1 2 package org.ejen.ext.parsers.java_1_2; 3 4 public interface JavaParserConstants { 5 int EOF = 0; 6 int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 9; 7 int FORMAL_COMMENT = 10; 8 int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 11; 9 int ABSTRACT = 13; 10 int BOOLEAN = 14; 11 int BREAK = 15; 12 int BYTE = 16; 13 int CASE = 17; 14 int CATCH = 18; 15 int CHAR = 19; 16 int CLASS = 20; 17 int CONST = 21; 18 int CONTINUE = 22; 19 int _DEFAULT = 23; 20 int DO = 24; 21 int DOUBLE = 25; 22 int ELSE = 26; 23 int EXTENDS = 27; 24 int FALSE = 28; 25 int FINAL = 29; 26 int FINALLY = 30; 27 int FLOAT = 31; 28 int FOR = 32; 29 int GOTO = 33; 30 int IF = 34; 31 int IMPLEMENTS = 35; 32 int IMPORT = 36; 33 int INSTANCEOF = 37; 34 int INT = 38; 35 int INTERFACE = 39; 36 int LONG = 40; 37 int NATIVE = 41; 38 int NEW = 42; 39 int NULL = 43; 40 int PACKAGE = 44; 41 int PRIVATE = 45; 42 int PROTECTED = 46; 43 int PUBLIC = 47; 44 int RETURN = 48; 45 int SHORT = 49; 46 int STATIC = 50; 47 int SUPER = 51; 48 int SWITCH = 52; 49 int SYNCHRONIZED = 53; 50 int THIS = 54; 51 int THROW = 55; 52 int THROWS = 56; 53 int TRANSIENT = 57; 54 int TRUE = 58; 55 int TRY = 59; 56 int VOID = 60; 57 int VOLATILE = 61; 58 int WHILE = 62; 59 int STRICTFP = 63; 60 int INTEGER_LITERAL = 64; 61 int DECIMAL_LITERAL = 65; 62 int HEX_LITERAL = 66; 63 int OCTAL_LITERAL = 67; 64 int FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 68; 65 int EXPONENT = 69; 66 int CHARACTER_LITERAL = 70; 67 int STRING_LITERAL = 71; 68 int IDENTIFIER = 72; 69 int LETTER = 73; 70 int DIGIT = 74; 71 int LPAREN = 75; 72 int RPAREN = 76; 73 int LBRACE = 77; 74 int RBRACE = 78; 75 int LBRACKET = 79; 76 int RBRACKET = 80; 77 int SEMICOLON = 81; 78 int COMMA = 82; 79 int DOT = 83; 80 int ASSIGN = 84; 81 int GT = 85; 82 int LT = 86; 83 int BANG = 87; 84 int TILDE = 88; 85 int HOOK = 89; 86 int COLON = 90; 87 int EQ = 91; 88 int LE = 92; 89 int GE = 93; 90 int NE = 94; 91 int SC_OR = 95; 92 int SC_AND = 96; 93 int INCR = 97; 94 int DECR = 98; 95 int PLUS = 99; 96 int MINUS = 100; 97 int STAR = 101; 98 int SLASH = 102; 99 int BIT_AND = 103; 100 int BIT_OR = 104; 101 int XOR = 105; 102 int REM = 106; 103 int LSHIFT = 107; 104 int RSIGNEDSHIFT = 108; 105 int RUNSIGNEDSHIFT = 109; 106 int PLUSASSIGN = 110; 107 int MINUSASSIGN = 111; 108 int STARASSIGN = 112; 109 int SLASHASSIGN = 113; 110 int ANDASSIGN = 114; 111 int ORASSIGN = 115; 112 int XORASSIGN = 116; 113 int REMASSIGN = 117; 114 int LSHIFTASSIGN = 118; 115 int RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 119; 116 int RUNSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN = 120; 117 int DEFAULT = 0; 118 int IN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 1; 119 int IN_FORMAL_COMMENT = 2; 120 int IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 3; 121 String [] tokenImage = { 122 "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", "\"//\"", 123 "<token of kind 7>", "\"/*\"", "<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT>", "\"*/\"", 124 "\"*/\"", "<token of kind 12>", "\"abstract\"", "\"boolean\"", 125 "\"break\"", "\"byte\"", "\"case\"", "\"catch\"", "\"char\"", 126 "\"class\"", "\"const\"", "\"continue\"", "\"default\"", "\"do\"", 127 "\"double\"", "\"else\"", "\"extends\"", "\"false\"", "\"final\"", 128 "\"finally\"", "\"float\"", "\"for\"", "\"goto\"", "\"if\"", 129 "\"implements\"", "\"import\"", "\"instanceof\"", "\"int\"", 130 "\"interface\"", "\"long\"", "\"native\"", "\"new\"", "\"null\"", 131 "\"package\"", "\"private\"", "\"protected\"", "\"public\"", 132 "\"return\"", "\"short\"", "\"static\"", "\"super\"", "\"switch\"", 133 "\"synchronized\"", "\"this\"", "\"throw\"", "\"throws\"", 134 "\"transient\"", "\"true\"", "\"try\"", "\"void\"", "\"volatile\"", 135 "\"while\"", "\"strictfp\"", "<INTEGER_LITERAL>", "<DECIMAL_LITERAL>", 136 "<HEX_LITERAL>", "<OCTAL_LITERAL>", "<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL>", 137 "<EXPONENT>", "<CHARACTER_LITERAL>", "<STRING_LITERAL>", "<IDENTIFIER>", 138 "<LETTER>", "<DIGIT>", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"{\"", "\"}\"", "\"[\"", 139 "\"]\"", "\";\"", "\",\"", "\".\"", "\"=\"", "\">\"", "\"<\"", "\"!\"", 140 "\"~\"", "\"?\"", "\":\"", "\"==\"", "\"<=\"", "\">=\"", "\"!=\"", 141 "\"||\"", "\"&&\"", "\"++\"", "\"--\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"*\"", 142 "\"/\"", "\"&\"", "\"|\"", "\"^\"", "\"%\"", "\"<<\"", "\">>\"", 143 "\">>>\"", "\"+=\"", "\"-=\"", "\"*=\"", "\"/=\"", "\"&=\"", "\"|=\"", 144 "\"^=\"", "\"%=\"", "\"<<=\"", "\">>=\"", "\">>>=\"", 145 }; 146 } 147
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