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Java > Open Source Codes > org > openbravo > erpCommon > ad_reports > ReportDimensionalAnalysesPDF

1 /*
2  *************************************************************************
3  * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License
4  * Version 1.0 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License
5  * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this
6  * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
7  * the License at
8  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
9  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10  * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
11  * under the License.
12  * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP.
13  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SL
14  * All portions are Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Openbravo SL
15  * All Rights Reserved.
16  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
17  ************************************************************************
18  */

20 package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_reports;
22 import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility;
23 import org.openbravo.erpCommon.businessUtility.Tree;
24 import org.openbravo.erpCommon.businessUtility.TreeData;
25 import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.HttpSecureAppServlet;
26 import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp;
27 import org.openbravo.xmlEngine.XmlDocument;
28 import*;
29 import java.util.*;
30 import javax.servlet.*;
31 import javax.servlet.http.*;
33 import org.openbravo.utils.Replace;
35 import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.DateTimeData;
37 public class ReportDimensionalAnalysesPDF extends HttpSecureAppServlet {
40   public void init (ServletConfig config) {
41     super.init(config);
42     boolHist = false;
43   }
45   public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException {
46     VariablesSecureApp vars = new VariablesSecureApp(request);
48     if (!Utility.hasProcessAccess(this, vars, "", "RV_ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensiona")) {
49       bdError(response, "AccessTableNoView", vars.getLanguage());
50       return;
51     }
53     if (vars.commandIn("DEFAULT")){
54       String JavaDoc strDateFrom = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpDateFrom", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|dateFrom");
55       String JavaDoc strDateTo = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpDateTo", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|dateTo");
56       String JavaDoc strDateFromRef = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpDateFromRef", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|dateFromRef");
57       String JavaDoc strDateToRef = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpDateToRef", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|dateToRef");
58       String JavaDoc strPartnerGroup = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpPartnerGroup", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|partnerGroup");
59       String JavaDoc strcBpartnerId = vars.getRequestInGlobalVariable("inpcBPartnerId_IN", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|partner");
60       String JavaDoc strProductCategory = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpProductCategory", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|productCategory");
61       String JavaDoc strmProductId = vars.getRequestInGlobalVariable("inpmProductId_IN", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|product");
62       String JavaDoc strNotShown = vars.getInStringParameter("inpNotShown");
63       String JavaDoc strShown = vars.getInStringParameter("inpShown");
64       String JavaDoc strOrg = vars.getGlobalVariable("inpOrg", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|org", "0");
65       String JavaDoc strsalesrepId = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpSalesrepId", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|salesrep");
66       String JavaDoc strOrder = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpOrder","ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses|order");
67       String JavaDoc strMayor = vars.getStringParameter("inpMayor", "");
68       String JavaDoc strMenor = vars.getStringParameter("inpMenor", "");
69       String JavaDoc strRatioMayor = vars.getStringParameter("inpRatioMayor", "");
70       String JavaDoc strRatioMenor = vars.getStringParameter("inpRatioMenor", "");
71       String JavaDoc strComparative = vars.getStringParameter("inpComparative", "N");
72       printPagePdf(response, vars, strComparative, strDateFrom, strDateTo, strPartnerGroup, strcBpartnerId, strProductCategory, strmProductId, strNotShown, strShown, strDateFromRef, strDateToRef, strOrg, strsalesrepId, strOrder, strMayor, strMenor, strRatioMayor, strRatioMenor);
73     } else pageErrorPopUp(response);
74   }
76   void printPagePdf(HttpServletResponse response, VariablesSecureApp vars, String JavaDoc strComparative, String JavaDoc strDateFrom, String JavaDoc strDateTo, String JavaDoc strPartnerGroup, String JavaDoc strcBpartnerId, String JavaDoc strProductCategory, String JavaDoc strmProductId, String JavaDoc strNotShown, String JavaDoc strShown, String JavaDoc strDateFromRef, String JavaDoc strDateToRef, String JavaDoc strOrg, String JavaDoc strsalesrepId, String JavaDoc strOrder, String JavaDoc strMayor, String JavaDoc strMenor, String JavaDoc strRatioMayor, String JavaDoc strRatioMenor) throws IOException, ServletException{
77     if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("Output: print pdf");
78     XmlDocument xmlDocument=null;
79     String JavaDoc strOrderby = "";
80     if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("********************************"+strComparative);
81     String JavaDoc[] discard = {"", "", "", "", "",""};
82     String JavaDoc[] discard1={"selEliminarBody1", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard", "discard"};
83     if (strComparative.equals("Y")) discard1[0] = "selEliminarBody2";
84     String JavaDoc strTitle = "";
85     strTitle = "del "+strDateFrom+" al "+strDateTo;
86     if (!strPartnerGroup.equals("")) strTitle = strTitle+", para el grupo de terceros "+ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectBpgroup(this, strPartnerGroup);
87     //if (!strcBpartnerId.equals("")) strTitle = strTitle+", para el tercero "+ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectBpartner(this, strcBpartnerId);
if (!strProductCategory.equals("")) strTitle = strTitle+", categoria de producto "+ReportInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectProductCategory(this, strProductCategory);
89     if (!strsalesrepId.equals("")) strTitle = strTitle+"y el comercial "+ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectSalesrep(this, strsalesrepId);
90     //if (!strmProductId.equals("")) strTitle = strTitle+" y el producto "+ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectMproduct(this, strmProductId);
ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData[] data = null;
92     String JavaDoc[] strShownArray = {"", "", "", "", "", ""};
93     if (strShown.startsWith("(")) strShown = strShown.substring(1, strShown.length()-1);
94     if (!strShown.equals("")) {
95       strShown = Replace.replace(strShown, "'", "");
96       strShown = Replace.replace(strShown, " ", "");
97       StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strShown, ",", false);
98       int intContador = 0;
99       while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
100         strShownArray[intContador] = st.nextToken();
101         intContador++;
102       }
104     }
105     String JavaDoc[] strTextShow = {"", "", "", "", "",""};
106     int intDiscard = 0;
107     int intAuxDiscard = -1;
108     for (int i = 0; i<6; i++){
109       if (strShownArray[i].equals("1")) {
110         strTextShow[i] = "C_BP_GROUP.NAME";
111         discard[i] = "10";
112         intDiscard++;
113       }
114       else if (strShownArray[i].equals("2")) {
115         strTextShow[i] = "C_BPARTNER.NAME";
116         discard[i] = "10";
117         intDiscard++;
118       }
119       else if (strShownArray[i].equals("3")) {
120         strTextShow[i] = "M_PRODUCT_CATEGORY.NAME";
121         discard[i] = "10";
122         intDiscard++;
123       }
124       else if (strShownArray[i].equals("4")) {
125         strTextShow[i] = "M_PRODUCT.NAME";
126         discard[i] = "10";
127         intAuxDiscard = i;
128       }
129       else if (strShownArray[i].equals("5")) {
130         strTextShow[i] = "C_INVOICE.DOCUMENTNO";
131         discard[i] = "10";
132         intDiscard++;
133       }
134       else if (strShownArray[i].equals("6")) {
135         strTextShow[i] = "AD_USER.FIRSTNAME||' '||' '||AD_USER.LASTNAME";
136         discard[i] = "10";
137         intDiscard++;
138       }
139       else {
140         strTextShow[i] = "''";
141         discard[i] = "0.1";
142       }
143     }
144     if (intDiscard != 0){
145       int k=1;
146       strOrderby = " ORDER BY NIVEL"+k+",";
147       while (k<intDiscard){
148         strOrderby = strOrderby+"NIVEL"+k+",";
149         k++;
150       }
151       if (k==1){
152         if (strOrder.equals("Normal")){
153           strOrderby = " ORDER BY NIVEL"+k;
154         } else if (strOrder.equals("Amountasc")){
155           strOrderby = " ORDER BY LINENETAMT ASC";
156         } else if (strOrder.equals("Amountdesc")){
157           strOrderby = " ORDER BY LINENETAMT DESC";
158         } else if (strOrder.equals("Ratioasc")){
159           strOrderby = " ORDER BY LINENETAMT ASC";
160         } else if (strOrder.equals("Ratiodesc")){
161           strOrderby = " ORDER BY LINENETAMT DESC";
162         } else{
163           strOrderby = "1";
164         }
165       } else{
166         if (strOrder.equals("Normal")){
167           strOrderby += "NIVEL"+k;
168         } else if (strOrder.equals("Amountasc")){
169           strOrderby += "LINENETAMT ASC";
170         } else if (strOrder.equals("Amountdesc")){
171           strOrderby += "LINENETAMT DESC";
172         } else if (strOrder.equals("Ratioasc")){
173           strOrderby += "LINENETAMT ASC";
174         } else if (strOrder.equals("Ratiodesc")){
175           strOrderby += "LINENETAMT DESC";
176         } else{
177           strOrderby = "1";
178         }
179       }
181     } else{
182       strOrderby = " ORDER BY 1";
183     }
184     String JavaDoc strHaving = "";
185     if (!strMayor.equals("") && !strMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING SUM(LINENETAMT) > "+strMayor+" AND SUM(LINENETAMT) < "+strMenor;}
186     else if (!strMayor.equals("") && strMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING SUM(LINENETAMT) > "+strMayor;}
187     else if (strMayor.equals("") && !strMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING SUM(LINENETAMT) < "+strMenor;}
188     else{}
189     if (strHaving.equals("")){
190       if (!strRatioMayor.equals("") && !strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 > "+strRatioMayor+" AND DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 < "+strRatioMenor;}
191       else if (!strRatioMayor.equals("") && strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 > "+strRatioMayor;}
192       else if (strRatioMayor.equals("") && !strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " HAVING DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 < "+strRatioMenor;}
193       else{}
194     } else {
195       if (!strRatioMayor.equals("") && !strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " AND DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 > "+strRatioMayor+" AND DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 < "+strRatioMenor;}
196       else if (!strRatioMayor.equals("") && strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " AND DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 > "+strRatioMayor;}
197       else if (strRatioMayor.equals("") && !strRatioMenor.equals("")) {strHaving = " AND DIVIDE(SUM(REFUNDAMT), (SUM(LINENETAMT)+SUM(REFUNDAMT)))*100 < "+strRatioMenor;}
198       else{}
199     }
200     strOrderby = strHaving + strOrderby;
201     if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("*******************PDF"+strOrderby);
202     if (strComparative.equals("Y")){
203       data =, strTextShow[0], strTextShow[1], strTextShow[2], strTextShow[3], strTextShow[4], strTextShow[5], Tree.getMembers(this, TreeData.getTreeOrg(this, vars.getClient()), strOrg), Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses"), strDateFrom, DateTimeData.nDaysAfter(this, strDateTo,"1"), strPartnerGroup, strcBpartnerId, strProductCategory, strmProductId, strsalesrepId, strDateFromRef, DateTimeData.nDaysAfter(this, strDateToRef,"1"), strOrderby);
204     } else {
205       data = ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.selectNoComparative(this, strTextShow[0], strTextShow[1], strTextShow[2], strTextShow[3], strTextShow[4], strTextShow[5], Tree.getMembers(this, TreeData.getTreeOrg(this, vars.getClient()), strOrg), Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses"), strDateFrom, DateTimeData.nDaysAfter(this, strDateTo,"1"), strPartnerGroup, strcBpartnerId, strProductCategory, strmProductId, strsalesrepId, strOrderby);
206     }
207     //data =, strTextShow[0], strTextShow[1], strTextShow[2], strTextShow[3], strTextShow[4], strTextShow[5], vars.getClient(), strOrg, Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", "ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses"), strDateFrom, DateTimeData.nDaysAfter(this, strDateTo,"1"), strPartnerGroup, strcBpartnerId, strProductCategory, strmProductId, strsalesrepId, strDateFromRef, DateTimeData.nDaysAfter(this, strDateToRef,"1"));
if (data.length == 0 || data == null){
209       //discard1[0] = "selEliminar1";
if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("********************No dataPDF");
211       data = ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesData.set();
212     } else {
213       if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("*************************level1PDF"+data[0].nivel1);
214       int contador = intDiscard;
215       if (intAuxDiscard != -1) contador = intAuxDiscard;
216       int k = 1;
217       if (strComparative.equals("Y")){
218         for (int j = contador; j>0; j--){
219           discard1[k] = "fieldTotalQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
220           discard1[k+10] = "fieldTotalRefundQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
221           discard1[k+20] = "fieldUomsymbol"+String.valueOf(j);
222           discard1[k+5] = "fieldTotalRefQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
223           discard1[k+15] = "fieldTotalRefRefundQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
224           k++;
225         }
226       } else {
227         for (int j = contador; j>0; j--){
228           discard1[k] = "fieldNoncomparativeTotalQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
229           discard1[k+10] = "fieldNoncomparativeTotalRefundQtyNivel"+String.valueOf(j);
230           discard1[k+20] = "fieldNoncomparativeUomsymbol"+String.valueOf(j);
231           k++;
232         }
233       }
235     }
236     xmlDocument = xmlEngine.readXmlTemplate("org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_reports/ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalysesEditionPDF", discard1).createXmlDocument();
238     xmlDocument.setParameter("eliminar2", discard[1]);
239     xmlDocument.setParameter("eliminar3", discard[2]);
240     xmlDocument.setParameter("eliminar4", discard[3]);
241     xmlDocument.setParameter("eliminar5", discard[4]);
242     xmlDocument.setParameter("eliminar6", discard[5]);
243     xmlDocument.setParameter("title", strTitle);
244     xmlDocument.setParameter("constante", "100");
245     if (strComparative.equals("Y")){
246       xmlDocument.setData("structure1", data);
247     } else {
248       xmlDocument.setData("structure2", data);
249     }
250     String JavaDoc strResult = xmlDocument.print();
251     renderFO(strResult, response);
252   }
254   public String JavaDoc getServletInfo() {
255     return "Servlet ReportRefundInvoiceCustomerDimensionalAnalyses. This Servlet was made by Jon Alegría";
256   } // end of getServletInfo() method
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