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Java > Open Source Codes > org > osgi > service > metatype > AttributeDefinition

1 /*
2  * $Header: /cvshome/build/org.osgi.service.metatype/src/org/osgi/service/metatype/,v 1.13 2006/06/16 16:31:23 hargrave Exp $
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2001, 2006). All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */

18 package org.osgi.service.metatype;
20 /**
21  * An interface to describe an attribute.
22  *
23  * <p>
24  * An <code>AttributeDefinition</code> object defines a description of the data
25  * type of a property/attribute.
26  *
27  * @version $Revision: 1.13 $
28  */

29 public interface AttributeDefinition {
30     /**
31      * The <code>STRING</code> (1) type.
32      *
33      * <p>
34      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>String</code>,
35      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>String</code> or <code>String[]</code> objects,
36      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
37      */

38     public static final int STRING = 1;
39     /**
40      * The <code>LONG</code> (2) type.
41      *
42      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Long</code>,
43      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Long</code> or <code>long[]</code> objects,
44      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
45      */

46     public static final int LONG = 2;
47     /**
48      * The <code>INTEGER</code> (3) type.
49      *
50      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Integer</code>,
51      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Integer</code> or <code>int[]</code> objects,
52      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
53      */

54     public static final int INTEGER = 3;
55     /**
56      * The <code>SHORT</code> (4) type.
57      *
58      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Short</code>,
59      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Short</code> or <code>short[]</code> objects,
60      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
61      */

62     public static final int SHORT = 4;
63     /**
64      * The <code>CHARACTER</code> (5) type.
65      *
66      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Character</code>,
67      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Character</code> or <code>char[]</code> objects,
68      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
69      */

70     public static final int CHARACTER = 5;
71     /**
72      * The <code>BYTE</code> (6) type.
73      *
74      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Byte</code>,
75      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Byte</code> or <code>byte[]</code> objects,
76      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
77      */

78     public static final int BYTE = 6;
79     /**
80      * The <code>DOUBLE</code> (7) type.
81      *
82      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Double</code>,
83      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Double</code> or <code>double[]</code> objects,
84      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
85      */

86     public static final int DOUBLE = 7;
87     /**
88      * The <code>FLOAT</code> (8) type.
89      *
90      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Float</code>,
91      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Float</code> or <code>float[]</code> objects,
92      * depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
93      */

94     public static final int FLOAT = 8;
95     /**
96      * The <code>BIGINTEGER</code> (9) type.
97      *
98      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>BigInteger</code>,
99      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>BigInteger</code> or <code>BigInteger[]</code>
100      * objects, depending on the <code>getCardinality()</code> value.
101      *
102      * @deprecated As of 1.1.
103      */

104     public static final int BIGINTEGER = 9;
105     /**
106      * The <code>BIGDECIMAL</code> (10) type.
107      *
108      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>BigDecimal</code>,
109      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>BigDecimal</code> or <code>BigDecimal[]</code>
110      * objects depending on <code>getCardinality()</code>.
111      *
112      * @deprecated As of 1.1.
113      */

114     public static final int BIGDECIMAL = 10;
115     /**
116      * The <code>BOOLEAN</code> (11) type.
117      *
118      * Attributes of this type should be stored as <code>Boolean</code>,
119      * <code>Vector</code> with <code>Boolean</code> or <code>boolean[]</code> objects
120      * depending on <code>getCardinality()</code>.
121      */

122     public static final int BOOLEAN = 11;
124     /**
125      * Get the name of the attribute. This name may be localized.
126      *
127      * @return The localized name of the definition.
128      */

129     public String JavaDoc getName();
131     /**
132      * Unique identity for this attribute.
133      *
134      * Attributes share a global namespace in the registry. E.g. an attribute
135      * <code>cn</code> or <code>commonName</code> must always be a <code>String</code>
136      * and the semantics are always a name of some object. They share this
137      * aspect with LDAP/X.500 attributes. In these standards the OSI Object
138      * Identifier (OID) is used to uniquely identify an attribute. If such an
139      * OID exists, (which can be requested at several standard organisations and
140      * many companies already have a node in the tree) it can be returned here.
141      * Otherwise, a unique id should be returned which can be a Java class name
142      * (reverse domain name) or generated with a GUID algorithm. Note that all
143      * LDAP defined attributes already have an OID. It is strongly advised to
144      * define the attributes from existing LDAP schemes which will give the OID.
145      * Many such schemes exist ranging from postal addresses to DHCP parameters.
146      *
147      * @return The id or oid
148      */

149     public String JavaDoc getID();
151     /**
152      * Return a description of this attribute.
153      *
154      * The description may be localized and must describe the semantics of this
155      * type and any constraints.
156      *
157      * @return The localized description of the definition.
158      */

159     public String JavaDoc getDescription();
161     /**
162      * Return the cardinality of this attribute.
163      *
164      * The OSGi environment handles multi valued attributes in arrays ([]) or in
165      * <code>Vector</code> objects. The return value is defined as follows:
166      *
167      * <pre>
168      *
169      * x = Integer.MIN_VALUE no limit, but use Vector
170      * x &lt; 0 -x = max occurrences, store in Vector
171      * x &gt; 0 x = max occurrences, store in array []
172      * x = Integer.MAX_VALUE no limit, but use array []
173      * x = 0 1 occurrence required
174      *
175      * </pre>
176      *
177      * @return The cardinality of this attribute.
178      */

179     public int getCardinality();
181     /**
182      * Return the type for this attribute.
183      *
184      * <p>
185      * Defined in the following constants which map to the appropriate Java
186      * type. <code>STRING</code>,<code>LONG</code>,<code>INTEGER</code>,
187      * <code>CHAR</code>,<code>BYTE</code>,<code>DOUBLE</code>,<code>FLOAT</code>,
188      * <code>BOOLEAN</code>.
189      *
190      * @return The type for this attribute.
191      */

192     public int getType();
194     /**
195      * Return a list of option values that this attribute can take.
196      *
197      * <p>
198      * If the function returns <code>null</code>, there are no option values
199      * available.
200      *
201      * <p>
202      * Each value must be acceptable to validate() (return "") and must be a
203      * <code>String</code> object that can be converted to the data type defined
204      * by getType() for this attribute.
205      *
206      * <p>
207      * This list must be in the same sequence as <code>getOptionLabels()</code>.
208      * I.e. for each index i in <code>getOptionValues</code>, i in
209      * <code>getOptionLabels()</code> should be the label.
210      *
211      * <p>
212      * For example, if an attribute can have the value male, female, unknown,
213      * this list can return
214      * <code>new String[] { "male", "female", "unknown" }</code>.
215      *
216      * @return A list values
217      */

218     public String JavaDoc[] getOptionValues();
220     /**
221      * Return a list of labels of option values.
222      *
223      * <p>
224      * The purpose of this method is to allow menus with localized labels. It is
225      * associated with <code>getOptionValues</code>. The labels returned here are
226      * ordered in the same way as the values in that method.
227      *
228      * <p>
229      * If the function returns <code>null</code>, there are no option labels
230      * available.
231      * <p>
232      * This list must be in the same sequence as the <code>getOptionValues()</code>
233      * method. I.e. for each index i in <code>getOptionLabels</code>, i in
234      * <code>getOptionValues()</code> should be the associated value.
235      *
236      * <p>
237      * For example, if an attribute can have the value male, female, unknown,
238      * this list can return (for dutch)
239      * <code>new String[] { "Man", "Vrouw", "Onbekend" }</code>.
240      *
241      * @return A list values
242      */

243     public String JavaDoc[] getOptionLabels();
245     /**
246      * Validate an attribute in <code>String</code> form.
247      *
248      * An attribute might be further constrained in value. This method will
249      * attempt to validate the attribute according to these constraints. It can
250      * return three different values:
251      *
252      * <pre>
253      * null No validation present
254      * "" No problems detected
255      * "..." A localized description of why the value is wrong
256      * </pre>
257      *
258      * @param value The value before turning it into the basic data type
259      * @return <code>null</code>, "", or another string
260      */

261     public String JavaDoc validate(String JavaDoc value);
263     /**
264      * Return a default for this attribute.
265      *
266      * The object must be of the appropriate type as defined by the cardinality
267      * and <code>getType()</code>. The return type is a list of <code>String</code>
268      * objects that can be converted to the appropriate type. The cardinality of
269      * the return array must follow the absolute cardinality of this type. E.g.
270      * if the cardinality = 0, the array must contain 1 element. If the
271      * cardinality is 1, it must contain 0 or 1 elements. If it is -5, it must
272      * contain from 0 to max 5 elements. Note that the special case of a 0
273      * cardinality, meaning a single value, does not allow arrays or vectors of
274      * 0 elements.
275      *
276      * @return Return a default value or <code>null</code> if no default exists.
277      */

278     public String JavaDoc[] getDefaultValue();
279 }
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