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Java > Open Source Codes > org > mule > routing > outbound > RoundRobinXmlSplitter

1 /*
2  * $Id: 3937 2006-11-20 16:04:25Z lajos $
3  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  * Copyright (c) MuleSource, Inc. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MuleSource MPL
7  * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
8  * LICENSE.txt file.
9  */

11 package org.mule.routing.outbound;
13 import org.dom4j.Document;
14 import org.mule.config.MuleProperties;
15 import org.mule.impl.MuleMessage;
16 import org.mule.umo.UMOException;
17 import org.mule.umo.UMOMessage;
18 import org.mule.umo.UMOSession;
19 import org.mule.umo.endpoint.UMOEndpoint;
20 import org.mule.umo.routing.CouldNotRouteOutboundMessageException;
21 import org.mule.umo.routing.RoutingException;
23 import java.util.HashMap JavaDoc;
24 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
25 import java.util.List JavaDoc;
26 import java.util.Map JavaDoc;
28 /**
29  * This router will split the Xml message into parts based on the xpath expression
30  * and route each new event to the endpoints on the router, one after the other.
31  */

32 public class RoundRobinXmlSplitter extends FilteringXmlMessageSplitter
33 {
34     // We have to do some additional checks if we're going to allow filters on the
// round robin endpoints
// So for performance lets turn it off by default
protected boolean enableEndpointFiltering = false;
39     public UMOMessage route(UMOMessage message, UMOSession session, boolean synchronous)
40         throws RoutingException
41     {
42         try
43         {
44             String JavaDoc correlationId = (String JavaDoc)propertyExtractor.getProperty(
45                 MuleProperties.MULE_CORRELATION_ID_PROPERTY, message);
46             initialise(message);
48             UMOEndpoint endpoint;
49             UMOMessage result = null;
50             Document part;
51             List JavaDoc parts = (List JavaDoc)nodes.get();
52             if (parts == null)
53             {
54                 logger.error("There are no parts for current message. No events were routed: " + message);
55                 return null;
56             }
57             int correlationSequence = 1;
58             int epCounter = 0;
59             for (Iterator JavaDoc iterator = parts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); epCounter++)
60             {
61                 part = (Document);
62                 if (epCounter == endpoints.size())
63                 {
64                     epCounter = 0;
65                 }
66                 // Create the message
Map JavaDoc theProperties = (Map JavaDoc)properties.get();
68                 message = new MuleMessage(part, new HashMap JavaDoc(theProperties));
70                 if (enableEndpointFiltering)
71                 {
72                     endpoint = getEndpointForMessage(message);
73                 }
74                 else
75                 {
76                     endpoint = (UMOEndpoint)getEndpoints().get(epCounter);
77                 }
79                 if (endpoint == null)
80                 {
81                     logger.error("There was no matching endpoint for message part: " + part.asXML());
82                 }
83                 else
84                 {
85                     try
86                     {
87                         if (enableCorrelation != ENABLE_CORRELATION_NEVER)
88                         {
89                             boolean correlationSet = message.getCorrelationId() != null;
90                             if (!correlationSet && (enableCorrelation == ENABLE_CORRELATION_IF_NOT_SET))
91                             {
92                                 message.setCorrelationId(correlationId);
93                             }
95                             // take correlation group size from the message
// properties, set by concrete message splitter
// implementations
final int groupSize = message.getCorrelationGroupSize();
99                             message.setCorrelationGroupSize(groupSize);
100                             message.setCorrelationSequence(correlationSequence++);
101                         }
102                         if (synchronous)
103                         {
104                             result = send(session, message, endpoint);
105                         }
106                         else
107                         {
108                             dispatch(session, message, endpoint);
109                         }
110                     }
111                     catch (UMOException e)
112                     {
113                         throw new CouldNotRouteOutboundMessageException(message, endpoint, e);
114                     }
115                 }
116             }
117             return result;
118         }
119         finally
120         {
121             nodes.set(null);
122             properties.set(null);
123         }
124     }
126     /**
127      * Retrieves a specific message part for the given endpoint. the message will
128      * then be routed via the provider.
129      *
130      * @param message the current message being processed
131      * @return the message part to dispatch
132      */

133     protected UMOEndpoint getEndpointForMessage(UMOMessage message)
134     {
135         for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.size(); i++)
136         {
137             UMOEndpoint endpoint = (UMOEndpoint)endpoints.get(i);
139             try
140             {
141                 if (endpoint.getFilter() == null || endpoint.getFilter().accept(message))
142                 {
143                     if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
144                     {
145                         logger.debug("Endpoint filter matched for node " + i + ". Routing message over: "
146                                      + endpoint.getEndpointURI().toString());
147                     }
148                     return endpoint;
149                 }
150                 else
151                 {
152                     if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
153                     {
154                         logger.debug("Endpoint filter did not match");
155                     }
156                 }
157             }
158             catch (Exception JavaDoc e)
159             {
160                 logger.error("Unable to create message for node at position " + i, e);
161                 return null;
162             }
163         }
165         return null;
166     }
168     public void addEndpoint(UMOEndpoint endpoint)
169     {
170         if (endpoint.getFilter() != null && !enableEndpointFiltering)
171         {
172             throw new IllegalStateException JavaDoc(
173                 "Endpoints on the RoundRobin splitter router cannot have filters associated with them");
174         }
175         super.addEndpoint(endpoint);
176     }
178     public boolean isEnableEndpointFiltering()
179     {
180         return enableEndpointFiltering;
181     }
183     public void setEnableEndpointFiltering(boolean enableEndpointFiltering)
184     {
185         this.enableEndpointFiltering = enableEndpointFiltering;
186     }
187 }
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