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Java > Open Source Codes > org > webdocwf > util > loader > JdbcParametersElement

1 package org.webdocwf.util.loader;
3 /**
4   JdbcParametersElement - Element in parallel to importDefinitions and sql's.
6     Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Together
8     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23  Date: 20.5.2003.
24  @version 1.0.0
25  @author: Zoran Milakovic
26  */

28 import*;
29 import java.util.*;
31 import javax.xml.parsers.*;
33 import org.w3c.dom.*;
34 import org.webdocwf.util.loader.logging.*;
36 /**
37  *
38  * JdbcParametersElement class sets the jdbc parameters
39  * @author Radoslav Dutina
40  * @version 1.0
41  */

42 public class JdbcParametersElement {
44   private String JavaDoc strJDBCSourceParameterDriver = "";
45   private String JavaDoc strJDBCTargetParameterDriver = "";
46   private String JavaDoc strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = "";
47   private String JavaDoc strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = "";
48   private String JavaDoc strJDBCSourceParameterUser = "";
49   private String JavaDoc strJDBCTargetParameterUser = "";
50   private String JavaDoc strJDBCSourceParameterPassword = "";
51   private String JavaDoc strJDBCTargetParameterPassword = "";
53   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver = "";
54   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver = "";
55   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection = "";
56   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection = "";
57   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser = "";
58   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterUser = "";
59   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterPassword = "";
60   private String JavaDoc strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword = "";
62   private String JavaDoc strDbVendor = "";
63   private String JavaDoc strDriverName = "";
65   private String JavaDoc strTargetDbVendor = "";
66   private String JavaDoc strTargetDriverName = "";
68   private String JavaDoc strDbVendorDefault = "";
69   private String JavaDoc strDriverNameDefault = "";
71   private String JavaDoc strTargetDbVendorDefault = "";
72   private String JavaDoc strTargetDriverNameDefault = "";
74   private Logger logger;
75   private Vector targetConnections;
77   private String JavaDoc loaderJobFile="";
78   private ConfigReader configReaderSource;
81   /**
82    * Method parseTargetJDBCParameters is used to analyse import XML file
83    * @param inStream Data from inputXML file which is converted into InputStream.
84    * @throws LoaderException
85    */

86   public void parseTargetJDBCParameters(InputStream inStream) throws LoaderException{
87     Document doc = null;
88     targetConnections=new Vector();
89     try {
90       DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
91       DocumentBuilder db = null;
92       db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
93       doc = db.parse(inStream);
94     } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
95       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
96       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception: ",
97                                                (Throwable JavaDoc)e);
98       throw le;
99     }
100     if (doc != null) {
101       NodeList targetList = doc.getElementsByTagName( "jdbcTargetParameters" );
102       int position=0;
103       if(targetList.getLength()!=0){
104         for(int i=0;i<targetList.getLength();i++){
106           targetConnections.add(position,"");
107           targetConnections.add(position+1,"");
108           targetConnections.add(position+2,"");
109           targetConnections.add(position+3,"");
111           NodeList childs=targetList.item(i).getChildNodes();
112           for(int k=0;k<childs.getLength();k++){
113             if(childs.item(k).getNodeType()==3){
114               //
116               NamedNodeMap attributes= childs.item(k).getAttributes();
117               String JavaDoc name=attributes.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
118               if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("JdbcDriver"))
119                 targetConnections.set(position,attributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
120               else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Connection.Url")){
121                 targetConnections.set(position+1,attributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
122               }else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("User"))
123                 targetConnections.set(position+2,attributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
124               else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Password"))
125                 targetConnections.set(position+3,attributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
127             }
128           }
129           position=position+4;
130         }
131       }
132     }
133     try {
134       inStream.reset();
135     } catch (IOException e) {
136       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
137       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("IOException: ",(Throwable JavaDoc)e);
138       throw le;
139   }
140   }
142   /**
143    * This method read the value of targetConnections parameter
144    * @return value of parameter
145    */

146   public Vector getTargetConnections(){
147     return targetConnections;
148   }
150   /**
151    * Method parseImportJDBCParameters is used to analyse import XML file
152    * about JDBC parameters tags. Puts values of first importDefinition's JDBC parameters in global variables.
153    * @param inStream Data from inputXML file which is converted into InputStream.
154    * @param number order number of importDefinition or sql tag which is proceeded.
155    * @param tagName name of tag which is proceeded
156    * @throws LoaderException
157    */

158   public void parseImportJDBCParameters (InputStream inStream,int number,String JavaDoc tagName) throws LoaderException{
159     this.strJDBCSourceParameterDriver = "";
160     this.strJDBCTargetParameterDriver = "";
161     this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = "";
162     this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = "";
163     this.strJDBCSourceParameterUser = "";
164     this.strJDBCTargetParameterUser = "";
165     this.strJDBCSourceParameterPassword = "";
166     this.strJDBCTargetParameterPassword = "";
167     this.strDbVendor = "";
168     this.strDriverName = "";
169     this.strTargetDbVendor = "";
170     this.strTargetDriverName = "";
171     number--;
172     Document doc = null;
173     Vector vecJDBCTargetValue = new Vector();
174     Vector vecJDBCTargetName = new Vector();
175     Vector vecJDBCSourceValue = new Vector();
176     Vector vecJDBCSourceName = new Vector();
177     boolean isOK = false;
179     this.logger.write("full", "\tparseImportJDBCParameters method is started.");
180     try {
181       DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
182       DocumentBuilder db = null;
183       db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
184       doc = db.parse(inStream);
185     } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
186       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
187       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception: ",
188                                                (Throwable JavaDoc)e);
189       throw le;
190 // System.exit(1);
192     if (doc != null) {
193       NodeList tagDefault = doc.getElementsByTagName( tagName );
194       if (tagDefault.getLength() != 0) {
195         Element docFragment = (Element)tagDefault.item( number );
196         //source parameters
NodeList tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcSourceParameters");
198         if (tag.getLength() != 0) {
199           NamedNodeMap jdbc = tag.item(0).getAttributes();
200           Node nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("dbVendor");
201           if (nodeJdbc != null)
202             this.strDbVendor = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
203           nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("driverName");
204           if (nodeJdbc != null)
205             this.strDriverName = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
206         }
207         //target parameters
tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcTargetParameters");
209         if (tag.getLength() != 0) {
210           NamedNodeMap jdbc = tag.item(0).getAttributes();
211           Node nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("dbVendor");
212           if (nodeJdbc != null)
213             this.strTargetDbVendor = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
214           nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("driverName");
215           if (nodeJdbc != null)
216             this.strTargetDriverName = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
217         }
219         tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcSourceParameter");
220         for (int i = 0; i < tag.getLength(); i++) {
221           String JavaDoc nodeValueValue = "";
222           String JavaDoc nodeNameValue = "";
223           NamedNodeMap attrs = tag.item(i).getAttributes();
224           Node nodeValue = attrs.getNamedItem("value");
225           Node nodeName = attrs.getNamedItem("name");
226           if (nodeValue != null && nodeName != null) {
227             nodeValueValue = nodeValue.getNodeValue();
228             nodeNameValue = nodeName.getNodeValue();
229           }
230           vecJDBCSourceValue.addElement(nodeValueValue);
231           vecJDBCSourceName.addElement(nodeNameValue);
232         }
233         for (int i = 0; i < vecJDBCSourceValue.size(); i++) {
234           if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("JdbcDriver"))
235             this.strJDBCSourceParameterDriver = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
236           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Connection.Url")) {
237             //Testing SelectMethod parameter in microsoft MSSQL driver
if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver")!=-1) {
239               if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("SelectMethod")==-1) {
240                 this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString()+";SelectMethod=cursor";
241               } else {
242                 if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("cursor")!=-1) {
243                   this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
244                 } else {
245                   this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor" );
246                   LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception:", new Exception JavaDoc("value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor"));
247                   throw le;
248                 }
249               }
250             } else {
251               this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
252             }
253           }
254           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("User"))
255             this.strJDBCSourceParameterUser = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
256           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Password"))
257             this.strJDBCSourceParameterPassword = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
258         }
259         tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcTargetParameter");
260         for (int i = 0; i < tag.getLength(); i++) {
261           String JavaDoc nodeValueValue = "";
262           String JavaDoc nodeNameValue = "";
263           NamedNodeMap attrs = tag.item(i).getAttributes();
264           Node nodeValue = attrs.getNamedItem("value");
265           Node nodeName = attrs.getNamedItem("name");
266           if (nodeValueValue != null && nodeName != null) {
267             nodeValueValue = nodeValue.getNodeValue();
268             nodeNameValue = nodeName.getNodeValue();
269           }
270           vecJDBCTargetValue.addElement(nodeValueValue);
271           vecJDBCTargetName.addElement(nodeNameValue);
272         }
273         for (int i = 0; i < vecJDBCTargetValue.size(); i++) {
274           if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("JdbcDriver"))
275             this.strJDBCTargetParameterDriver = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
276           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Connection.Url")) {
277             //Testing SelectMethod parameter in microsoft MSSQL driver
if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver")!=-1) {
279               if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("SelectMethod")==-1) {
280                 this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString()+";SelectMethod=cursor";
281               } else {
282                 if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("cursor")!=-1) {
283                   this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
284                 } else {
285                   this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor" );
286                   LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception:", new Exception JavaDoc("value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor"));
287                   throw le;
288                 }
289               }
290             } else {
291               this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
292             }
293           }
294           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("User"))
295             this.strJDBCTargetParameterUser = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
296           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Password"))
297             this.strJDBCTargetParameterPassword = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
298         }
299       }
300       isOK=true;
301     }
302     try {
303       inStream.reset();
304     } catch (IOException e) {
305       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
306       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("IOException: ",
307                                                (Throwable JavaDoc)e);
308       throw le;
309     }
310     this.logger.write("full", "\tparseImportJDBCDefaultParameters method is finished.");
311   }
314   /**
315    * Method parseImportJDBCDefaultParameters is used to analyse import XML file
316    * about Default JDBC parameters tags.
317    * @param inStream Data from inputXML file which is converted into InputStream.
318    * @return boolean - true default jdbc parameters exists, false otherwise
319    * @throws LoaderException
320    */

321   public boolean parseImportJDBCDefaultParameters (InputStream inStream) throws LoaderException{
322     Document doc = null;
323     Vector vecJDBCTargetValue = new Vector();
324     Vector vecJDBCTargetName = new Vector();
325     Vector vecJDBCSourceValue = new Vector();
326     Vector vecJDBCSourceName = new Vector();
327     boolean isOK = false;
329     this.logger.write("full", "\tparseImportJDBCDefaultParameters method is started.");
330     try {
331       DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
332       DocumentBuilder db = null;
333       db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
334       doc = db.parse(inStream);
335     } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
336       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
337       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception: ",
338                                                (Throwable JavaDoc)e);
339       throw le;
340     }
341     if (doc != null) {
342       NodeList tagDefault = doc.getElementsByTagName("jdbcDefaultParameters");
343       if (tagDefault.getLength() != 0) {
344         Element docFragment = (Element)tagDefault.item(0);
345         NodeList tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcSourceParameters");
346         if (tag.getLength() != 0) {
347           NamedNodeMap jdbc = tag.item(0).getAttributes();
348           Node nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("dbVendor");
349           if (nodeJdbc != null)
350             this.strDbVendorDefault = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
351           nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("driverName");
352           if (nodeJdbc != null)
353             this.strDriverNameDefault = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
354         }
355         tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcTargetParameters");
356         if (tag.getLength() != 0) {
357           NamedNodeMap jdbc = tag.item(0).getAttributes();
358           Node nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("dbVendor");
359           if (nodeJdbc != null)
360             this.strTargetDbVendorDefault = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
361           nodeJdbc = jdbc.getNamedItem("driverName");
362           if (nodeJdbc != null)
363             this.strTargetDriverNameDefault = nodeJdbc.getNodeValue();
364         }
365         tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcSourceParameter");
366         for (int i = 0; i < tag.getLength(); i++) {
367           String JavaDoc nodeValueValue = "";
368           String JavaDoc nodeNameValue = "";
369           NamedNodeMap attrs = tag.item(i).getAttributes();
370           Node nodeValue = attrs.getNamedItem("value");
371           Node nodeName = attrs.getNamedItem("name");
372           if (nodeValue != null && nodeName != null) {
373             nodeValueValue = nodeValue.getNodeValue();
374             nodeNameValue = nodeName.getNodeValue();
375           }
376           vecJDBCSourceValue.addElement(nodeValueValue);
377           vecJDBCSourceName.addElement(nodeNameValue);
378         }
379         for (int i = 0; i < vecJDBCSourceValue.size(); i++) {
380           if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("JdbcDriver"))
381             this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
382           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Connection.Url")) {
383             //Testing SelectMethod parameter in microsoft MSSQL driver
if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver")!=-1) {
385               if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("SelectMethod")==-1) {
386                 this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString()+";SelectMethod=cursor";
387               } else {
388                 if(vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("cursor")!=-1) {
389                   this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
390                 } else {
391                   this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor" );
392                   LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception:", new Exception JavaDoc("value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor"));
393                   throw le;
394                 }
395               }
396             } else {
397               this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
398             }
399           }
400           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("User"))
401             this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
402           else if (vecJDBCSourceName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Password"))
403             this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterPassword = vecJDBCSourceValue.get(i).toString();
404         }
405         tag = docFragment.getElementsByTagName("jdbcTargetParameter");
406         for (int i = 0; i < tag.getLength(); i++) {
407           String JavaDoc nodeValueValue = "";
408           String JavaDoc nodeNameValue = "";
409           NamedNodeMap attrs = tag.item(i).getAttributes();
410           Node nodeValue = attrs.getNamedItem("value");
411           Node nodeName = attrs.getNamedItem("name");
412           if (nodeValueValue != null && nodeName != null) {
413             nodeValueValue = nodeValue.getNodeValue();
414             nodeNameValue = nodeName.getNodeValue();
415           }
416           vecJDBCTargetValue.addElement(nodeValueValue);
417           vecJDBCTargetName.addElement(nodeNameValue);
418         }
419         for (int i = 0; i < vecJDBCTargetValue.size(); i++) {
420           if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("JdbcDriver"))
421             this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
422           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Connection.Url")) {
423             //Testing SelectMethod parameter in microsoft MSSQL driver
if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver")!=-1) {
425               if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("SelectMethod")==-1) {
426                 this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString()+";SelectMethod=cursor";
427               } else {
428                 if(vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString().indexOf("cursor")!=-1) {
429                   this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
430                 } else {
431                   this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor" );
432                   LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception:", new Exception JavaDoc("value of Connection.Url perameter SelectMethod has to be cursor"));
433                   throw le;
434                 }
435               }
436             } else {
437               this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
438             }
439           }
440           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("User"))
441             this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterUser = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
442           else if (vecJDBCTargetName.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("Password"))
443             this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword = vecJDBCTargetValue.get(i).toString();
444         }
445       }
446       isOK=true;
447     }
448     try {
449       inStream.reset();
450     } catch (IOException e) {
451       this.logger.write("normal", "Sorry, an error occurred: " + e);
452       LoaderException le = new LoaderException("IOException: ",
453                                                (Throwable JavaDoc)e);
454       throw le;
455     }
456     this.logger.write("full", "\tparseImportJDBCDefaultParameters method is finished.");
457     return isOK;
458   }
460   //set and get methods
462    * Set Logger of this class.
463    * @param logger Logger object which is used to write to log and standard output.
464    */

465   public void setLogger(Logger logger) {
466     this.logger = logger;
467   }
469   /**
470    * Set ConfigReader of this class.
471    * @param configReader defines ConfigReader object which is used to store data
472    * about source driver.
473    */

474   public void setConfigReaderSource(ConfigReader configReader) {
475     this.configReaderSource = configReader;
476   }
479   /**
480    * This method set the absolute path to loader job file
481    * @param loaderJobName is relativ path to loader job file
482    */

483   public void setLoaderJobPath(String JavaDoc loaderJobName){
484     File file=new File(loaderJobName);
485     this.loaderJobFile=file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent()+System.getProperty("file.separator");
486   }
488   /**
489    * This method make absoulte path from relative path
490    * @param urlToDatabase relative path
491    * @return absolute path
492    * @throws LoaderException
493    */

494   public String JavaDoc getAbsolutePathFromDatabaseURL(String JavaDoc urlToDatabase) throws LoaderException{
496     if(configReaderSource.getFileSystemDatabase()==true){
497       String JavaDoc urlPrefix = configReaderSource.getConnectionPrefix();
498       String JavaDoc pathToDatabase=urlToDatabase.substring(urlPrefix.length());
499       File file=new File(pathToDatabase);
500       if (!file.isAbsolute()){
501         pathToDatabase=this.loaderJobFile + pathToDatabase;
502         File absolutePath=new File(pathToDatabase);
503         try {
504           pathToDatabase=absolutePath.getCanonicalPath();
505         }
506         catch (Exception JavaDoc ex) {
507           this.logger.write("normal", ex.getMessage());
508           LoaderException le = new LoaderException("Exception: ",(Throwable JavaDoc)ex);
509           throw le;
510         }
511         urlToDatabase = urlToDatabase.substring(0, (urlPrefix.length())) +
512                         pathToDatabase;
513       }
514     }
515     return urlToDatabase;
516   }
519 //source parameters
521    * Method return JDBCSourceParameterConnection,or if that
522    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
523    * strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection
524    * @return JDBCSourceParameterConnection
525    * @throws LoaderException
526    */

527   public String JavaDoc getJDBCSourceParameterConnection() throws LoaderException {
528     String JavaDoc parseUrl="";
529     try{
530       if (!this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection.equals("")) {
531         parseUrl= getAbsolutePathFromDatabaseURL(this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection);
532       } else {
533         parseUrl= getAbsolutePathFromDatabaseURL(this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection);
534       }
535     }catch(LoaderException ex){
536       throw ex;
537     }
538     return parseUrl;
539   }
541   /**
542    * This method set value of strJDBCSourceParameterConnection parameter
543    * @param arg set JDBCSouceParameterConnection to value of arg
544    */

545   public void setJDBCSourceParameterConnection(String JavaDoc arg) {
546     this.strJDBCSourceParameterConnection = arg;
547   }
549   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection() {
550     return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterConnection;
551   }
553   /**
554    * Method return JDBCSourceParameterDriver,or if that
555    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
556    * strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver
557    * @return JDBCSourceParameterDriver
558    */

559   public String JavaDoc getJDBCSourceParameterDriver() {
560     if( !this.strJDBCSourceParameterDriver.equals("") )
561       return this.strJDBCSourceParameterDriver;
562     else
563       return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver;
564   }
566   /**
567    * This method set value of strJDBCSourceParameterDriver parameter
568    * @param arg set JDBCSouceParameterDriver to value of arg
569    */

570   public void setJDBCSourceParameterDriver(String JavaDoc arg) {
571     this.strJDBCSourceParameterDriver = arg;
572   }
574   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver() {
575     return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver;
576   }
578   /**
579    * Method return JDBCSourceParameterDriver,or if that
580    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
581    * strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterDriver
582    * @return JDBCSourceParameterDriver
583    */

584   public String JavaDoc getJDBCSourceParameterPassword() {
585     if( !this.strJDBCSourceParameterPassword.equals("") )
586       return this.strJDBCSourceParameterPassword;
587     else
588       return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterPassword;
589   }
591   /**
592    * This method set value of strJDBCSourceParameterPassword parameter
593    * @param arg setJDBCSourceParameterPassword to value of arg
594    */

595   public void setJDBCSourceParameterPassword(String JavaDoc arg) {
596     this.strJDBCSourceParameterPassword = arg;
597   }
599   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultSourceParameterPassword() {
600     return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterPassword;
601   }
603   /**
604    * Method return JDBCSourceParameterUser,or if that
605    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
606    * strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser
607    * @return JDBCSourceParameterUser
608    */

609   public String JavaDoc getJDBCSourceParameterUser() {
610     if( !this.strJDBCSourceParameterUser.equals("") )
611       return this.strJDBCSourceParameterUser;
612     else
613       return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser;
614   }
616   /**
617    * This method set value of strJDBCSourceParameterUser parameter
618    * @param arg set JDBCSourceParameterUser to value of arg
619    */

620   public void setJDBCSourceParameterUser(String JavaDoc arg) {
621     this.strJDBCSourceParameterUser = arg;
622   }
624   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser() {
625     return this.strJDBCDefaultSourceParameterUser;
626   }
629 //targets parameters
631    * Method return JDBCTargetParameterConnection,or if that
632    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
633    * strJDBCTargetParameterConnection
634    * @return JDBCTargetParameterConnection
635    */

636   public String JavaDoc getJDBCTargetParameterConnection() {
637     if( !this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection.equals("") )
638       return this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection;
639     else
640       return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection;
641   }
643   /**
644    * This method set value of strJDBCTargetParameterConnection parameter
645    * @param arg set JDBCTargetParameterConnection to value of arg
646    */

647   public void setJDBCTargetParameterConnection(String JavaDoc arg) {
648     this.strJDBCTargetParameterConnection = arg;
649   }
651   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection() {
652     return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterConnection;
653   }
655   /**
656    * Method return JDBCTargetParameterDriver,or if that
657    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
658    * strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver
659    * @return JDBCTargetParameterDriver
660    */

661   public String JavaDoc getJDBCTargetParameterDriver() {
662     if( !this.strJDBCTargetParameterDriver.equals("") )
663       return this.strJDBCTargetParameterDriver;
664     else
665       return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver;
666   }
668   /**
669    * This method set value of strJDBCTargetParameterDriver parameter
670    * @param arg set JDBCTargetParameterDriver to value of arg
671    */

672   public void setJDBCTargetParameterDriver(String JavaDoc arg) {
673     this.strJDBCTargetParameterDriver = arg;
674   }
676   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver() {
677     return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterDriver;
678   }
680   /**
681    * Method return JDBCTargetParameterPassword,or if that
682    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
683    * strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword
684    * @return JDBCTargetParameterPassword
685    */

686   public String JavaDoc getJDBCTargetParameterPassword() {
687     if( !this.strJDBCTargetParameterPassword.equals("") )
688       return this.strJDBCTargetParameterPassword;
689     else
690       return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword;
691   }
693   /**
694    * This method set value of strJDBCTargetParameterPassword parmeter
695    * @param arg set JDBCTargetParameterPassword to value of arg
696    */

697   public void setJDBCTargetParameterPassword(String JavaDoc arg) {
698     this.strJDBCTargetParameterPassword = arg;
699   }
701   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword() {
702     return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword;
703   }
705   /**
706    * Method return JDBCTargetParameterPassword,or if that
707    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
708    * strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterPassword
709    * @return JDBCTargetParameterPassword
710    */

711   public String JavaDoc getJDBCTargetParameterUser() {
712     if( !this.strJDBCTargetParameterUser.equals("") )
713       return this.strJDBCTargetParameterUser;
714     else
715       return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterUser;
716   }
718   /**
719    * This method set value of strJDBCTargetParameterUser parameter
720    * @param arg set JDBCTargetParameterUser to value of arg
721    */

722   public void setJDBCTargetParameterUser(String JavaDoc arg) {
723     this.strJDBCTargetParameterUser = arg;
724   }
726   private String JavaDoc getJDBCDefaultTargetParameterUser() {
727     return this.strJDBCDefaultTargetParameterUser;
728   }
730   private String JavaDoc getDBVendorDefault() {
731     return this.strDbVendorDefault;
732   }
734   private String JavaDoc getDriverNameDefault() {
735     return this.strDriverNameDefault;
736   }
738   private String JavaDoc getTargetDbVendorDefault() {
739     return this.strTargetDbVendorDefault;
740   }
742   private String JavaDoc getTargetDriverNameDefault() {
743     return this.strTargetDriverNameDefault;
744   }
746   /**
747    * Method return TargetDBVendor,or if that
748    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
749    * strTargetDBVendorDefault
750    * @return TargetDBVendor
751    */

752   public String JavaDoc getTargetDBVendor() {
753     if( !this.strTargetDbVendor.equals("") )
754       return this.strTargetDbVendor;
755     else
756       return this.strTargetDbVendorDefault;
757   }
759   /**
760    * Method return TargetDriverName,or if that
761    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
762    * strTargetDriverNameDefault
763    * @return TargetDriverName
764    */

765   public String JavaDoc getTargetDriverName() {
766     if( !this.strTargetDriverName.equals("") )
767       return this.strTargetDriverName;
768     else{
769       if(this.strTargetDbVendor.equalsIgnoreCase("")&&this.strTargetDriverName.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
770         return this.strTargetDriverNameDefault;
771       }else
772         return "";
773     }
774   }
776   /**
777    * Method return DriverName for source database,or if that
778    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
779    * strDriverNameDefault
780    * @return DriverName
781    */

782   public String JavaDoc getDriverName() {
783     if( !this.strDriverName.equals("") )
784       return this.strDriverName;
785     else{
786       if(this.strDbVendor.equalsIgnoreCase("")&&this.strDriverName.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
787         return this.strDriverNameDefault;
788       }else
789         return "";
790     }
791   }
793   /**
794    * Method return DbVendor for source database,or if that
795    * parameter is not defined method will return default value which is
796    * strDbVendorDefault
797    * @return DbVendor
798    */

799   public String JavaDoc getDbVendor() {
800     if( !this.strDbVendor.equals("") )
801       return this.strDbVendor;
802     else
803       return this.strDbVendorDefault;
804   }
806 }
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