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Java > Open Source Codes > org > osgi > service > provisioning > ProvisioningService

1 /*
2  * $Header: /cvshome/build/org.osgi.service.provisioning/src/org/osgi/service/provisioning/,v 1.11 2006/07/12 21:21:31 hargrave Exp $
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2002, 2006). All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */

18 package org.osgi.service.provisioning;
20 import JavaDoc;
21 import java.util.Dictionary JavaDoc;
22 import JavaDoc;
24 /**
25  * Service for managing the initial provisioning information.
26  * <p>
27  * Initial provisioning of an OSGi device is a multi step process that
28  * culminates with the installation and execution of the initial management
29  * agent. At each step of the process, information is collected for the next
30  * step. Multiple bundles may be involved and this service provides a means for
31  * these bundles to exchange information. It also provides a means for the
32  * initial Management Bundle to get its initial configuration information.
33  * <p>
34  * The provisioning information is collected in a <code>Dictionary</code> object,
35  * called the Provisioning Dictionary. Any bundle that can access the service
36  * can get a reference to this object and read and update provisioning
37  * information. The key of the dictionary is a <code>String</code> object and the
38  * value is a <code>String</code> or <code>byte[]</code> object. The single
39  * exception is the PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT value which is an Integer. The
40  * <code>provisioning</code> prefix is reserved for keys defined by OSGi, other
41  * key names may be used for implementation dependent provisioning systems.
42  * <p>
43  * Any changes to the provisioning information will be reflected immediately in
44  * all the dictionary objects obtained from the Provisioning Service.
45  * <p>
46  * Because of the specific application of the Provisioning Service, there should
47  * be only one Provisioning Service registered. This restriction will not be
48  * enforced by the Framework. Gateway operators or manufactures should ensure
49  * that a Provisioning Service bundle is not installed on a device that already
50  * has a bundle providing the Provisioning Service.
51  * <p>
52  * The provisioning information has the potential to contain sensitive
53  * information. Also, the ability to modify provisioning information can have
54  * drastic consequences. Thus, only trusted bundles should be allowed to
55  * register and get the Provisioning Service. The <code>ServicePermission</code>
56  * is used to limit the bundles that can gain access to the Provisioning
57  * Service. There is no check of <code>Permission</code> objects to read or modify
58  * the provisioning information, so care must be taken not to leak the
59  * Provisioning Dictionary received from <code>getInformation</code> method.
60  *
61  * @version $Revision: 1.11 $
62  */

63 public interface ProvisioningService {
64     /**
65      * The key to the provisioning information that uniquely identifies the
66      * Service Platform. The value must be of type <code>String</code>.
67      */

68     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_SPID = "provisioning.spid";
69     /**
70      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the location of the
71      * provision data provider. The value must be of type <code>String</code>.
72      */

73     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_REFERENCE = "provisioning.reference";
74     /**
75      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the initial
76      * configuration information of the initial Management Agent. The value will
77      * be of type <code>byte[]</code>.
78      */

79     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_AGENT_CONFIG = "provisioning.agent.config";
80     /**
81      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the update count of
82      * the info data. Each set of changes to the provisioning information must
83      * end with this value being incremented. The value must be of type
84      * <code>Integer</code>. This key/value pair is also reflected in the
85      * properties of the ProvisioningService in the service registry.
86      */

87     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT = "provisioning.update.count";
88     /**
89      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the location of the
90      * bundle to start with <code>AllPermission</code>. The bundle must have be
91      * previously installed for this entry to have any effect.
92      */

93     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_START_BUNDLE = "provisioning.start.bundle";
94     /**
95      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the root X509
96      * certificate used to esatblish trust with operator when using HTTPS.
97      */

98     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_ROOTX509 = "provisioning.rootx509";
99     /**
100      * The key to the provisioning information that contains the shared secret
101      * used in conjunction with the RSH protocol.
102      */

103     public final static String JavaDoc PROVISIONING_RSH_SECRET = "provisioning.rsh.secret";
104     /**
105      * MIME type to be stored in the extra field of a <code>ZipEntry</code> object
106      * for String data.
107      */

108     public final static String JavaDoc MIME_STRING = "text/plain;charset=utf-8";
109     /**
110      * MIME type to be stored in the extra field of a <code>ZipEntry</code> object
111      * for <code>byte[]</code> data.
112      */

113     public final static String JavaDoc MIME_BYTE_ARRAY = "application/octet-stream";
114     /**
115      * MIME type to be stored in the extra field of a <code>ZipEntry</code> object
116      * for an installable bundle file. Zip entries of this type will be
117      * installed in the framework, but not started. The entry will also not be
118      * put into the information dictionary.
119      */

120     public final static String JavaDoc MIME_BUNDLE = "application/x-osgi-bundle";
121     /**
122      * MIME type to be stored in the extra field of a ZipEntry for a String that
123      * represents a URL for a bundle. Zip entries of this type will be used to
124      * install (but not start) a bundle from the URL. The entry will not be put
125      * into the information dictionary.
126      */

127     public final static String JavaDoc MIME_BUNDLE_URL = "text/x-osgi-bundle-url";
129     /**
130      * Returns a reference to the Provisioning Dictionary. Any change operations
131      * (put and remove) to the dictionary will cause an
132      * <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> to be thrown. Changes must be
133      * done using the <code>setInformation</code> and <code>addInformation</code>
134      * methods of this service.
135      * @return A reference to the Provisioning Dictionary.
136      */

137     public Dictionary JavaDoc getInformation();
139     /**
140      * Replaces the Provisioning Information dictionary with the key/value pairs
141      * contained in <code>info</code>. Any key/value pairs not in <code>info</code>
142      * will be removed from the Provisioning Information dictionary. This method
143      * causes the <code>PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT</code> to be incremented.
144      *
145      * @param info the new set of Provisioning Information key/value pairs. Any
146      * keys are values that are of an invalid type will be silently
147      * ignored.
148      */

149     public void setInformation(Dictionary JavaDoc info);
151     /**
152      * Adds the key/value pairs contained in <code>info</code> to the Provisioning
153      * Information dictionary. This method causes the
154      * <code>PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT</code> to be incremented.
155      *
156      * @param info the set of Provisioning Information key/value pairs to add to
157      * the Provisioning Information dictionary. Any keys are values that
158      * are of an invalid type will be silently ignored.
159      */

160     public void addInformation(Dictionary JavaDoc info);
162     /**
163      * Processes the <code>ZipInputStream</code> and extracts information to add
164      * to the Provisioning Information dictionary, as well as, install/update
165      * and start bundles. This method causes the
166      * <code>PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT</code> to be incremented.
167      *
168      * @param zis the <code>ZipInputStream</code> that will be used to add
169      * key/value pairs to the Provisioning Information dictionary and
170      * install and start bundles. If a <code>ZipEntry</code> does not have
171      * an <code>Extra</code> field that corresponds to one of the four
172      * defined MIME types (<code>MIME_STRING</code>,
173      * <code>MIME_BYTE_ARRAY</code>,<code>MIME_BUNDLE</code>, and
174      * <code>MIME_BUNDLE_URL</code>) in will be silently ignored.
175      * @throws IOException if an error occurs while processing the
176      * ZipInputStream. No additions will be made to the Provisioning
177      * Information dictionary and no bundles must be started or
178      * installed.
179      */

180     public void addInformation(ZipInputStream JavaDoc zis) throws IOException JavaDoc;
181 }
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