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Java > Open Source Codes > org > apache > ldap > server > db > Table

1 /*
2  * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */

17 package org.apache.ldap.server.db;
20 import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration JavaDoc;
21 import javax.naming.NamingException JavaDoc;
24 /**
25  * A backend friendly wrapper around a JDBM BTree that transparent enables
26  * duplicates when the BTree does not support them.
27  *
28  * TODO Need to rewrite the Javadocs in this interface.
29  *
30  * @author <a HREF="">Apache Directory Project</a>
31  * @version $Rev: 169198 $
32  */

33 public interface Table
34 {
35     /**
36      * Gets the comparator used by this Table: may be null if this Table was
37      * not initialized with one.
38      *
39      * @return the final comparator instance or null if this Table was not
40      * created with one.
41      */

42     TupleComparator getComparator();
44     /**
45      * Gets the data renderer used by this Table to display or log records keys
46      * and values.
47      *
48      * @return the renderer used
49      */

50     TupleRenderer getRenderer();
52     /**
53      * Sets the data renderer to by used by this Table to display or log record
54      * keys and values.
55      *
56      * @param renderer the DataRenderer instance to used as the renderer.
57      */

58     void setRenderer( TupleRenderer renderer );
60     /**
61      * Gets the name of this Table.
62      *
63      * @return the name
64      */

65     String JavaDoc getName();
67     /**
68      * Checks to see if this Table has enabled the use of duplicate keys.
69      *
70      * @return true if duplicate keys are enabled, false otherwise.
71      */

72     boolean isDupsEnabled();
74     /**
75      * Checks to see if this Table has enabled sorting on the values of
76      * duplicate keys.
77      *
78      * @return true if duplicate key values are sorted, false otherwise.
79      */

80     boolean isSortedDupsEnabled();
83     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple Table Key/Value Assertions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

88     /**
89      * Checks to see if this table has a key: same as a get call with a check to
90      * see if the returned value is null or not.
91      *
92      * @param key the Object of the key to check for
93      * @return true if the key exists, false otherwise.
94      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
95      */

96     boolean has( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
98     /**
99      * Checks to see if this table has a key with a specific value.
100      *
101      * @param key the key Object to check for
102      * @param value the value Object to check for
103      * @return true if a record with the key and value exists, false otherwise.
104      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
105      */

106     boolean has( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc value ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
108     /**
109      * Checks to see if this table has a record with a key greater/less than or
110      * equal to the key argument. The key argument need not exist for this
111      * call to return true. The underlying database must be a BTree because
112      * this method depends on the use of sorted keys.
113      *
114      * @param key the key Object to compare keys to
115      * @param isGreaterThan boolean for greater than or less then comparison
116      * @return true if a record with a key greater/less than the key argument
117      * exists, false otherwise
118      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db,
119      * or if the underlying Db is not a Btree.
120      */

121     boolean has( Object JavaDoc key, boolean isGreaterThan ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
123     /**
124      * Checks to see if this table has a record with a key equal to the
125      * argument key with a value greater/less than or equal to the value
126      * argument provided. The key argument <strong>MUST</strong> exist for
127      * this call to return true and the underlying Db must be a Btree that
128      * allows for sorted duplicate values. The entire basis to this method
129      * depends on the fact that duplicate key values are sorted according to
130      * a valid value comparator function.
131      *
132      * @param key the key Object
133      * @param val the value Object to compare values to
134      * @param isGreaterThan boolean for greater than or less then comparison
135      * @return true if a record with a key greater/less than the key argument
136      * exists, false otherwise
137      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
138      * or if the underlying Db is not of the Btree type that allows sorted
139      * duplicate values.
140      */

141     boolean has( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc val, boolean isGreaterThan )
142         throws NamingException JavaDoc;
145     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Value Accessors/Mutators
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

149     /**
150      * Gets the value of a record by key if the key exists. If this Table
151      * allows duplicate keys then the first key will be returned. If this
152      * Table is also a Btree that first key will be the smallest key in the
153      * Table as specificed by this Table's comparator or the default berkeley
154      * bytewise lexical comparator.
155      *
156      * @param key the key of the record
157      * @return the value of the record with key if key exists or null if
158      * no such record exists.
159      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
160      */

161     Object JavaDoc get( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
163     /**
164      * Puts a record into this Table.
165      *
166      * @param key the key of the record
167      * @param value the value of the record.
168      * @return the last value present for key or null if this the key did not
169      * exist before.
170      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read or write to
171      * the underlying Db
172      */

173     Object JavaDoc put( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc value ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
175     /**
176      * Efficiently puts a set of values into the Table. If the Table does not
177      * support duplicate keys then only the first key within the enumeration is
178      * added. If there are more elements left after this single addition an
179      * UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. Nothing is added if the table
180      * does not support duplicates and there is more than one element in the
181      * enumeration.
182      *
183      * @param key the key to use for the values
184      * @param values the values supplied as an enumeration
185      * @return TODO
186      * @throws NamingException if something goes wrong
187      */

188     Object JavaDoc put( Object JavaDoc key, NamingEnumeration JavaDoc values ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
190     /**
191      * Removes all records with key from this Table.
192      *
193      * @param key the key of the records to remove
194      * @return TODO
195      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read or write to
196      * the underlying Db
197      */

198     Object JavaDoc remove( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
200     /**
201      * Removes a single specific record with key and value from this Table.
202      *
203      * @param key the key of the record to remove
204      * @param value the value of the record to remove
205      * @return TODO
206      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read or write to
207      * the underlying Db
208      */

209     Object JavaDoc remove( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc value ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
212     /**
213      * Removes a set of values with the same key from this Table. If this
214      * table does not allow duplicates the method will attempt to remove the
215      * first value in the enumeration if one exists. If there is more than one
216      * value within the enumeration after the first drop an
217      * UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. Nothing is removed if there is
218      * more than one element on the enumeration and the table does not support
219      * duplicates.
220      *
221      * @param key the key of the records to remove
222      * @param values TODO
223      * @return TODO
224      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read or write to
225      * the underlying Db
226      */

227     Object JavaDoc remove( Object JavaDoc key, NamingEnumeration JavaDoc values )
228         throws NamingException JavaDoc;
231     /**
232      * Sets a enumeration to the first record in the Table with a key value of
233      * key and enables single next steps across all duplicate records with
234      * this key. This enumeration will only iterate over duplicates of the key.
235      * Unlike listTuples(Object) which returns Tuples from the enumerations
236      * advances methods this call returns an enumeration with just the values
237      * of the key.
238      *
239      * @param key the key to iterate over
240      * @return TODO
241      * @throws NamingException if the underlying browser could not be set
242      */

243     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc listValues( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
246     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// listTuple overloads
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

251     /**
252      * Sets a cursor to the first record in the Table and enables single
253      * next steps across all records.
254      *
255      * @return TODO
256      * @throws NamingException if the underlying cursor could not be set.
257      */

258     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc listTuples() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
260     /**
261      * Sets a cursor to the first record in the Table with a key value of
262      * key and enables single next steps across all duplicate records with
263      * this key. This cursor will only iterate over duplicates of the key.
264      *
265      * @param key the key to iterate over
266      * @return TODO
267      * @throws NamingException if the underlying cursor could not be set
268      */

269     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc listTuples( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
271     /**
272      * Sets a cursor to the first record in the Table with a key value
273      * greater/less than or equal to key and enables single next steps across
274      * all records with key values equal to or less/greater than key.
275      *
276      * @param key the key to use to position this cursor to record with a key
277      * greater/less than or equal to it
278      * @param isGreaterThan if true the cursor iterates up over ascending keys
279      * greater than or equal to the key argument, but if false this cursor
280      * iterates down over descending keys less than or equal to key argument
281      * @return TODO
282      * @throws NamingException if the underlying cursor could not be set
283      */

284     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc listTuples( Object JavaDoc key, boolean isGreaterThan )
285         throws NamingException JavaDoc;
287     /**
288      * Sets a cursor to the first record in the Table with a key equal to
289      * the key argument whose value is greater/less than or equal to key and
290      * enables single next steps across all records with key equal to key.
291      * Hence this cursor will only iterate over duplicate keys where values are
292      * less than or greater than or equal to val.
293      *
294      * @param key the key to use to position this cursor to record with a key
295      * equal to it.
296      * @param val the value to use to position this cursor to record with a
297      * value greater/less than or equal to it.
298      * @param isGreaterThan if true the cursor iterates up over ascending
299      * values greater than or equal to the val argument, but if false this
300      * cursor iterates down over descending values less than or equal to val
301      * argument starting from the largest value going down
302      * @return TODO
303      * @throws NamingException if the underlying cursor could not be set or
304      * this method is called over a cursor on a table that does not have sorted
305      * duplicates enabled.
306      */

307     NamingEnumeration JavaDoc listTuples( Object JavaDoc key, Object JavaDoc val, boolean isGreaterThan )
308         throws NamingException JavaDoc;
311     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Record Count Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

316     /**
317      * Gets the count of the number of records in this Table.
318      *
319      * @return the number of records
320      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
321      */

322     int count() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
324     /**
325      * Gets the count of the number of records in this Table with a specific
326      * key: returns the number of duplicates for a key.
327      *
328      * @param key the Object key to count.
329      * @return the number of duplicate records for a key.
330      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
331      */

332     int count( Object JavaDoc key ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
334     /**
335      * Returns the number of records greater than or less than a key value. The
336      * key need not exist for this call to return a non-zero value.
337      *
338      * @param key the Object key to count.
339      * @param isGreaterThan boolean set to true to count for greater than and
340      * equal to record keys, or false for less than or equal to keys.
341      * @return the number of keys greater or less than key.
342      * @throws NamingException if there is a failure to read the underlying Db
343      */

344     int count( Object JavaDoc key, boolean isGreaterThan ) throws NamingException JavaDoc;
346     /**
347      * Closes the underlying Db of this Table.
348      *
349      * @throws NamingException on any failures
350      */

351     void close() throws NamingException JavaDoc;
352 }
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