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Java > Open Source Codes > org > fjank > jcache > persistence > DiskCache

1 /* Open Source Java Caching Service
2 * Copyright (C) 2002 Frank Karlstr�m
3 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 *
17 * The author can be contacted by email:
18 */

19 package org.fjank.jcache.persistence;
21 import JavaDoc;
22 import JavaDoc;
23 import java.util.HashMap JavaDoc;
24 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
25 import javax.util.jcache.CacheAttributes;
26 import javax.util.jcache.DiskCacheException;
27 import org.fjank.jcache.CacheObject;
28 import org.fjank.jcache.DiskCacheObject;
29 import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ReadWriteLock;
30 import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock;
34 /**
35  * Clas implementing a simple disk peristence solution.
36  */

37 public class DiskCache implements Serializable JavaDoc {
38     /**
39      * Indicates whether the cache is 'alive', defined as having been
40      * initialized, but not yet disposed.
41      */

42     private boolean alive;
46     /** the name of the cache */
47     private final String JavaDoc cacheName;
49     /** the cache attributes.
50      * @todo never used.
51      */

52     private final CacheAttributes cattr;
54     /** the adapter wich contains the actuall data. */
55     private transient CacheFileAdapter dataFile;
57     /** the filename */
58     private final String JavaDoc fileName;
60     /** the adapter which contains the keys and positions */
61     private transient CacheFileAdapter keyFile;
63     /** a map of the keys */
64     private HashMap JavaDoc keyHash;
66     /** the file describing the root of the cachefiles. */
67     private final File JavaDoc rafDir;
69     /**
70      * Each instance of a Disk cache should use this lock to synchronize reads
71      * and writes to the underlying storage mechansism.
72      */

73     private final ReadWriteLock storageLock = new WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock();
74     /**
75      * The size of the diskCache.
76      */

77     private int currentSize;
79     /**
80      * Creates a new DiskCache object.
81      *
82      * @param attributes the attributes for this disk cache.
83      * @throws DiskCacheException
84      *
85      * @throws DiskCacheException if any exceptions occur.
86      */

87     public DiskCache(final CacheAttributes attributes) throws DiskCacheException {
88         this.cacheName = "Fjanks FKache";
89         String JavaDoc rootDirName = attributes.getDiskPath();
90         this.cattr = attributes;
91         this.fileName = cacheName;
92         rafDir = new File JavaDoc(rootDirName);
93         rafDir.mkdirs();
94         dataFile = new CacheFileAdapter(new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + ".data"));
95         keyFile = new CacheFileAdapter(new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + ".key"));
96         if (keyFile.length() > 0) {
97             loadKeysFromFile();
98             if (keyHash.size() == 0) {
99                 dataFile.reset();
100             }
101         } else {
102             keyHash = new HashMap JavaDoc();
103             if (dataFile.length() > 0) {
104                 dataFile.reset();
105             }
106         }
107         alive = true;
108     }
110     /**
111      * gets an object from the disk cache
112      *
113      * @param key the key for the object
114      *
115      * @return an object from the disk cache
116      *
117      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
118      */

119     private CacheObject doGet(Serializable JavaDoc key) throws DiskCacheException {
120         try {
121             storageLock.readLock().acquire();
122             if (!alive) {
123                 return null;
124             }
125             return readElement(key);
126         } catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc e) {
127             throw new DiskCacheException("The read was interrupted.");
128         } finally {
129             storageLock.readLock().release();
130         }
131     }
133     /**
134      * Update the disk cache.
135      *
136      * @param ce the object to write.
137      *
138      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
139      */

140     private void doUpdate(Object JavaDoc key, byte[] data) {
141         try {
142             DiskElementDescriptor ded = new DiskElementDescriptor();
143             ded.init(dataFile.length(), data);
144             storageLock.writeLock().acquire();
145             if (!alive) {
146                 return;
147             }
148             DiskElementDescriptor old =
149                 (DiskElementDescriptor) keyHash.put(key, ded);
150             if ((old != null) && (ded.len <= old.len)) {
151                 ded.pos = old.pos;
152             }
153             dataFile.write(data, ded.pos);
154         } catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc e) {
155             ;
156         } finally {
157             storageLock.writeLock().release();
158         }
159     }
161     /**
162      * gets an object from the diskCache
163      *
164      * @param key the key for the object
165      *
166      * @return an object from the diskCache
167      *
168      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
169      */

170     public final CacheObject getObject(final Serializable JavaDoc key)
171         throws DiskCacheException {
172         if (!alive) {
173             return null;
174         }
175         return doGet(key);
176     }
178     /**
179      * lods keys from an existing cachefile
180      * @throws DiskCacheException
181      *
182      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
183      */

184     private void loadKeysFromFile() throws DiskCacheException {
185         try {
186             storageLock.readLock().acquire();
187             keyHash = (HashMap JavaDoc) keyFile.readObject(0);
188             if (keyHash == null) {
189                 keyHash = new HashMap JavaDoc();
190             }
191         } catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc e) {
192             ;
193         } finally {
194             storageLock.readLock().release();
195         }
196     }
198     /**
199      * closes the diskcache, and optimizes the disk files.
200      */

201     public void close() {
202         try {
203             storageLock.writeLock().acquire();
204             if (!alive) {
205                 return;
206             }
207             optimizeFile();
208             dataFile.close();
209             dataFile = null;
210             keyFile.close();
211             keyFile = null;
212         } catch (DiskCacheException e) {
213             //duh, so what. its closed down and useless anyway...
//the user will get the error when he tries to open it the next time.
} catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc e) {
216             ;
217         } finally {
218             alive = false;
219             storageLock.writeLock().release();
221         }
222     }
224     /**
225      * defragments the cachefiles. optimize this to let it be done online.
226      *
227      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
228      */

229     private void optimizeFile() throws DiskCacheException {
230         HashMap JavaDoc keyHashTemp = new HashMap JavaDoc();
231         CacheFileAdapter dataFileTemp =
232             new CacheFileAdapter(new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + ""));
233         Iterator JavaDoc itr = keyHash.keySet().iterator();
234         while (itr.hasNext()) {
235             Serializable JavaDoc key = (Serializable JavaDoc);
236             CacheObject tempDe = readElement(key);
237             DiskElementDescriptor de = dataFileTemp.appendObject(tempDe);
238             keyHashTemp.put(key, de);
239         }
240         dataFileTemp.close();
241         dataFile.close();
242         File JavaDoc oldData = new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + ".data");
243         if (oldData.exists()) {
244             oldData.delete();
245         }
246         File JavaDoc newData = new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + "");
247         File JavaDoc newFileName = new File JavaDoc(rafDir, fileName + ".data");
248         if (newData.exists()) {
249             newData.renameTo(newFileName);
250         }
251         keyHash = keyHashTemp;
252         keyFile.reset();
253         if (keyHash.size() > 0) {
254             keyFile.writeObject(keyHash, 0);
255         }
256     }
258     /**
259      * reads an element from the diskcache
260      *
261      * @param key the key for the diskobject
262      *
263      * @return an element from the diskcache
264      *
265      * @throws DiskCacheException if exceptions occur.
266      */

267     CacheObject readElement(final Serializable JavaDoc key)
268         throws DiskCacheException {
269         DiskElementDescriptor ded = (DiskElementDescriptor) keyHash.get(key);
270         if (ded != null) {
271             Serializable JavaDoc readObject = dataFile.readObject(ded.pos);
272             return ((DiskCacheObject) readObject).getCacheObject();
273         }
274         throw new DiskCacheException("The object " + key
275             + " was not found in the diskCache.");
276     }
278     /**
279      * Adds the provided element to the cache.
280      *
281      * @param cacheElement the element to add.
282      */

283     public final boolean update(final CacheObject cacheElement) {
284         byte[] data = CacheFileAdapter.serialize(new DiskCacheObject(cacheElement));
285         int newSize = currentSize+data.length;
286         int maxSize = cattr.getDiskSize()*1024*1024;
287         if(newSize>maxSize) {
288             return false;
289         }
290         doUpdate(cacheElement.getKey(), data);
291         currentSize=newSize;
292         return true;
293     }
295     /**
296      * Will remove all objects in this diskcache. Just a quick and dirty
297      * implementation to make things work.
298      *
299      * @throws DiskCacheException if removed was not successfull.
300      *
301      * @todo make this operation asynchronous to speed up flushing.
302      */

303     public void removeAll() throws DiskCacheException {
304         try {
305             storageLock.writeLock().acquire();
306         } catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc e) {
307             ;
308         }
309         try {
310             if(dataFile!=null)dataFile.reset();
311             if(keyFile!=null)keyFile.reset();
312             currentSize=0;
313         } finally {
314             storageLock.writeLock().release();
315         }
316     }
317 }
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