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Java > Open Source Codes > org > eclipse > osgi > internal > verifier > DNChainMatching

1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  *
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  *******************************************************************************/

11 package org.eclipse.osgi.internal.verifier;
13 import java.util.ArrayList JavaDoc;
14 import JavaDoc;
16 /**
17  * This class contains a method to match a distinguished name (DN) chain against
18  * and DN chain pattern.
19  * <p>
20  * The format of DNs are given in RFC 2253. We represent a signature chain for
21  * an X.509 certificate as a semicolon separated list of DNs. This is what we
22  * refer to as the DN chain. Each DN is made up of relative distinguished names
23  * (RDN) which in turn are made up of key value pairs. For example:
24  *
25  * <pre>
26  *
27  *
28  * cn=ben+ou=research,o=ACME,c=us;ou=Super CA,c=CA
29  *
30  *
31  * </pre>
32  *
33  * is made up of two DNs: "<code>cn=ben+ou=research,o=ACME,c=us</code>" and "
34  * <code>ou=Super CA,c=CA</code>". The first DN is made of of three RDNs: "
35  * <code>cn=ben+ou=research</code>" and "<code>o=ACME</code>" and "
36  * <code>c=us</code>". The first RDN has two name value pairs: "
37  * <code>cn=ben</code>" and "<code>ou=research</code>".
38  * <p>
39  * A chain pattern makes use of wildcards ('*') to match against DNs, DN
40  * prefixes, and value. If a DN in a DN chain is made up of a wildcard ("*"),
41  * that wildcard will match zero or more DNs in the chain. If the first RDN of a
42  * DN is the wildcard, that DN will match any other DN with the same suffix (the
43  * DN with the wildcard RDN removed). If a value of a name/value pair is a
44  * wildcard, the value will match any value for that name.
45  */

46 public class DNChainMatching {
47     /**
48      * Check the name/value pairs of the rdn against the pattern.
49      *
50      * @param rdn ArrayList of name value pairs for a given RDN.
51      * @param rdnPattern ArrayList of name value pattern pairs.
52      * @return true if the list of name value pairs match the pattern.
53      */

54     private static boolean rdnmatch(ArrayList JavaDoc rdn, ArrayList JavaDoc rdnPattern) {
55         if (rdn.size() != rdnPattern.size())
56             return false;
57         for (int i = 0; i < rdn.size(); i++) {
58             String JavaDoc rdnNameValue = (String JavaDoc) rdn.get(i);
59             String JavaDoc patNameValue = (String JavaDoc) rdnPattern.get(i);
60             int rdnNameEnd = rdnNameValue.indexOf('=');
61             int patNameEnd = patNameValue.indexOf('=');
62             if (rdnNameEnd != patNameEnd || !rdnNameValue.regionMatches(0, patNameValue, 0, rdnNameEnd)) {
63                 return false;
64             }
65             String JavaDoc patValue = patNameValue.substring(patNameEnd);
66             String JavaDoc rdnValue = rdnNameValue.substring(rdnNameEnd);
67             if (!rdnValue.equals(patValue) && !patValue.equals("=*") && !patValue.equals("=#16012a")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return false;
69             }
70         }
71         return true;
72     }
74     private static boolean dnmatch(ArrayList JavaDoc dn, ArrayList JavaDoc dnPattern) {
75         int dnStart = 0;
76         int patStart = 0;
77         int patLen = dnPattern.size();
78         if (patLen == 0) {
79             return false;
80         }
81         if (dnPattern.get(0).equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
patStart = 1;
83             patLen--;
84         }
85         if (dn.size() < patLen) {
86             return false;
87         } else if (dn.size() > patLen) {
88             if (!dnPattern.get(0).equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// If the number of rdns do not match we must have a prefix map
return false;
91             }
92             // The rdnPattern and rdn must have the same number of elements
dnStart = dn.size() - patLen;
94         }
95         for (int i = 0; i < patLen; i++) {
96             if (!rdnmatch((ArrayList JavaDoc) dn.get(i + dnStart), (ArrayList JavaDoc) dnPattern.get(i + patStart))) {
97                 return false;
98             }
99         }
100         return true;
101     }
103     /**
104      * Parses a distinguished name chain and returns an ArrayList where each
105      * element represents a distinguished name (DN) in the chain of DNs. Each
106      * element will be either a String, if the element represents a wildcard
107      * ("*"), or an ArrayList representing an RDN. Each element in the RDN
108      * ArrayList will be a String, if the element represents a wildcard ("*"),
109      * or an ArrayList of Strings, each String representing a name/value pair in
110      * the RDN.
111      *
112      * @param dnChain
113      * @return a list of DNs.
114      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
115      */

116     private static ArrayList JavaDoc parseDNchain(String JavaDoc dnChain) throws IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc {
117         ArrayList JavaDoc parsed = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
118         int startIndex = 0;
119         startIndex = skipSpaces(dnChain, startIndex);
120         while (startIndex < dnChain.length()) {
121             int endIndex = startIndex;
122             boolean inQuote = false;
123             out: while (endIndex < dnChain.length()) {
124                 char c = dnChain.charAt(endIndex);
125                 switch (c) {
126                     case '"' :
127                         inQuote = !inQuote;
128                         break;
129                     case '\\' :
130                         endIndex++; // skip the escaped char
132                     case ';' :
133                         if (!inQuote)
134                             break out;
135                 }
136                 endIndex++;
137             }
138             if (endIndex > dnChain.length()) {
139                 throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("unterminated escape"); //$NON-NLS-1$
141             parsed.add(dnChain.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
142             startIndex = endIndex + 1;
143             startIndex = skipSpaces(dnChain, startIndex);
144         }
145         // Now we parse is a list of strings, lets make ArrayList of rdn out of
// them
for (int i = 0; i < parsed.size(); i++) {
148             String JavaDoc dn = (String JavaDoc) parsed.get(i);
149             if (dn.equals("*")) //$NON-NLS-1$
151             ArrayList JavaDoc rdns = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
152             if (dn.charAt(0) == '*') {
153                 if (dn.charAt(1) != ',')
154                     throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("invalid wildcard prefix"); //$NON-NLS-1$
rdns.add("*"); //$NON-NLS-1$
dn = new X500Principal JavaDoc(dn.substring(2)).getName(X500Principal.CANONICAL);
157             } else {
158                 dn = new X500Principal JavaDoc(dn).getName(X500Principal.CANONICAL);
159             }
160             // Now dn is a nice CANONICAL DN
parseDN(dn, rdns);
162             parsed.set(i, rdns);
163         }
164         if (parsed.size() == 0) {
165             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("empty DN chain"); //$NON-NLS-1$
167         return parsed;
168     }
170     /**
171      * Increment startIndex until the end of dnChain is hit or until it is the
172      * index of a non-space character.
173      */

174     private static int skipSpaces(String JavaDoc dnChain, int startIndex) {
175         while (startIndex < dnChain.length() && dnChain.charAt(startIndex) == ' ')
176             startIndex++;
177         return startIndex;
178     }
180     /**
181      * Takes a distinguished name in canonical form and fills in the rdnArray
182      * with the extracted RDNs.
183      *
184      * @param dn the distinguished name in canonical form.
185      * @param rdnArray the array to fill in with RDNs extracted from the dn
186      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a formatting error is found.
187      */

188     private static void parseDN(String JavaDoc dn, ArrayList JavaDoc rdnArray) throws IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc {
189         int startIndex = 0;
190         char c = '\0';
191         ArrayList JavaDoc nameValues = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
192         while (startIndex < dn.length()) {
193             int endIndex;
194             for (endIndex = startIndex; endIndex < dn.length(); endIndex++) {
195                 c = dn.charAt(endIndex);
196                 if (c == ',' || c == '+')
197                     break;
198                 if (c == '\\') {
199                     endIndex++; // skip the escaped char
201             }
202             if (endIndex > dn.length())
203                 throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("unterminated escape " + dn); //$NON-NLS-1$
nameValues.add(dn.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
205             if (c != '+') {
206                 rdnArray.add(nameValues);
207                 if (endIndex != dn.length())
208                     nameValues = new ArrayList JavaDoc();
209                 else
210                     nameValues = null;
211             }
212             startIndex = endIndex + 1;
213         }
214         if (nameValues != null) {
215             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("improperly terminated DN " + dn); //$NON-NLS-1$
217     }
219     /**
220      * This method will return an 'index' which points to a non-wild-card DN or
221      * the end-of-arraylist.
222      */

223     private static int skipWildCards(ArrayList JavaDoc dnChainPattern, int dnChainPatternIndex) throws IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc {
224         int i;
225         for (i = dnChainPatternIndex; i < dnChainPattern.size(); i++) {
226             Object JavaDoc dnPattern = dnChainPattern.get(i);
227             if (dnPattern instanceof String JavaDoc) {
228                 if (!dnPattern.equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected wild-card in DN pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
231                 // otherwise continue skipping over wild cards
} else if (dnPattern instanceof ArrayList JavaDoc) {
233                 // if its an arraylist then we have our 'non-wild-card' DN
235             } else {
236                 // unknown member of the DNChainPattern
throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected String or Arraylist in DN Pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
239         }
240         // i either points to end-of-arraylist, or to the first non-wild-card
// pattern
// after dnChainPatternIndex
return i;
244     }
246     /**
247      * recursively attempt to match the DNChain, and the DNChainPattern where
248      * DNChain is of the format: "DN;DN;DN;" and DNChainPattern is of the
249      * format: "DNPattern;*;DNPattern" (or combinations of this)
250      */

251     private static boolean dnChainMatch(ArrayList JavaDoc dnChain, int dnChainIndex, ArrayList JavaDoc dnChainPattern, int dnChainPatternIndex) throws IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc {
252         if (dnChainIndex >= dnChain.size()) {
253             return false;
254         }
255         if (dnChainPatternIndex >= dnChainPattern.size()) {
256             return false;
257         }
258         // check to see what the pattern starts with
Object JavaDoc dnPattern = dnChainPattern.get(dnChainPatternIndex);
260         if (dnPattern instanceof String JavaDoc) {
261             if (!dnPattern.equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected wild-card in DN pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
264             // here we are processing a wild card as the first DN
// skip all wild-card DN's
dnChainPatternIndex = skipWildCards(dnChainPattern, dnChainPatternIndex);
267             if (dnChainPatternIndex >= dnChainPattern.size()) {
268                 // the entire DNChainPattern was wild-cards, so we have a match
return true;
270             }
271             //
// we will now recursively call to see if the rest of the
// DNChainPattern
// matches increasingly smaller portions of the rest of the DNChain
for (int i = dnChainIndex; i < dnChain.size(); i++) {
277                 if (dnChainMatch(dnChain, i, dnChainPattern, dnChainPatternIndex)) {
278                     return true;
279                 }
280             }
281             // if we are here, then we didn't find a match.. fall through to
// failure
} else if (dnPattern instanceof ArrayList JavaDoc) {
284             // here we have to do a deeper check for each DN in the pattern
// until we hit a wild card
do {
287                 if (!dnmatch((ArrayList JavaDoc) dnChain.get(dnChainIndex), (ArrayList JavaDoc) dnPattern)) {
288                     return false;
289                 }
290                 // go to the next set of DN's in both chains
292                 dnChainPatternIndex++;
293                 // if we finished the pattern then it all matched
if ((dnChainIndex >= dnChain.size()) && (dnChainPatternIndex >= dnChainPattern.size())) {
295                     return true;
296                 }
297                 // if the DN Chain is finished, but the pattern isn't finished
// then if the rest of the pattern is not wildcard then we are
// done
if (dnChainIndex >= dnChain.size()) {
301                     dnChainPatternIndex = skipWildCards(dnChainPattern, dnChainPatternIndex);
302                     // return TRUE iff the pattern index moved past the
// array-size
// (implying that the rest of the pattern is all wild-cards)
return (dnChainPatternIndex >= dnChainPattern.size());
306                 }
307                 // if the pattern finished, but the chain continues then we have
// a mis-match
if (dnChainPatternIndex >= dnChainPattern.size()) {
310                     return false;
311                 }
312                 // get the next DN Pattern
dnPattern = dnChainPattern.get(dnChainPatternIndex);
314                 if (dnPattern instanceof String JavaDoc) {
315                     if (!dnPattern.equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected wild-card in DN pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
318                     // if the next DN is a 'wild-card', then we will recurse
return dnChainMatch(dnChain, dnChainIndex, dnChainPattern, dnChainPatternIndex);
320                 } else if (!(dnPattern instanceof ArrayList JavaDoc)) {
321                     throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected String or Arraylist in DN Pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
323                 // if we are here, then we will just continue to the match the
// next set of DN's from the DNChain, and the DNChainPattern
// since both are array-lists
} while (true);
327             // should never reach here?
} else {
329             throw new IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc("expected String or Arraylist in DN Pattern"); //$NON-NLS-1$
331         // if we get here, the the default return is 'mis-match'
return false;
333     }
335     /**
336      * Matches a distinguished name chain against a pattern of a distinguished
337      * name chain.
338      *
339      * @param dnChain
340      * @param pattern the pattern of distinguished name (DN) chains to match
341      * against the dnChain. Wildcards "*" can be used in three cases:
342      * <ol>
343      * <li>As a DN. In this case, the DN will consist of just the "*".
344      * It will match zero or more DNs. For example, "cn=me,c=US;*;cn=you"
345      * will match "cn=me,c=US";cn=you" and
346      * "cn=me,c=US;cn=her,c=CA;cn=you".
347      * <li>As a DN prefix. In this case, the DN must start with "*,".
348      * The wild card will match zero or more RDNs at the start of a DN.
349      * For example, "*,cn=me,c=US;cn=you" will match "cn=me,c=US";cn=you"
350      * and "ou=my org unit,o=my org,cn=me,c=US;cn=you"</li>
351      * <li>As a value. In this case the value of a name value pair in an
352      * RDN will be a "*". The wildcard will match any value for the given
353      * name. For example, "cn=*,c=US;cn=you" will match
354      * "cn=me,c=US";cn=you" and "cn=her,c=US;cn=you", but it will not
355      * match "ou=my org unit,c=US;cn=you". If the wildcard does not occur
356      * by itself in the value, it will not be used as a wildcard. In
357      * other words, "cn=m*,c=US;cn=you" represents the common name of
358      * "m*" not any common name starting with "m".</li>
359      * </ol>
360      * @return true if dnChain matches the pattern.
361      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
362      */

363     public static boolean match(String JavaDoc dnChain, String JavaDoc pattern) {
364         ArrayList JavaDoc parsedDNChain;
365         ArrayList JavaDoc parsedDNPattern;
366         try {
367             parsedDNChain = parseDNchain(dnChain);
368         } catch (IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc e) {
369             System.err.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + dnChain); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
371         }
372         try {
373             parsedDNPattern = parseDNchain(pattern);
374         } catch (IllegalArgumentException JavaDoc e) {
375             System.err.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + pattern); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
377         }
378         try {
379             return dnChainMatch(parsedDNChain, 0, parsedDNPattern, 0);
380         } catch (Exception JavaDoc e) {
381             e.printStackTrace();
382         }
383         return false;
384     }
385 }
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