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Java > Open Source Codes > org > eclipse > core > internal > indexing > ObjectPage

1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  *
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  *******************************************************************************/

11 package org.eclipse.core.internal.indexing;
13 /**
14  An ObjectPage is a page in a page file that contains objects. Objects are byte arrays.
15  An object page contains metainformation about the objects located on that page as well
16  as information about the state of the page. This information is updated as the page
17  has objects placed on it or removed from it. Objects within a page are identified by
18  their object number, which is in the range of 1-255 inclusive.
20  All pages are numbered. Space map pages are located at page numbers i*(Page.Size) in
21  the page file. Object pages are located at all page numbers between space map pages.
22  Thus object pages will never have page numbers that are multiples of the page size.
23  */

25 class ObjectPage extends ObjectStorePage {
27     protected static final int MaxEntries = 256;
28     protected static final int ObjectDirectoryOffset = 64;
29     protected static final int ObjectSpaceOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + 512;
30     protected static final int FlagOffset = 0;
31     protected static final int UsedSpaceOffset = 2;
32     protected static final int UsedEntriesOffset = 4;
33     protected static final int InitialEntryOffset = 6;
34     protected static final int FreeSpaceOffset = 8;
36     public static final int ObjectSpaceSize = SIZE - ObjectSpaceOffset;
38     protected int usedSpace;
39     protected int usedEntries;
40     protected int freeSpaceOffset;
41     protected int initialEntry;
43     /**
44      * Creates a new page from a buffer.
45      */

46     public ObjectPage(int pageNumber, byte[] buffer, PageStore pageStore) {
47         super(pageNumber, buffer, pageStore);
48     }
50     /**
51      * Writes the contents of the page to a buffer.
52      */

53     public void toBuffer(byte[] buffer) {
54         dematerialize();
55         pageBuffer.copyTo(buffer);
56     }
58     /**
59      * Updates the page fields from its bytes. This is used when the page has just been mutated from
60      * a its superclass.
61      */

63     protected void materialize() {
64         int initialized = pageBuffer.getUInt(FlagOffset, 2);
65         if (initialized == 0xEEEE) {
66             usedSpace = pageBuffer.getUInt(UsedSpaceOffset, 2);
67             usedEntries = pageBuffer.getUInt(UsedEntriesOffset, 2);
68             initialEntry = pageBuffer.getUInt(InitialEntryOffset, 2);
69             freeSpaceOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(FreeSpaceOffset, 2);
70         } else {
71             usedSpace = 0;
72             usedEntries = 0;
73             initialEntry = 0;
74             freeSpaceOffset = ObjectSpaceOffset;
75         }
76     }
78     /**
79      * Writes the object page header and from the header instance variables. This is used just before
80      * the page is to be written to the page store.
81      */

82     protected void dematerialize() {
83         pageBuffer.put(FlagOffset, 2, 0xEEEE);
84         pageBuffer.put(UsedSpaceOffset, 2, usedSpace);
85         pageBuffer.put(UsedEntriesOffset, 2, usedEntries);
86         pageBuffer.put(InitialEntryOffset, 2, initialEntry);
87         pageBuffer.put(FreeSpaceOffset, 2, freeSpaceOffset);
88     }
90     /**
91      * This method returns the Field mapped over the object for a given object number.
92      */

93     public Field getObjectField(int objectNumber) throws ObjectStoreException {
94         int entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + 2 * objectNumber;
95         int blockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
96         if (blockOffset == 0)
97             return null;
98         ObjectHeader header = new ObjectHeader(pageBuffer.get(blockOffset, ObjectHeader.SIZE));
99         Field f = pageBuffer.getField(blockOffset + ObjectHeader.SIZE, header.getObjectLength());
100         return f;
101     }
103     /**
104      * Places an object into a page. The object must have a reservation.
105      */

106     public void insertObject(StoredObject object) throws ObjectStoreException {
108         // ensure that there is space for this object
int blockLength = object.length() + ObjectHeader.SIZE;
110         if (getFreeSpace() < blockLength) {
111             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.ObjectSizeFailure);
112         }
114         // make sure the slot is still empty
int objectNumber = object.getAddress().getObjectNumber();
116         int entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + (objectNumber * 2);
117         int blockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
118         if (blockOffset != 0) {
119             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.PageVacancyFailure);
120         }
122         // place the object into the object space portion of the page
if (blockLength > (SIZE - freeSpaceOffset))
124             compress(); // compress the space if necessary
blockOffset = freeSpaceOffset; // place the object at the beginning of the free space
ObjectHeader header = new ObjectHeader(object.length());
127         pageBuffer.put(blockOffset, header);
128         pageBuffer.put(blockOffset + ObjectHeader.SIZE, object.toByteArray());
129         pageBuffer.put(entryOffset, 2, blockOffset);
130         freeSpaceOffset += blockLength; // update where the new free space is
usedSpace += blockLength; // indicate that space is used up
usedEntries++; // indicate that an entry is used up
initialEntry = (objectNumber + 1) % MaxEntries; // set where to begin the next search
135         notifyObservers();
136     }
138     /**
139      * Reserves space for an object on the page. Records the reservation in the
140      * reservation table.
141      */

142     public int reserveObject(StoredObject object, ReservationTable reservations) throws ObjectStoreException {
144         // ensure that there is space for this object, there should be since we check beforehand
int blockLength = object.length() + ObjectHeader.SIZE;
146         if (getFreeSpace() < blockLength) {
147             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.ObjectSizeFailure);
148         }
150         // get the reservation for this page from the table, create a new one if necessary
Reservation r = reservations.get(pageNumber);
152         if (r == null) {
153             r = new Reservation(getFreeSpace(), MaxEntries - usedEntries, initialEntry);
154             reservations.put(pageNumber, r);
155         }
157         // find an empty slot that is not already reserved
int objectNumber = r.getInitialEntry();
159         int blockOffset = 0;
160         int entryOffset = 0;
161         for (int i = 0; i < MaxEntries; i++) {
162             if (!r.contains(objectNumber)) {
163                 entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + (objectNumber * 2);
164                 blockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
165                 if (blockOffset == 0)
166                     break;
167             }
168             objectNumber = (objectNumber + 1) % MaxEntries;
169         }
170         if (blockOffset != 0) {
171             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.PageVacancyFailure);
172         }
174         // begin the next search just after where we left off
r.setInitialEntry((objectNumber + 1) % MaxEntries);
177         // update the reservation for this page
r.add(objectNumber, blockLength);
179         return objectNumber;
180     }
182     public void removeObject(int objectNumber) throws ObjectStoreException {
184         /* check for existence of the object to be removed */
185         int entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + 2 * objectNumber;
186         int blockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
187         if (blockOffset == 0)
188             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.ObjectExistenceFailure);
190         /* remove the object */
191         pageBuffer.put(entryOffset, 2, 0); // remove its offset from the object table
ObjectHeader h = new ObjectHeader(pageBuffer.get(blockOffset, ObjectHeader.SIZE));
193         int objectLength = h.getObjectLength();
194         int blockLength = objectLength + ObjectHeader.SIZE; // find the length of it in the object space
pageBuffer.clear(blockOffset, blockLength); // clear its spot in the object space
usedSpace -= blockLength; // space has been freed
usedEntries--; // an entry has been freed;
199         notifyObservers();
200     }
202     /**
203      * Updates an object value on the page. An object may not change its size.
204      */

205     public void updateObject(StoredObject object) throws ObjectStoreException {
207         int objectNumber = object.getAddress().getObjectNumber();
209         /* check for existence of the object to be updated */
210         int entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset + 2 * objectNumber;
211         int blockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
212         if (blockOffset == 0) {
213             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.ObjectExistenceFailure);
214         }
216         /* retrieve the header and check the size */
217         ObjectHeader header = new ObjectHeader(pageBuffer.get(blockOffset, ObjectHeader.SIZE));
218         if (header.getObjectLength() != object.length()) {
219             throw new ObjectStoreException(ObjectStoreException.ObjectSizeFailure);
220         }
222         /* update in place */
223         int objectOffset = blockOffset + ObjectHeader.SIZE;
224         pageBuffer.put(objectOffset, object.toByteArray());
225         setChanged();
226         notifyObservers();
227     }
229     /**
230      * Compresses the space in the page, putting all the free space at the end of the page.
231      * This will adjust the free space offset and the offsets of the individual objects. All
232      * of the other parameters of the page remain the same. Resets the number of
233      * used entries to fix an old bug.
234      */

235     private void compress() throws ObjectStoreException {
236         Buffer temp = new Buffer(SIZE);
237         int newBlockOffset = ObjectSpaceOffset;
238         int entryOffset = ObjectDirectoryOffset;
239         usedEntries = 0;
240         for (int i = 0; i < MaxEntries; i++) {
241             int oldBlockOffset = pageBuffer.getUInt(entryOffset, 2);
242             if (oldBlockOffset > 0) {
243                 ObjectHeader h = new ObjectHeader(pageBuffer.get(oldBlockOffset, ObjectHeader.SIZE));
244                 int blockLength = h.getObjectLength() + ObjectHeader.SIZE;
245                 temp.put(newBlockOffset, pageBuffer.get(oldBlockOffset, blockLength));
246                 pageBuffer.put(entryOffset, 2, newBlockOffset);
247                 newBlockOffset += blockLength;
248                 usedEntries++;
249             }
250             entryOffset += 2;
251         }
252         pageBuffer.put(ObjectSpaceOffset, temp.get(ObjectSpaceOffset, SIZE - ObjectSpaceOffset));
253         freeSpaceOffset = newBlockOffset;
254     }
256     /**
257      * Returns the amount of free space on this page.
258      */

259     public int getFreeSpace() {
260         if (usedEntries >= MaxEntries)
261             return 0;
262         return SIZE - (ObjectSpaceOffset + usedSpace);
263     }
264 }
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