "insert into sellwin.product values (3, 'seating', 'Aerial', 'Size C - Aerial', 'a-3', 712.42, 727.82, 'Aerial Size C Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
451         "insert into sellwin.product values (4, 'seating', 'Equity', 'Size A - Equity', 'ea-1', 345.42, 123.82, 'Equity Size A Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
452         "insert into sellwin.product values (5, 'seating', 'Equity', 'Size B - Equity', 'eb-1', 145.42, 123.82, 'Equity Size B Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
453         "insert into sellwin.product values (6, 'seating', 'Equity', 'Size C - Equity', 'ec-1', 45.42, 23.82, 'Equity Size C Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
454         "insert into sellwin.product values (7, 'systems furniture', 'Act', 'Size A - Act', 'ac-1', 100.42, 75.82, 'Act Size A Chair', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
455         "insert into sellwin.product values (8, 'systems furniture', 'Act', 'Size B - Act', 'ab-8', 999.42, 787.82, 'Act Size B ', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
456         "insert into sellwin.product values (9, 'systems furniture', 'Act', 'Size B - Surface laminate - Act', 'ac-9', 199.42, 188.82, 'Act Surface Lam', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
457         "insert into sellwin.product values (10, 'systems furniture', 'R System', 'Size A - R System', 'sc-9', 101.42, 77.82, 'R System Size A', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
458         "insert into sellwin.product values (11, 'systems furniture', 'R System', 'Size B - R System', 'sc-9', 101.42, 77.82, 'R System Size B', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
459         "insert into sellwin.product values (12, 'systems furniture', 'R System', 'Size C - R System', 'sc-9', 101.42, 77.82, 'R System Size C', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
460         "insert into sellwin.product values (13, 'freestanding furniture', 'Eanes', 'Storage units', 'e-19', 652.42, 399.82, 'Eanes Stor Units', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
461         "insert into sellwin.product values (14, 'freestanding furniture', 'Eanes', 'Desks', 'e-29', 183.42, 99.82, 'Eanes Stor Units', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
462         "insert into sellwin.product values (15, 'freestanding furniture', 'Eanes', 'Conference table', 'e-39', 222.42, 100.82, 'Eanes Conf Table', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
463         "insert into sellwin.product values (16, 'freestanding furniture', 'Eanes', 'Side Table', 'e-49', 333.42, 111.82, 'Eanes Side Table', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
464         "insert into sellwin.product values (17, 'freestanding furniture', 'Burdine', 'Table', 'bur-1', 721.42, 100.82, 'Burdine Table', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
465         "insert into sellwin.product values (18, 'freestanding furniture', 'Burdine', 'Coffee Table', 'bur-2', 200.42, 100.02, 'Burdine Coff Table', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
466         "insert into sellwin.product values (19, 'freestanding furniture', 'Burdine', 'Desk', 'bur-3', 1721.42, 1100.82, 'Burdine Dsk', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
467         "insert into sellwin.product values (20, 'freestanding furniture', 'Burdine', 'Conf Table', 'bur-4', 721.42, 100.82, 'Burdine Table', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
468         "insert into sellwin.product values (21, 'accessories', 'Harry Miller', 'Keyboard', 'mil-5', 21.42, 10.82, 'Keyboard', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
469         "insert into sellwin.product values (22, 'accessories', 'Harry Miller', 'Shelves', 'mil-6', 31.42, 30.82, 'Shelves', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
470         "insert into sellwin.product values (23, 'accessories', 'Harry Miller', 'Paper Tray', 'mil-7', 41.42, 20.82, 'Paper Tray', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
471         "insert into sellwin.product values (24, 'accessories', 'Harry Miller', 'CPU Holder', 'mil-8', 51.42, 19.82, 'CPU Holder', 'SYSTEM', current_date) "
472     };
474     private final static String JavaDoc[] test_data = {
475         "INSERT INTO sellwin.address VALUES (1, 'Jeff', 'Roberts', 'A', '111 Spring Road', ' ', 'Mr.', '512-111-2222', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', 'Dallas', 'TX', 'USA', '78732', ' ', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
476         "INSERT INTO sellwin.address VALUES (12345, 'Jeff', 'McCormick', 'X', 'Ocean blvd ', ' ', 'Mr.', '512-111-2222', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', 'Austin', 'TX', 'USA', '78732', ' ', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
477         "INSERT INTO sellwin.sales_person VALUES (1, 'trial', 'trial', 1, 'SYSTEM', current_date, current_date) ",
478         "insert into sellwin.campaign values (1, 'campaign1', 'camptype1', 'group1', 'line1', 8, 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
479         "insert into sellwin.lead values (1, 1, 12345, 'company1', 'interest1', 1, current_date, 'Y', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
480         "insert into sellwin.user_group values (1, 'usergroup1', 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
481         "insert into sellwin.user_group_member values (1, 1, 1, 'SYSTEM', current_date) ",
482         "insert into sellwin.sales_person_role values (1, 1, 4, 'SYSTEM', current_date) "
483     };
485     private Connection con;
487     public Admin() {
488     }
490     /**
491      * construct specifying a particular db type
492      * @param dbType db type to assume
493      */

494     public Admin(int dbType) {
495         DB_TYPE = dbType;
496     }
498     /**
499      * a constructor that accepts an existing Connection
500      * to use for future operations
501      *
502      * @param con the Connection to use
503      */

504     public Admin(Connection con) {
505         this.con = con;
506     }
508     /**
509      * get the Connection in use
510      *
511      * @return the Connection in use
512      */

513     public Connection getConnection() {
514         return this.con;
515     }
517     /**
518      * set the Connection to use
519      *
520      * @param con the Connection to use for any future IO's
521      */

522     public final void setConnection(Connection con)
523         throws SQLException {
525         this.con = con;
526     }
529     /**
530      * drop all tables
531      *
532      * @exception java.sql.SQLException
533      */

534     public final void dropAllTables()
535         throws SQLException {
537         Statement stmt = null;
539         try {
541             stmt = con.createStatement();
543             StringBuffer JavaDoc query = null;
544             int updatedRows;
546             LogWrite.write("about to drop " + drops.length);
547             for (int i=0;i<drops.length;i++) {
548                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
549                 query.append(drops[i]);
550                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
551                 if (Prefs.DEBUG) LogWrite.write(query.toString());
552                 try {
553                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
554                 } catch (SQLException e) {
555                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
556                 }
557             }
558         } catch (SQLException e) {
559             throw e;
560         } finally {
561             try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
562             } catch (SQLException x) { }
563         }
564     }
566     /**
567      * create all tables
568      *
569      * @exception java.sql.SQLException
570      */

571     public final void createAllTables()
572         throws SQLException {
574         Statement stmt = null;
576         try {
578             stmt = con.createStatement();
580             StringBuffer JavaDoc query = null;
581             int updatedRows;
583             LogWrite.write("about to create " + creates.length);
584             for (int i=0;i<creates.length;i++) {
585                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
586                 query.append(creates[i]);
587                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
588                 if (Prefs.DEBUG) LogWrite.write(query.toString());
589                 try {
590                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
591                 } catch (SQLException e) {
592                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
593                 }
594             }
595         } catch (SQLException e) {
596             throw e;
597         } finally {
598             try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
599             } catch (SQLException x) { }
600         }
601     }
604     /**
605      * test to see if a table exists, this will tell us
606      * if we need to build the database or not
607      * @return true if the table exists, false if no table
608      */

609     public final boolean testTable() {
610         Statement stmt = null;
611         ResultSet rs = null;
612         String JavaDoc query = "select count(*) from sales_person";
614         try {
615             stmt = con.createStatement();
616             rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
617             return true;
618         } catch (SQLException e) {
619             LogWrite.write(e);
620             return false;
621         } catch (Exception JavaDoc x) {
622             LogWrite.write(x);
623             return false;
624         } finally {
625             try {
626                 if (rs != null) rs.close();
627             } catch (SQLException y) { }
628             try {
629                 if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
630             } catch (SQLException z) { }
631         }
632     }
634     public final int testTableData() {
635         Statement stmt = null;
636         ResultSet rs = null;
637         String JavaDoc query = "select count(*) rupert from sales_person";
639         try {
640             stmt = con.createStatement();
641             rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
642   ;
643             int ct = rs.getInt("rupert");
644             return ct;
645         } catch (SQLException e) {
646             e.printStackTrace();
647             LogWrite.write(e);
648         } catch (Exception JavaDoc x) {
649             LogWrite.write(x);
650         } finally {
651             try {
652                 if (rs != null) rs.close();
653             } catch (SQLException y) { }
654             try {
655                 if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
656             } catch (SQLException z) { }
657         }
659         return 0;
660     }
662     public final void loadTestData()
663         throws SQLException {
665         Statement stmt = null;
667         try {
669             stmt = con.createStatement();
671             StringBuffer JavaDoc query = null;
672             int updatedRows;
674             LogWrite.write("creating " + create_roles.length + " test roles");
675             for (int i=0;i<create_roles.length;i++) {
676                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
677                 query.append(create_roles[i]);
678                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
679                 try {
680                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
681                 } catch (SQLException e) {
682                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
683                 }
684             }
685             LogWrite.write("creating " + state_tax.length + " test state tax");
686             for (int i=0;i<state_tax.length;i++) {
687                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
688                 query.append(state_tax[i]);
689                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
690                 try {
691                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
692                 } catch (SQLException e) {
693                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
694                 }
695             }
696             LogWrite.write("creating " + test_data.length + " test data");
697             for (int i=0;i<test_data.length;i++) {
698                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
699                 query.append(test_data[i]);
700                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
701                 try {
702                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
703                 } catch (SQLException e) {
704                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
705                 }
706             }
707             LogWrite.write("creating " + office_products.length + " test products");
708             for (int i=0;i<office_products.length;i++) {
709                 query = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
710                 query.append(office_products[i]);
711                 LogWrite.write(query.toString());
712                 try {
713                     updatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(query.toString());
714                 } catch (SQLException e) {
715                     LogWrite.write(e.getMessage());
716                 }
717             }
718         } catch (SQLException e) {
719             throw e;
720         } finally {
721             try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
722             } catch (SQLException x) { }
723         }
724     }
726 }
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