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Java > Open Source Codes > org > opensubsystems > core > persist > db > Database

1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2007 OpenSubsystems s.r.o. Slovak Republic. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Project: OpenSubsystems
5  *
6  * $Id:,v 1.24 2007/01/23 05:59:34 bastafidli Exp $
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20  */

22 package org.opensubsystems.core.persist.db;
24 import java.sql.Connection JavaDoc;
25 import java.sql.PreparedStatement JavaDoc;
26 import java.sql.SQLException JavaDoc;
27 import java.util.Map JavaDoc;
29 import;
30 import;
31 import org.opensubsystems.core.error.OSSException;
33 /**
34  * Interface to define abstraction for initialization and management of database
35  * instance accessed by the application. The main purpose is to define a standard
36  * way how to interact with the database, which is used by the application to
37  * persist data so that the application can eventually bring the database online
38  * or shut it down in case the application runs in embedded environment or
39  * environment without DBA babysitting the database. It also define interfaces
40  * to access database dependent information such as different SQL functions
41  * or statements which can be then used by database schemas.
42  *
43  * @version $Id:,v 1.24 2007/01/23 05:59:34 bastafidli Exp $
44  * @author Miro Halas
45  * @code.reviewer Miro Halas
46  * @code.reviewed 1.18 2004/12/22 12:14:53 jlegeny
47  */

48 public interface Database
49 {
50    // Constants ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

52    /**
53     * Value specifying after how namy iterations the batch will be executed
54     */

55    int BATCH_ITERATOR = 500;
57    /**
58     * The current database is HSQLDB
59     */

62    /**
63     * The current database is HSQLDB
64     */

67    /**
68     * The current database is SAP DB
69     */

70    int SAPDB_DATABASE_TYPE = 2;
72    /**
73     * The current database is SAP DB
74     */

77    /**
78     * The current database is PostgreSQL
79     */

82    /**
83     * The current database is PostgreSQL
84     */

87    /**
88     * The current database is MySQL
89     */

90    int MYSQL_DATABASE_TYPE = 4;
92    /**
93     * The current database is MySQL
94     */

97    /**
98     * The current database is MSSQL
99     */

100    int MSSQL_DATABASE_TYPE = 5;
102    /**
103     * The current database is MS SQL Server
104     */

107    /**
108     * The current database is IBM DB2
109     */

110    int DB2_DATABASE_TYPE = 6;
112    /**
113     * The current database is IBM DB2
114     */

115    String JavaDoc DB2_DATABASE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = "DB2";
117    /**
118     * The current database is Sybase ASE
119     */

120    int SYBASE_DATABASE_TYPE = 7;
122    /**
123     * The current database is Sybase
124     */

125    String JavaDoc SYBASE_DATABASE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = "Sybase";
127    /**
128     * The current database is Oracle
129     */

130    int ORACLE_DATABASE_TYPE = 8;
132    /**
133     * The current database is Oracle
134     */

135    String JavaDoc ORACLE_DATABASE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = "Oracle";
137    /**
138     * The current database is MaxDB
139     */

140    int MAXDB_DATABASE_TYPE = 9;
142    /**
143     * The current database is MaxDB
144     */

147    // Public methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

149    /**
150     * Start the database.
151     *
152     * @throws OSSException - database cannot be started.
153     */

154    void start(
155    ) throws OSSException;
157    /**
158     * Stop the database. After the database is stopped, no more requests can be
159     * issued until the database is started again.
160     *
161     * @throws OSSException - problems stopping the database
162     */

163    void stop(
164    ) throws OSSException;
166    /**
167     * Add new schema to the database schema.
168     *
169     * @param dsSchema - schema to add to the database
170     * @throws OSSException - database cannot be started.
171     */

172    void add(
173       DatabaseSchema dsSchema
174    ) throws OSSException;
176    /**
177     * Add new schema to the database schema by specifying the generic schema
178     * class or interface. The schema itself will be created by DatabaseSchemaManager
179     * for current environment and based on any configuration settings.
180     *
181     * @param clsSchema - class representing schema to add to the database
182     * @throws OSSException - database cannot be started.
183     */

184    void add(
185       Class JavaDoc clsSchema
186    ) throws OSSException;
188    /**
189     * Returns the type of database currently in use.
190     * It will be one of the constants defined in this class (SAPDB, HSQLDB, etc.).
191     *
192     * @return int - database type
193     */

194    int getDatabaseType(
195    );
197    /**
198     * Returns the identifier for the type of database currently in use which can
199     * be used to construct package and class names.
200     * It will be one of the constants defined in this class (SAPDB, HSQLDB, etc.).
201     *
202     * @return String - database type
203     */

204    String JavaDoc getDatabaseTypeIdentifier(
205    );
207    /**
208     * Test if the database is started.
209     *
210     * @return boolean - true if started
211     */

212    boolean isStarted(
213    );
215    // Methods to retrieve database dependent information ///////////////////////

217    /**
218     * Get very efficient parameterless SQL statement which can be used to test
219     * connection validity.
220     *
221     * @return String - SQL statement
222     */

223    String JavaDoc getConnectionTestStatement(
224    );
226    /**
227     * Different databases have different bugs about what they support so this
228     * method will take the desired transaction isolation level and convert it
229     * to the one supported by database.
230     *
231     * @param iTransactionIsolation - desired transaction isolation level
232     * @return int - supported transaction isolation level
233     */

234    int getTransactionIsolation(
235       int iTransactionIsolation
236    );
238    /**
239     * This method returns default result set type which should be used to load
240     * lists of items from the result set efficiently. Some databases supports
241     * efficient absolute cursors that allow us to efficiently find out the size
242     * of result set and efficiently allocate memory for it and they may require
243     * special result set type to do so.
244     *
245     * @return int - result set type to use load list, see ResultSet.TYPE_XXX constants
246     */

247    int getSelectListResultSetType();
249    /**
250     * This method returns default result set concurrency which should be used to load
251     * lists of items from the result set efficiently. Some databases supports
252     * efficient absolute cursors that allow us to efficiently find out the size
253     * of result set and efficiently allocate memory for it and they may require
254     * special result set concurrency to do so.
255     *
256     * @return int - result set concurrency to use load list, see ResultSet.CONCUR_XXX
257     * constants
258     */

259    int getSelectListResultSetConcurrency();
261    /**
262     * Find out if database (driver) allows us to call methods such as absolute()
263     * or last() for retrieved result sets.
264     *
265     * @return boolean - true if it is possible to call methods such as absolute,
266     * last() for retrieved result sets.
267     */

268    boolean hasAbsolutePositioningSupport();
270    /**
271     * Find out if when trying to find out size of the result set we should use
272     * rather count(*)/count(1)/count(id) instead of using hasAbsolutePositioningSupport.
273     *
274     * @return boolean - true if should use count(x) instead of last()
275     */

276    boolean preferCountToLast();
278    // Methods to retrieve differently named functions or attributes ////////////

280    /**
281     * Get string which can be used in SQL queries to retrieve timestamp
282     * representing current time.
283     *
284     * @return String - SQL representation of function call to get current timestamp
285     */

286    String JavaDoc getCurrentTimestampFunctionCall(
287    );
289    /**
290     * Get DB specific SQL queries for analyzing tables or updating statistics on the tables
291     * (it is good for performance).
292     *
293     * @param mapTableNames - map of table names the update statistics will be
294     * processed on. Key is the data object data of which
295     * are stored in the table and value is te name of the
296     * table
297     * @return Object[] - index 0 - String[] - SQL representation of function calls
298     * to analyze tables and indexes
299     * (array of SQL commands for each table
300     * the update statistics will be processed)
301     * - index 1 - Boolean flag signaling if the autocommit when
302     * executing these statements should be true or
303     * false
304     */

305    Object JavaDoc[] getSQLAnalyzeFunctionCall(
306       Map JavaDoc mapTableNames
307    );
309    /**
310     * Get string which can be used in SQL queries to retrieve record count.
311     *
312     * @return String - SQL representation of function call to get record count
313     */

314    String JavaDoc getSQLCountFunctionCall(
315    );
317    /**
318     * Find out if database allows us to support rows limitation. This means that
319     * database has to provide a way how to construct EFFICIENT SQL which allows
320     * us to retrieve items starting from row X and ending at row Y.
321     *
322     * @return boolean - true if it is possible to support row limitation
323     */

324    boolean hasSelectListRangeSupport(
325    );
327    /**
328     * Test if the specified query invokes stored procedure or if it is just
329     * a regular prepared statement.
330     *
331     * @param strQuery - query to test
332     * @return boolean - true if query invokes stored procedure false otherwise
333     */

334    boolean isCallableStatement(
335       String JavaDoc strQuery
336    );
338    /**
339     * Insert the data, fetch from the database id and generated creation and
340     * optionally modification timestamps for the newly created data object.
341     *
342     * Note: Since the caller created the prepared (or callable) statement,
343     * the caller is responsible for its closing.
344     *
345     * @param dbConnection - connection to use to access the database
346     * @param insertStatement - statement used to insert the data. This can be
347     * CallableStatement if stored procedure is used.
348     * @param bIsInDomain - are the data objects maintained in domains
349     * @param strTableName - name of the table where the data are being inserted
350     * @param iIndex - 1 based index of the next parameter value of which can be
351     * set on the statement (last parameter set by caller + 1)
352     * @param data - data object to update with the fetched values
353     * @throws SQLException - an error has occured
354     * @throws OSSException - an error has occured
355     */

356    void insertAndFetchGeneratedValues(
357       Connection JavaDoc dbConnection,
358       PreparedStatement JavaDoc insertStatement,
359       boolean bIsInDomain,
360       String JavaDoc strTableName,
361       int iIndex,
362       BasicDataObject data
363    ) throws SQLException JavaDoc,
364             OSSException;
366    /**
367     * Update the data, check for errors and fetch from the database generated
368     * modification timestamps for the updated data object.
369     *
370     * Note: Since the caller created the prepared statement, the caller is
371     * responsible for its closing.
372     *
373     * @param strDataName - name of the data object
374     * @param dbConnection - connection to use to access the datavase
375     * @param updateStatement - statement to update data in the database. This
376     * can be CallableStatement if stored procedure is
377     * used.
378     * @param bIsInDomain - are the data objects maintained in domains
379     * @param strTableName - name of the table
380     * @param iIndex - 1 based index of the next parameter value of which can be
381     * set on the statement (last parameter set by caller + 1)
382     * @param data - data object to update
383     * @throws SQLException - an error has occured
384     * @throws OSSException - an error has occured
385     */

386    void updatedAndFetchGeneratedValues(
387       String JavaDoc strDataName,
388       Connection JavaDoc dbConnection,
389       PreparedStatement JavaDoc updateStatement,
390       boolean bIsInDomain,
391       String JavaDoc strTableName,
392       int iIndex,
393       ModifiableDataObject data
394    ) throws SQLException JavaDoc,
395             OSSException;
396 }
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