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Java > Open Source Codes > org > openbravo > erpCommon > ad_callouts > SL_Request_Action

1 /*
2  *************************************************************************
3  * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License
4  * Version 1.0 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License
5  * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this
6  * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
7  * the License at
8  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
9  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10  * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
11  * under the License.
12  * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP.
13  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SL
14  * All portions are Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Openbravo SL
15  * All Rights Reserved.
16  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
17  ************************************************************************
18 */

19 package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_callouts;
21 import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.HttpSecureAppServlet;
22 import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp;
23 import org.openbravo.xmlEngine.XmlDocument;
24 import org.openbravo.utils.FormatUtilities;
25 import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.*;
26 import*;
27 import javax.servlet.*;
28 import javax.servlet.http.*;
31 public class SL_Request_Action extends HttpSecureAppServlet {
34   public void init (ServletConfig config) {
35     super.init(config);
36     boolHist = false;
37   }
39   public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException {
40     VariablesSecureApp vars = new VariablesSecureApp(request);
41     if (vars.commandIn("DEFAULT")) {
42       String JavaDoc strChanged = vars.getStringParameter("inpLastFieldChanged");
43       String JavaDoc strWindowId = vars.getStringParameter("inpwindowId");
44       String JavaDoc strActionType = vars.getStringParameter("inpactiontype");
45       String JavaDoc strCBPartnerID = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpcBpartnerId", strWindowId + "|C_BPartner_ID");
46       String JavaDoc strTabId = vars.getStringParameter("inpTabId");
47       try {
48         printPage(response, vars, strCBPartnerID,vars.getClient(), vars.getUser(), strActionType, strTabId);
49       } catch (ServletException ex) {
50         pageErrorCallOut(response);
51       }
53     } else pageError(response);
54   }
56   void printPage(HttpServletResponse response, VariablesSecureApp vars, String JavaDoc strCBPartnerID, String JavaDoc strClient, String JavaDoc strUser, String JavaDoc strActionType, String JavaDoc strTabId) throws IOException, ServletException {
57     if (log4j.isDebugEnabled()) log4j.debug("Output: dataSheet");
58     XmlDocument xmlDocument = xmlEngine.readXmlTemplate("org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_callouts/CallOut").createXmlDocument();
60     StringBuffer JavaDoc resultado = new StringBuffer JavaDoc();
61     resultado.append("var calloutName='SL_Request_Action';\n\n");
62     resultado.append("var respuesta = new Array(");
64     String JavaDoc strMessage = "";
65     if (strActionType.equals("E")){
66       String JavaDoc strSMTPHost = SLRequestActionData.SMTPHost(this, strClient);
67       if (strSMTPHost.equals("")) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "SMTPHostError", vars.getLanguage());
69       String JavaDoc strBPemail = SLRequestActionData.BPemail(this, strCBPartnerID, strUser);
70       if (strBPemail.equals("")) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "BPemailError", vars.getLanguage());
72       SLRequestActionData [] data =, strUser);
73       if (data == null || data.length == 0) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "UserMailInfoError", vars.getLanguage());
74       else{
75           if (data[0].email == null || data[0].email.equals("")) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "UserMailError", vars.getLanguage());
76           if (data[0].emailuser == null || data[0].emailuser.equals("")) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "eMailUserError", vars.getLanguage());
77           if (data[0].emailuserpw == null || data[0].emailuserpw.equals("")) strMessage += Utility.messageBD(this, "eMailUserPWError", vars.getLanguage());
78       }
80       if (strMessage != null && !strMessage.equals("")) resultado.append("new Array(\"MESSAGE\", \"" + FormatUtilities.replaceJS(strMessage) + "\")");
81     }
83     resultado.append(");");
84     xmlDocument.setParameter("array", resultado.toString());
85     xmlDocument.setParameter("frameName", "frameAplicacion");
86     response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
87     PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
88     out.println(xmlDocument.print());
89     out.close();
90   }
91 }
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