1 2 22 23 package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile; 24 25 public interface SQLParserConstants { 26 27 int EOF = 0; 28 int NOT_D = 10; 29 int NOT_DE = 13; 30 int NOT_DER = 16; 31 int NOT_DERB = 19; 32 int NOT_DERBY = 22; 33 int NOT_DERBYDASH = 25; 34 int NOT_DERBYDASHP = 28; 35 int NOT_DERBYDASHPR = 31; 36 int NOT_DERBYDASHPRO = 34; 37 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROP = 37; 38 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROPE = 40; 39 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROPER = 43; 40 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERT = 46; 41 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERTI = 49; 42 int NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERTIE = 52; 43 int DERBYDASHPROPERTIES = 53; 44 int NOT_PROPERTIES = 56; 45 int SINGLE_LINE_SQLCOMMENT = 57; 46 int CHECK_PROPERTIES = 58; 47 int ADD = 59; 48 int ALL = 60; 49 int ALLOCATE = 61; 50 int ALTER = 62; 51 int AND = 63; 52 int ANY = 64; 53 int ARE = 65; 54 int AS = 66; 55 int ASC = 67; 56 int ASSERTION = 68; 57 int AT = 69; 58 int AUTHORIZATION = 70; 59 int AVG = 71; 60 int BEGIN = 72; 61 int BETWEEN = 73; 62 int BINARY = 74; 63 int BIT = 75; 64 int BOTH = 76; 65 int BY = 77; 66 int CASCADE = 78; 67 int CASCADED = 79; 68 int CASE = 80; 69 int CAST = 81; 70 int CHAR = 82; 71 int CHARACTER = 83; 72 int CHARACTER_LENGTH = 84; 73 int CHECK = 85; 74 int CLOSE = 86; 75 int COALESCE = 87; 76 int COLLATE = 88; 77 int COLLATION = 89; 78 int COLUMN = 90; 79 int COMMIT = 91; 80 int CONNECT = 92; 81 int CONNECTION = 93; 82 int CONSTRAINT = 94; 83 int CONSTRAINTS = 95; 84 int CONTINUE = 96; 85 int CONVERT = 97; 86 int CORRESPONDING = 98; 87 int COUNT = 99; 88 int CREATE = 100; 89 int CURRENT = 101; 90 int CURRENT_DATE = 102; 91 int CURRENT_TIME = 103; 92 int CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 104; 93 int CURRENT_USER = 105; 94 int CURSOR = 106; 95 int D = 107; 96 int DEALLOCATE = 108; 97 int DEC = 109; 98 int DECIMAL = 110; 99 int DECLARE = 111; 100 int _DEFAULT = 112; 101 int DEFERRABLE = 113; 102 int DEFERRED = 114; 103 int DELETE = 115; 104 int DESC = 116; 105 int DESCRIBE = 117; 106 int DIAGNOSTICS = 118; 107 int DISCONNECT = 119; 108 int DISTINCT = 120; 109 int DOUBLE = 121; 110 int DROP = 122; 111 int ELSE = 123; 112 int END = 124; 113 int ENDEXEC = 125; 114 int ESCAPE = 126; 115 int EXCEPT = 127; 116 int EXCEPTION = 128; 117 int EXEC = 129; 118 int EXECUTE = 130; 119 int EXISTS = 131; 120 int EXTERNAL = 132; 121 int FALSE = 133; 122 int FETCH = 134; 123 int FIRST = 135; 124 int FLOAT = 136; 125 int FOR = 137; 126 int FOREIGN = 138; 127 int FOUND = 139; 128 int FROM = 140; 129 int FULL = 141; 130 int FUNCTION = 142; 131 int GET = 143; 132 int GLOBAL = 144; 133 int GO = 145; 134 int GOTO = 146; 135 int GRANT = 147; 136 int GROUP = 148; 137 int HAVING = 149; 138 int HOUR = 150; 139 int IDENTITY = 151; 140 int IMMEDIATE = 152; 141 int IN = 153; 142 int INDICATOR = 154; 143 int INITIALLY = 155; 144 int INNER = 156; 145 int INPUT = 157; 146 int INSENSITIVE = 158; 147 int INSERT = 159; 148 int INT = 160; 149 int INTEGER = 161; 150 int INTERSECT = 162; 151 int INTO = 163; 152 int IS = 164; 153 int ISOLATION = 165; 154 int JOIN = 166; 155 int KEY = 167; 156 int LAST = 168; 157 int LEFT = 169; 158 int LIKE = 170; 159 int LOWER = 171; 160 int MATCH = 172; 161 int MAX = 173; 162 int MIN = 174; 163 int MINUTE = 175; 164 int MODULE = 176; 165 int NATIONAL = 177; 166 int NATURAL = 178; 167 int NCHAR = 179; 168 int NEXT = 180; 169 int NO = 181; 170 int NOT = 182; 171 int NULL = 183; 172 int NULLIF = 184; 173 int NUMERIC = 185; 174 int OF = 186; 175 int ON = 187; 176 int ONLY = 188; 177 int OPEN = 189; 178 int OPTION = 190; 179 int OR = 191; 180 int ORDER = 192; 181 int OUTER = 193; 182 int OUTPUT = 194; 183 int OVERLAPS = 195; 184 int PAD = 196; 185 int PARTIAL = 197; 186 int PREPARE = 198; 187 int PRESERVE = 199; 188 int PRIMARY = 200; 189 int PRIOR = 201; 190 int PRIVILEGES = 202; 191 int PROCEDURE = 203; 192 int PUBLIC = 204; 193 int READ = 205; 194 int REAL = 206; 195 int REFERENCES = 207; 196 int RELATIVE = 208; 197 int RESTRICT = 209; 198 int REVOKE = 210; 199 int RIGHT = 211; 200 int ROLLBACK = 212; 201 int ROWS = 213; 202 int SCHEMA = 214; 203 int SCROLL = 215; 204 int SECOND = 216; 205 int SELECT = 217; 206 int SESSION_USER = 218; 207 int SET = 219; 208 int SMALLINT = 220; 209 int SOME = 221; 210 int SPACE = 222; 211 int SQL = 223; 212 int SQLCODE = 224; 213 int SQLERROR = 225; 214 int SQLSTATE = 226; 215 int SUBSTRING = 227; 216 int SUM = 228; 217 int SYSTEM_USER = 229; 218 int T = 230; 219 int TABLE = 231; 220 int TEMPORARY = 232; 221 int TIMEZONE_HOUR = 233; 222 int TIMEZONE_MINUTE = 234; 223 int TO = 235; 224 int TRANSACTION = 236; 225 int TRANSLATE = 237; 226 int TRANSLATION = 238; 227 int TRUE = 239; 228 int TS = 240; 229 int UNION = 241; 230 int UNIQUE = 242; 231 int UNKNOWN = 243; 232 int UPDATE = 244; 233 int UPPER = 245; 234 int USER = 246; 235 int USING = 247; 236 int VALUE = 248; 237 int VALUES = 249; 238 int VARBINARY = 250; 239 int VARCHAR = 251; 240 int VARYING = 252; 241 int VIEW = 253; 242 int WHENEVER = 254; 243 int WHERE = 255; 244 int WITH = 256; 245 int WORK = 257; 246 int WRITE = 258; 247 int YEAR = 259; 248 int ABS = 260; 249 int ABSVAL = 261; 250 int ACTION = 262; 251 int ALWAYS = 263; 252 int BLOB = 264; 253 int C = 265; 254 int CALLED = 266; 255 int CLOB = 267; 256 int COBOL = 268; 257 int COMMITTED = 269; 258 int CONCAT = 270; 259 int CONTAINS = 271; 260 int DATA = 272; 261 int DATE = 273; 262 int DAY = 274; 263 int DEFINER = 275; 264 int DYNAMIC = 276; 265 int FORTRAN = 277; 266 int GENERATED = 278; 267 int IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL = 279; 268 int INCREMENT = 280; 269 int INITIAL = 281; 270 int INOUT = 282; 271 int INTERVAL = 283; 272 int INVOKER = 284; 273 int LANGUAGE = 285; 274 int LARGE = 286; 275 int LENGTH = 287; 276 int LEVEL = 288; 277 int LOCKS = 289; 278 int LOCKSIZE = 290; 279 int LOGGED = 291; 280 int MOD = 292; 281 int MODIFIES = 293; 282 int MODIFY = 294; 283 int MONTH = 295; 284 int _MORE = 296; 285 int MUMPS = 297; 286 int NAME = 298; 287 int NCLOB = 299; 288 int NULLABLE = 300; 289 int NUMBER = 301; 290 int OBJECT = 302; 291 int PASCAL = 303; 292 int PLI = 304; 293 int PRECISION = 305; 294 int RELEASE = 306; 295 int REPEATABLE = 307; 296 int RESTART = 308; 297 int RETURNS = 309; 298 int ROW = 310; 299 int SAVEPOINT = 311; 300 int SCALE = 312; 301 int SECURITY = 313; 302 int SERIALIZABLE = 314; 303 int SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND = 315; 304 int SQL_TSI_SECOND = 316; 305 int SQL_TSI_MINUTE = 317; 306 int SQL_TSI_HOUR = 318; 307 int SQL_TSI_DAY = 319; 308 int SQL_TSI_WEEK = 320; 309 int SQL_TSI_MONTH = 321; 310 int SQL_TSI_QUARTER = 322; 311 int SQL_TSI_YEAR = 323; 312 int START = 324; 313 int STATEMENT = 325; 314 int SYNONYM = 326; 315 int THEN = 327; 316 int TIME = 328; 317 int TIMESTAMP = 329; 318 int TIMESTAMPADD = 330; 319 int TIMESTAMPDIFF = 331; 320 int TRUNCATE = 332; 321 int TYPE = 333; 322 int UNCOMMITTED = 334; 323 int USAGE = 335; 324 int WHEN = 336; 325 int BOOLEAN = 337; 326 int CALL = 338; 327 int CURDATE = 339; 328 int CURTIME = 340; 329 int DATABASE = 341; 330 int GET_CURRENT_CONNECTION = 342; 331 int EXPLAIN = 343; 332 int LONGINT = 344; 333 int LONG = 345; 334 int LTRIM = 346; 335 int RTRIM = 347; 336 int SUBSTR = 348; 337 int XML = 349; 338 int XMLEXISTS = 350; 339 int XMLPARSE = 351; 340 int XMLQUERY = 352; 341 int XMLSERIALIZE = 353; 342 int AFTER = 354; 343 int BEFORE = 355; 344 int CLASS = 356; 345 int COMPRESS = 357; 346 int CONTENT = 358; 347 int CS = 359; 348 int CURSORS = 360; 349 int DB2SQL = 361; 350 int DIRTY = 362; 351 int DOCUMENT = 363; 352 int EACH = 364; 353 int EMPTY = 365; 354 int EXCLUSIVE = 366; 355 int FN = 367; 356 int INDEX = 368; 357 int JAVA = 369; 358 int LCASE = 370; 359 int LOCATE = 371; 360 int LOCK = 372; 361 int MESSAGE_LOCALE = 373; 362 int METHOD = 374; 363 int MODE = 375; 364 int NEW = 376; 365 int NEW_TABLE = 377; 366 int NVARCHAR = 378; 367 int OJ = 379; 368 int OFF = 380; 369 int OLD = 381; 370 int OLD_TABLE = 382; 371 int OUT = 383; 372 int PARAMETER = 384; 373 int PASSING = 385; 374 int PROPERTIES = 386; 375 int READS = 387; 376 int REF = 388; 377 int REFERENCING = 389; 378 int RENAME = 390; 379 int RESET = 391; 380 int RESULT = 392; 381 int RETAIN = 393; 382 int RETURNING = 394; 383 int RR = 395; 384 int RS = 396; 385 int SEQUENCE = 397; 386 int SEQUENTIAL = 398; 387 int SETS = 399; 388 int SHARE = 400; 389 int SQLID = 401; 390 int SPECIFIC = 402; 391 int SQRT = 403; 392 int STABILITY = 404; 393 int STRIP = 405; 394 int STYLE = 406; 395 int TRIGGER = 407; 396 int UCASE = 408; 397 int UR = 409; 398 int WHITESPACE = 410; 399 int DOUBLE_QUOTE = 411; 400 int PERCENT = 412; 401 int AMPERSAND = 413; 402 int QUOTE = 414; 403 int LEFT_BRACE = 415; 404 int RIGHT_BRACE = 416; 405 int LEFT_PAREN = 417; 406 int RIGHT_PAREN = 418; 407 int ASTERISK = 419; 408 int PLUS_SIGN = 420; 409 int COMMA = 421; 410 int MINUS_SIGN = 422; 411 int PERIOD = 423; 412 int SOLIDUS = 424; 413 int COLON = 425; 414 int DOUBLE_COLON = 426; 415 int SEMICOLON = 427; 416 int LESS_THAN_OPERATOR = 428; 417 int LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS_OPERATOR = 429; 418 int EQUALS_OPERATOR = 430; 419 int NOT_EQUALS_OPERATOR = 431; 420 int NOT_EQUALS_OPERATOR2 = 432; 421 int GREATER_THAN_OPERATOR = 433; 422 int GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS_OPERATOR = 434; 423 int QUESTION_MARK = 435; 424 int UNDERSCORE = 436; 425 int VERTICAL_BAR = 437; 426 int LEFT_BRACKET = 438; 427 int RIGHT_BRACKET = 439; 428 int CONCATENATION_OPERATOR = 440; 429 int FIELD_REFERENCE = 441; 430 int IDENTIFIER = 442; 431 int K = 443; 432 int M = 444; 433 int G = 445; 434 int LETTER = 446; 435 int DIGIT = 447; 436 int DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER = 448; 437 int EXACT_NUMERIC = 449; 438 int UINT = 450; 439 int LENGTH_MODIFIER = 451; 440 int STRING = 452; 441 int HEX_STRING = 453; 442 int APPROXIMATE_NUMERIC = 454; 443 int INTERVAL_LITERAL = 455; 444 int INTERVAL_STRING = 456; 445 int INTERVAL_QUALIFIER = 457; 446 int SINGLE_DATETIME_FIELD = 458; 447 int START_FIELD = 459; 448 int END_FIELD = 460; 449 int NON_SECOND_DATETIME_FIELD = 461; 450 int YEAR_MONTH_LITERAL = 462; 451 int DAY_TIME_LITERAL = 463; 452 int DAY_TIME_INTERVAL = 464; 453 int SECONDS_VALUE = 465; 454 int TIME_INTERVAL = 466; 455 456 int DEFAULT = 0; 457 int IN_COMMENT = 1; 458 int LOOKFOR_DE = 2; 459 int LOOKFOR_DER = 3; 460 int LOOKFOR_DERB = 4; 461 int LOOKFOR_DERBY = 5; 462 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASH = 6; 463 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHP = 7; 464 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPR = 8; 465 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPRO = 9; 466 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROP = 10; 467 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPE = 11; 468 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPER = 12; 469 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPERT = 13; 470 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPERTI = 14; 471 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPERTIE = 15; 472 int LOOKFOR_DERBYDASHPROPERTIES = 16; 473 int IT_IS_NOT_DERBYPROPERTIES_COMMENT = 17; 474 int PROPERTIES_LIST = 18; 475 476 String [] tokenImage = { 477 "<EOF>", 478 "\" \"", 479 "\"\\t\"", 480 "\"\\n\"", 481 "\"\\r\"", 482 "\"--\"", 483 "\" \"", 484 "\"\\t\"", 485 "\"D\"", 486 "<token of kind 9>", 487 "<NOT_D>", 488 "\"E\"", 489 "<token of kind 12>", 490 "<NOT_DE>", 491 "\"R\"", 492 "<token of kind 15>", 493 "<NOT_DER>", 494 "\"B\"", 495 "<token of kind 18>", 496 "<NOT_DERB>", 497 "\"Y\"", 498 "<token of kind 21>", 499 "<NOT_DERBY>", 500 "\"-\"", 501 "<token of kind 24>", 502 "<NOT_DERBYDASH>", 503 "\"P\"", 504 "<token of kind 27>", 505 "<NOT_DERBYDASHP>", 506 "\"R\"", 507 "<token of kind 30>", 508 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPR>", 509 "\"O\"", 510 "<token of kind 33>", 511 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPRO>", 512 "\"P\"", 513 "<token of kind 36>", 514 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROP>", 515 "\"E\"", 516 "<token of kind 39>", 517 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROPE>", 518 "\"R\"", 519 "<token of kind 42>", 520 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROPER>", 521 "\"T\"", 522 "<token of kind 45>", 523 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERT>", 524 "\"I\"", 525 "<token of kind 48>", 526 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERTI>", 527 "\"E\"", 528 "<token of kind 51>", 529 "<NOT_DERBYDASHPROPERTIE>", 530 "\"DERBYDASHPROPERTIES\"", 531 "\"S\"", 532 "<token of kind 55>", 533 "<NOT_PROPERTIES>", 534 "<SINGLE_LINE_SQLCOMMENT>", 535 "<CHECK_PROPERTIES>", 536 "\"add\"", 537 "\"all\"", 538 "\"allocate\"", 539 "\"alter\"", 540 "\"and\"", 541 "\"any\"", 542 "\"are\"", 543 "\"as\"", 544 "\"asc\"", 545 "\"assertion\"", 546 "\"at\"", 547 "\"authorization\"", 548 "\"avg\"", 549 "\"begin\"", 550 "\"between\"", 551 "\"binary\"", 552 "\"bit\"", 553 "\"both\"", 554 "\"by\"", 555 "\"cascade\"", 556 "\"cascaded\"", 557 "\"case\"", 558 "\"cast\"", 559 "\"char\"", 560 "\"character\"", 561 "\"character_length\"", 562 "\"check\"", 563 "\"close\"", 564 "\"coalesce\"", 565 "\"collate\"", 566 "\"collation\"", 567 "\"column\"", 568 "\"commit\"", 569 "\"connect\"", 570 "\"connection\"", 571 "\"constraint\"", 572 "\"constraints\"", 573 "\"continue\"", 574 "\"convert\"", 575 "\"corresponding\"", 576 "\"count\"", 577 "\"create\"", 578 "\"current\"", 579 "\"current_date\"", 580 "\"current_time\"", 581 "\"current_timestamp\"", 582 "\"current_user\"", 583 "\"cursor\"", 584 "\"d\"", 585 "\"deallocate\"", 586 "\"dec\"", 587 "\"decimal\"", 588 "\"declare\"", 589 "\"default\"", 590 "\"deferrable\"", 591 "\"deferred\"", 592 "\"delete\"", 593 "\"desc\"", 594 "\"describe\"", 595 "\"diagnostics\"", 596 "\"disconnect\"", 597 "\"distinct\"", 598 "\"double\"", 599 "\"drop\"", 600 "\"else\"", 601 "\"end\"", 602 "\"end-exec\"", 603 "\"escape\"", 604 "\"except\"", 605 "\"exception\"", 606 "\"exec\"", 607 "\"execute\"", 608 "\"exists\"", 609 "\"external\"", 610 "\"false\"", 611 "\"fetch\"", 612 "\"first\"", 613 "\"float\"", 614 "\"for\"", 615 "\"foreign\"", 616 "\"found\"", 617 "\"from\"", 618 "\"full\"", 619 "\"function\"", 620 "\"get\"", 621 "\"global\"", 622 "\"go\"", 623 "\"goto\"", 624 "\"grant\"", 625 "\"group\"", 626 "\"having\"", 627 "\"hour\"", 628 "\"identity\"", 629 "\"immediate\"", 630 "\"in\"", 631 "\"indicator\"", 632 "\"initially\"", 633 "\"inner\"", 634 "\"input\"", 635 "\"insensitive\"", 636 "\"insert\"", 637 "\"int\"", 638 "\"integer\"", 639 "\"intersect\"", 640 "\"into\"", 641 "\"is\"", 642 "\"isolation\"", 643 "\"join\"", 644 "\"key\"", 645 "\"last\"", 646 "\"left\"", 647 "\"like\"", 648 "\"lower\"", 649 "\"match\"", 650 "\"max\"", 651 "\"min\"", 652 "\"minute\"", 653 "\"module\"", 654 "\"national\"", 655 "\"natural\"", 656 "\"nchar\"", 657 "\"next\"", 658 "\"no\"", 659 "\"not\"", 660 "\"null\"", 661 "\"nullif\"", 662 "\"numeric\"", 663 "\"of\"", 664 "\"on\"", 665 "\"only\"", 666 "\"open\"", 667 "\"option\"", 668 "\"or\"", 669 "\"order\"", 670 "\"outer\"", 671 "\"output\"", 672 "\"overlaps\"", 673 "\"pad\"", 674 "\"partial\"", 675 "\"prepare\"", 676 "\"preserve\"", 677 "\"primary\"", 678 "\"prior\"", 679 "\"privileges\"", 680 "\"procedure\"", 681 "\"public\"", 682 "\"read\"", 683 "\"real\"", 684 "\"references\"", 685 "\"relative\"", 686 "\"restrict\"", 687 "\"revoke\"", 688 "\"right\"", 689 "\"rollback\"", 690 "\"rows\"", 691 "\"schema\"", 692 "\"scroll\"", 693 "\"second\"", 694 "\"select\"", 695 "\"session_user\"", 696 "\"set\"", 697 "\"smallint\"", 698 "\"some\"", 699 "\"space\"", 700 "\"sql\"", 701 "\"sqlcode\"", 702 "\"sqlerror\"", 703 "\"sqlstate\"", 704 "\"substring\"", 705 "\"sum\"", 706 "\"system_user\"", 707 "\"t\"", 708 "\"table\"", 709 "\"temporary\"", 710 "\"timezone_hour\"", 711 "\"timezone_minute\"", 712 "\"to\"", 713 "\"transaction\"", 714 "\"translate\"", 715 "\"translation\"", 716 "\"true\"", 717 "\"ts\"", 718 "\"union\"", 719 "\"unique\"", 720 "\"unknown\"", 721 "\"update\"", 722 "\"upper\"", 723 "\"user\"", 724 "\"using\"", 725 "\"value\"", 726 "\"values\"", 727 "\"varbinary\"", 728 "\"varchar\"", 729 "\"varying\"", 730 "\"view\"", 731 "\"whenever\"", 732 "\"where\"", 733 "\"with\"", 734 "\"work\"", 735 "\"write\"", 736 "\"year\"", 737 "\"abs\"", 738 "\"absval\"", 739 "\"action\"", 740 "\"always\"", 741 "\"blob\"", 742 "\"c\"", 743 "\"called\"", 744 "\"clob\"", 745 "\"cobol\"", 746 "\"committed\"", 747 "\"concat\"", 748 "\"contains\"", 749 "\"data\"", 750 "\"date\"", 751 "\"day\"", 752 "\"definer\"", 753 "\"dynamic\"", 754 "\"fortran\"", 755 "\"generated\"", 756 "\"identity_val_local\"", 757 "\"increment\"", 758 "\"initial\"", 759 "\"inout\"", 760 "\"interval\"", 761 "\"invoker\"", 762 "\"language\"", 763 "\"large\"", 764 "\"length\"", 765 "\"level\"", 766 "\"locks\"", 767 "\"locksize\"", 768 "\"logged\"", 769 "\"mod\"", 770 "\"modifies\"", 771 "\"modify\"", 772 "\"month\"", 773 "\"more\"", 774 "\"mumps\"", 775 "\"name\"", 776 "\"nclob\"", 777 "\"nullable\"", 778 "\"number\"", 779 "\"object\"", 780 "\"pascal\"", 781 "\"pli\"", 782 "\"precision\"", 783 "\"release\"", 784 "\"repeatable\"", 785 "\"restart\"", 786 "\"returns\"", 787 "\"row\"", 788 "\"savepoint\"", 789 "\"scale\"", 790 "\"security\"", 791 "\"serializable\"", 792 "\"sql_tsi_frac_second\"", 793 "\"sql_tsi_second\"", 794 "\"sql_tsi_minute\"", 795 "\"sql_tsi_hour\"", 796 "\"sql_tsi_day\"", 797 "\"sql_tsi_week\"", 798 "\"sql_tsi_month\"", 799 "\"sql_tsi_quarter\"", 800 "\"sql_tsi_year\"", 801 "\"start\"", 802 "\"statement\"", 803 "\"synonym\"", 804 "\"then\"", 805 "\"time\"", 806 "\"timestamp\"", 807 "\"timestampadd\"", 808 "\"timestampdiff\"", 809 "\"truncate\"", 810 "\"type\"", 811 "\"uncommitted\"", 812 "\"usage\"", 813 "\"when\"", 814 "\"boolean\"", 815 "\"call\"", 816 "\"curdate\"", 817 "\"curtime\"", 818 "\"database\"", 819 "\"getCurrentConnection\"", 820 "\"explain\"", 821 "\"bigint\"", 822 "\"long\"", 823 "\"ltrim\"", 824 "\"rtrim\"", 825 "\"substr\"", 826 "\"xml\"", 827 "\"xmlexists\"", 828 "\"xmlparse\"", 829 "\"xmlquery\"", 830 "\"xmlserialize\"", 831 "\"after\"", 832 "\"before\"", 833 "\"class\"", 834 "\"compress\"", 835 "\"content\"", 836 "\"cs\"", 837 "\"cursors\"", 838 "\"db2sql\"", 839 "\"dirty\"", 840 "\"document\"", 841 "\"each\"", 842 "\"empty\"", 843 "\"exclusive\"", 844 "\"fn\"", 845 "\"index\"", 846 "\"java\"", 847 "\"lcase\"", 848 "\"locate\"", 849 "\"lock\"", 850 "\"message_locale\"", 851 "\"method\"", 852 "\"mode\"", 853 "\"new\"", 854 "\"new_table\"", 855 "\"nvarchar\"", 856 "\"oj\"", 857 "\"off\"", 858 "\"old\"", 859 "\"old_table\"", 860 "\"out\"", 861 "\"parameter\"", 862 "\"passing\"", 863 "\"properties\"", 864 "\"reads\"", 865 "\"ref\"", 866 "\"referencing\"", 867 "\"rename\"", 868 "\"reset\"", 869 "\"result\"", 870 "\"retain\"", 871 "\"returning\"", 872 "\"rr\"", 873 "\"rs\"", 874 "\"sequence\"", 875 "\"sequential\"", 876 "\"sets\"", 877 "\"share\"", 878 "\"sqlid\"", 879 "\"specific\"", 880 "\"sqrt\"", 881 "\"stability\"", 882 "\"strip\"", 883 "\"style\"", 884 "\"trigger\"", 885 "\"ucase\"", 886 "\"ur\"", 887 "\"whitespace\"", 888 "\"\\\"\"", 889 "\"%\"", 890 "\"&\"", 891 "\"\\\'\"", 892 "\"{\"", 893 "\"}\"", 894 "\"(\"", 895 "\")\"", 896 "\"*\"", 897 "\"+\"", 898 "\",\"", 899 "\"-\"", 900 "\".\"", 901 "\"/\"", 902 "\":\"", 903 "\"::\"", 904 "\";\"", 905 "\"<\"", 906 "\"<=\"", 907 "\"=\"", 908 "\"<>\"", 909 "\"!=\"", 910 "\">\"", 911 "\">=\"", 912 "\"?\"", 913 "\"_\"", 914 "\"|\"", 915 "\"[\"", 916 "\"]\"", 917 "\"||\"", 918 "\"->\"", 919 "<IDENTIFIER>", 920 "\"K\"", 921 "\"M\"", 922 "\"G\"", 923 "<LETTER>", 924 "<DIGIT>", 925 "<DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER>", 926 "<EXACT_NUMERIC>", 927 "<UINT>", 928 "<LENGTH_MODIFIER>", 929 "<STRING>", 930 "<HEX_STRING>", 931 "<APPROXIMATE_NUMERIC>", 932 "<INTERVAL_LITERAL>", 933 "<INTERVAL_STRING>", 934 "<INTERVAL_QUALIFIER>", 935 "<SINGLE_DATETIME_FIELD>", 936 "<START_FIELD>", 937 "<END_FIELD>", 938 "<NON_SECOND_DATETIME_FIELD>", 939 "<YEAR_MONTH_LITERAL>", 940 "<DAY_TIME_LITERAL>", 941 "<DAY_TIME_INTERVAL>", 942 "<SECONDS_VALUE>", 943 "<TIME_INTERVAL>", 944 }; 945 946 } 947 | Popular Tags |