KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > oracle > toplink > essentials > sessions > UnitOfWork

1 /*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
3  * of the Common Development and Distribution License
4  * (the "License"). You may not use this file except
5  * in compliance with the License.
6  *
7  * You can obtain a copy of the license at
8  * glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt or
9  *
10  * See the License for the specific language governing
11  * permissions and limitations under the License.
12  *
13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
14  * HEADER in each file and include the License file at
15  * glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable,
16  * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your
18  * own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy]
19  * [name of copyright owner]
20  */

21 // Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions;
24 import java.util.*;
25 import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.*;
26 import oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.UnitOfWorkChangeSet;
28 /**
29  * <b>Purpose</b>: To allow object level transactions. This class represents the public API of the
30  * unit of work and should be used to maintain complete compatibility.
31  * <p>
32  * <b>Description</b>: The unit of work is a session that implements all of the normal
33  * protocol of a TopLink session. It can be spawned from any other session including another unit of work.
34  * Objects can be brought into the unit of work through reading them or through registering them.
35  * The unit of work will opperate on its own object space, that is the objects within the unit of work
36  * will be clones of the orignial objects. When the unit of work is commited, all changes to any objects
37  * registered within the unit of work will be commited to the database. A minimal commit/update will
38  * be performed and any foreign keys/circular reference/referencial integrity will be resolved.
39  * If the commit to the database is successful the changed objects will be merged back into the unit of work
40  * parent session.
41  * <p>
42  * <b>Responsibilities</b>:
43  * <ul>
44  * <li> Allow parallel transactions against a session's objects.
45  * <li> Allow nested transactions.
46  * <li> Not require the application to write objects that is changes, automatically determine what has changed.
47  * <li> Perform a minimal commit/update of all changes that occured.
48  * <li> Resolve foreign keys for newly created objects and maintain referencial integrity.
49  * <li> Allow for the object transaction to use its own object space.
50  * </ul>
51  */

52 public interface UnitOfWork extends Session {
54     /**
55      * PUBLIC:
56      * Adds the given Java class to the receiver's set of read-only classes.
57      * Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.
58      */

59     public void addReadOnlyClass(Class JavaDoc theClass);
61     /**
62      * PUBLIC:
63      * Adds the classes in the given Vector to the existing set of read-only classes.
64      * Cannot be called after objects have been registered in the unit of work.
65      */

66     public void addReadOnlyClasses(Vector classes);
68     /**
69      * ADVANCED:
70      * Assign sequence number to the object.
71      * This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit.
72      * It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database.
73      * Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.
74      */

75     public void assignSequenceNumber(Object JavaDoc object) throws DatabaseException;
77     /**
78      * ADVANCED:
79      * Assign sequence numbers to all new objects registered in this unit of work,
80      * or any new objects reference by any objects registered.
81      * This allows for an object's id to be assigned before commit.
82      * It can be used if the application requires to use the object id before the object exists on the database.
83      * Normally all ids are assigned during the commit automatically.
84      */

85     public void assignSequenceNumbers() throws DatabaseException;
87     /**
88      * PUBLIC:
89      * Tell the unit of work to begin a transaction now.
90      * By default the unit of work will begin a transaction at commit time.
91      * The default is the recommended approach, however sometimes it is
92      * neccessary to start the transaction before commit time. When the
93      * unit of work commits, this transcation will be commited.
94      *
95      * @see #commit()
96      * @see #release()
97      */

98     public void beginEarlyTransaction() throws DatabaseException;
100     /**
101      * PUBLIC:
102      * Commit the unit of work to its parent.
103      * For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
104      * with its parents.
105      * For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
106      * to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
107      * objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
108      * transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released.
109      * If the commit is successful the unit of work is released, and a new unit of work
110      * must be acquired if further changes are desired.
111      *
112      * @see #commitAndResumeOnFailure()
113      * @see #commitAndResume()
114      * @see #release()
115      */

116     public void commit() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException;
118     /**
119      * PUBLIC:
120      * Commit the unit of work to its parent.
121      * For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
122      * with its parents.
123      * For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
124      * to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
125      * objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
126      * transaction will be rolledback, and the unit of work will be released.
127      * The normal commit releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired.
128      * The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used.
129      *
130      * @see #commitAndResumeOnFailure()
131      * @see #commit()
132      * @see #release()
133      */

134     public void commitAndResume() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException;
136     /**
137      * PUBLIC:
138      * Commit the unit of work to its parent.
139      * For a nested unit of work this will merge any changes to its objects
140      * with its parents.
141      * For a first level unit of work it will commit all changes to its objects
142      * to the database as a single transaction. If successful the changes to its
143      * objects will be merged to its parent's objects. If the commit fails the database
144      * transaction will be rolledback, but the unit of work will remain active.
145      * It can then be retried or released.
146      * The normal commit failure releases the unit of work, forcing a new one to be acquired if further changes are desired.
147      * The resuming feature allows for the same unit of work (and working copies) to be continued to be used if an error occurs.
148      *
149      * @see #commit()
150      * @see #release()
151      */

152     public void commitAndResumeOnFailure() throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException;
154     /**
155      * PUBLIC:
156      * Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
157      * This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
158      * RMI serialization or other serialization mechanisms, because the RMI object will
159      * be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity
160      * within the unit of work and record its changes.
161      * Everything connected to this object (i.e. the entire object tree where rmiClone
162      * is the root) is also merged.
163      *
164      * @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
165      * @see #mergeClone(Object)
166      * @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
167      */

168     public Object JavaDoc deepMergeClone(Object JavaDoc rmiClone);
170     /**
171      * PUBLIC:
172      * Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
173      * This reverts everything the object references.
174      *
175      * @return the object reverted.
176      * @see #revertObject(Object)
177      * @see #shallowRevertObject(Object)
178      */

179     public Object JavaDoc deepRevertObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
181     /**
182      * ADVANCED:
183      * Unregister the object with the unit of work.
184      * This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
185      * Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
186      * The method should be used carefully because it will delete all the reachable parts.
187      */

188     public void deepUnregisterObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
190     /**
191      * PUBLIC:
192      * Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
193      * Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.
194      */

195     public void deleteAllObjects(Collection domainObjects);
197     /**
198      * PUBLIC:
199      * Delete all of the objects and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
200      * Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.
201      */

202     public void deleteAllObjects(Vector domainObjects);
204     /**
205      * PUBLIC:
206      * Delete the object and all of their privately owned parts in the database.
207      * Delete operations are delayed in a unit of work until commit.
208      */

209     public Object JavaDoc deleteObject(Object JavaDoc domainObject);
211     /**
212      * ADVANCED:
213      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
214      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
215      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
216      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
217      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
218      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
219      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
220      */

221     public void dontPerformValidation();
223     /**
224      * ADVANCED:
225      * Set optmistic read lock on the object. This feature is overide by normal optimistic lock.
226      * when the object is changed in UnitOfWork. The cloneFromUOW must be the clone of from this
227      * UnitOfWork and it must implements version locking or timestamp locking.
228      * The SQL would look like the followings.
229      *
230      * If shouldModifyVersionField is true,
232      *
233      * If shouldModifyVersionField is false,
235      */

236     public void forceUpdateToVersionField(Object JavaDoc cloneFromUOW, boolean shouldModifyVersionField);
238     /**
239      * ADVANCED:
240      * This method Will Calculate the chages for the UnitOfWork. Without assigning sequence numbers
241      * This is a Computationaly intensive operation and should be avoided unless necessary.
242      * A valid changeSet, with sequencenumbers can be collected from the UnitOfWork After the commit
243      * is complete by calling unitOfWork.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()
244      */

245     public UnitOfWorkChangeSet getCurrentChanges();
247     /**
248      * ADVANCED:
249      * Return the original version of the object(clone) from the parent's identity map.
250      */

251     public Object JavaDoc getOriginalVersionOfObject(Object JavaDoc workingClone);
253     /**
254      * PUBLIC:
255      * Return the parent.
256      * This is a unit of work if nested, otherwise a database session or client session.
257      */

258     public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession getParent();
260     /**
261      * ADVANCED:
262      * Returns the currentChangeSet from the UnitOfWork.
263      * This is only valid after the UnitOfWOrk has commited successfully
264      */

265     public oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.UnitOfWorkChangeSet getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
267     /**
268      * ADVANCED:
269      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
270      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
271      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
272      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
273      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
274      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
275      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
276      */

277     public int getValidationLevel();
279     /**
280      * ADVANCED:
281      * The Unit of work is capable of preprocessing to determine if any on the clone have been changed.
282      * This is computationaly expensive and should be avoided on large object graphs.
283       */

284     public boolean hasChanges();
286     /**
287      * PUBLIC:
288      * Return if the unit of work is active (has not been released).
289      */

290     public boolean isActive();
292     /**
293      * PUBLIC:
294      * Checks to see if the specified class is read-only or not in this UnitOfWork.
295      *
296      * @return true if the class is read-only, false otherwise.
297      */

298     public boolean isClassReadOnly(Class JavaDoc theClass);
300     /**
301      * ADVANCED:
302      * Return if this session is a nested unit of work.
303      */

304     public boolean isNestedUnitOfWork();
306     /**
307      * PUBLIC:
308      * Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
309      * This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
310      * RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
311      * will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
312      * identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
313      *
314      * The object and its private owned parts are merged.
315      *
316      * @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
317      * @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
318      * @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
319      */

320     public Object JavaDoc mergeClone(Object JavaDoc rmiClone);
322     /**
323      * PUBLIC:
324      * Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
325      * This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
326      * RMI serialization (or another serialization mechanism), because the RMI object
327      * will be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object
328      * identity within the unit of work and record its changes.
329      *
330      * The object and its private owned parts are merged. This will include
331      * references from this clone to independent objects.
332      *
333      * @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
334      * @see #shallowMergeClone(Object)
335      * @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
336      */

337     public Object JavaDoc mergeCloneWithReferences(Object JavaDoc rmiClone);
339     /**
340      * PUBLIC:
341      * Return a new instance of the class registered in this unit of work.
342      * This can be used to ensure that new objects are registered correctly.
343      */

344     public Object JavaDoc newInstance(Class JavaDoc theClass);
346     /**
347      * ADVANCED:
348      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
349      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
350      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
351      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
352      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
353      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
354      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
355      */

356     public void performFullValidation();
358     /**
359      * ADVANCED:
360      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
361      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
362      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
363      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
364      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
365      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
366      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
367      */

368     public void performPartialValidation();
370     /**
371      * PUBLIC:
372      * Print the objects in the unit of work.
373      */

374     public void printRegisteredObjects();
376     /**
377      * PUBLIC:
378      * Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database.
379      * The object will be pessimisticly locked on the database for the duration of the transaction.
380      * If the object is already locked this method will wait until the lock is released.
381      * A no wait option is available through setting the lock mode.
382      * @see #refreshAndLockObject(Object, lockMode)
383      */

384     public Object JavaDoc refreshAndLockObject(Object JavaDoc object);
386     /**
387      * PUBLIC:
388      * Refresh the attributes of the object and of all of its private parts from the database.
389      * The object will be pessimisticly locked on the database for the duration of the transaction.
390      * <p>Lock Modes: ObjectBuildingQuery.NO_LOCK, LOCK, LOCK_NOWAIT
391      */

392     public Object JavaDoc refreshAndLockObject(Object JavaDoc object, short lockMode);
394     /**
395      * PUBLIC:
396      * Register the objects with the unit of work.
397      * All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
398      * Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
399      * must also be registered.
400      * Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
401      *
402      * @return is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing,
403      * editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
404      */

405     public Vector registerAllObjects(Collection domainObjects);
407     /**
408      * PUBLIC:
409      * Register the objects with the unit of work.
410      * All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
411      * Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
412      * must also be registered.
413      * Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
414      *
415      * @return is the clones of the original objects, the return value must be used for editing,
416      * editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
417      */

418     public Vector registerAllObjects(Vector domainObjects);
420     /**
421      * ADVANCED:
422      * Register the existing object with the unit of work.
423      * This is a advanced API that can be used if the application can guarentee the object exists on the database.
424      * When registerObject is called the unit of work determines existence through the descriptor's doesExist setting.
425      *
426      * @return The clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing.
427      * Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work.
428      */

429     public Object JavaDoc registerExistingObject(Object JavaDoc existingObject);
431     /**
432      * ADVANCED:
433      * Register the new object with the unit of work.
434      * This will register the new object without cloning.
435      * Normally the registerObject method should be used for all registration of new and existing objects.
436      * This version of the register method can only be used for new objects.
437      * This method should only be used if a new object is desired to be registered without cloning.
438      *
439      * @see #registerObject(Object)
440      */

441     public Object JavaDoc registerNewObject(Object JavaDoc newObject);
443     /**
444      * PUBLIC:
445      * Register the object with the unit of work.
446      * All newly created root domain objects must be registered to be inserted on commit.
447      * Also any existing objects that will be edited and were not read from this unit of work
448      * must also be registered.
449      * Once registered any changes to the objects will be commited to the database on commit.
450      *
451      * @return the clone of the original object, the return value must be used for editing,
452      *
453      * ** Editing the original is not allowed in the unit of work. **
454      */

455     public Object JavaDoc registerObject(Object JavaDoc domainObject);
457     /**
458      * PUBLIC:
459      * Release the unit of work.
460      * This terminates this unit of work.
461      * Because the unit of work operates on its own object space (clones) no work is required.
462      * The unit of work should no longer be used or referenced by the application beyond this point
463      * so that it can garbage collect.
464      *
465      * @see #commit()
466      */

467     public void release();
469     /**
470      * PUBLIC:
471      * Empties the set of read-only classes.
472      * It is illegal to call this method on nested UnitOfWork objects. A nested UnitOfWork
473      * cannot have a subset of its parent's set of read-only classes.
474      */

475     public void removeAllReadOnlyClasses();
477     /**
478      * ADVANCED:
479      * Remove optimistic read lock from the object
480      * See forceUpdateToVersionField(Object)
481      */

482     public void removeForceUpdateToVersionField(Object JavaDoc cloneFromUOW);
484     /**
485      * PUBLIC:
486      * Removes a Class from the receiver's set of read-only classes.
487      * It is illegal to try to send this method to a nested UnitOfWork.
488      */

489     public void removeReadOnlyClass(Class JavaDoc theClass);
491     /**
492      * PUBLIC:
493      * Revert all changes made to any registered object.
494      * Clear all deleted and new objects.
495      * Revert should not be confused with release which it the normal compliment to commit.
496      * Revert is more similar to commit and resume, however reverts all changes and resumes.
497      * If you do not require to resume the unit of work release should be used instead.
498      *
499      * @see #commitAndResume()
500      * @see #release()
501      */

502     public void revertAndResume();
504     /**
505      * PUBLIC:
506      * Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
507      * This also reverts the object privately-owned parts.
508      *
509      * @return the object reverted.
510      * @see #shallowRevertObject(Object)
511      * @see #deepRevertObject(Object)
512      */

513     public Object JavaDoc revertObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
515     /**
516      * ADVANCED:
517      * By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
518      * Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges
519      * on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be
520      * interpretted as a different new object.
521      * By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit.
522      * New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered.
523      * New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.
524      */

525     public void setShouldNewObjectsBeCached(boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached);
527     /**
528      * ADVANCED:
529      * By default deletes are performed last in a unit of work.
530      * Sometimes you may want to have the deletes performed before other actions.
531      */

532     public void setShouldPerformDeletesFirst(boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst);
534     /**
535      * ADVANCED:
536      * Conforming queries can be set to provide different levels of detail about the
537      * exceptions they encounter
538      * There are two levels:
541      */

542     public void setShouldThrowConformExceptions(int shouldThrowExceptions);
544     /**
545      * ADVANCED:
546      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
547      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
548      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
549      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
550      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
551      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
552      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
553      */

554     public void setValidationLevel(int validationLevel);
556     /**
557      * PUBLIC:
558      * Merge the attributes of the clone into the unit of work copy.
559      * This can be used for objects that are returned from the client through
560      * RMI serialization (or other serialization mechanisms), because the RMI object will
561      * be a clone this will merge its attributes correctly to preserve object identity
562      * within the unit of work and record its changes.
563      *
564      * Only direct attributes are merged.
565      *
566      * @return the registered version for the clone being merged.
567      * @see #mergeClone(Object)
568      * @see #deepMergeClone(Object)
569      */

570     public Object JavaDoc shallowMergeClone(Object JavaDoc rmiClone);
572     /**
573      * PUBLIC:
574      * Revert the object's attributes from the parent.
575      * This only reverts the object's direct attributes.
576      *
577      * @return the object reverted.
578      * @see #revertObject(Object)
579      * @see #deepRevertObject(Object)
580      */

581     public Object JavaDoc shallowRevertObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
583     /**
584      * ADVANCED:
585      * Unregister the object with the unit of work.
586      * This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
587      * Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
588      * The method will only unregister the clone, none of its parts.
589      */

590     public void shallowUnregisterObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
592     /**
593      * ADVANCED:
594      * By default new objects are not cached until the exist on the database.
595      * Occasionally if mergeClone is used on new objects and is required to allow multiple merges
596      * on the same new object, then if the new objects are not cached, each mergeClone will be
597      * interpretted as a different new object.
598      * By setting new objects to be cached mergeClone can be performed multiple times before commit.
599      * New objects cannot be cached unless they have a valid assigned primary key before being registered.
600      * New object with non-null invalid primary keys such as 0 or '' can cause problems and should not be used with this option.
601      */

602     public boolean shouldNewObjectsBeCached();
604     /**
605      * ADVANCED:
606      * By default all objects are inserted and updated in the database before
607      * any object is deleted. If this flag is set to true, deletes will be
608      * performed before inserts and updates
609      */

610     public boolean shouldPerformDeletesFirst();
612     /**
613      * ADVANCED:
614      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
615      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
616      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
617      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
618      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
619      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
620      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
621      */

622     public boolean shouldPerformFullValidation();
624     /**
625      * ADVANCED:
626      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
627      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
628      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
629      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
630      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
631      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
632      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
633      */

634     public boolean shouldPerformNoValidation();
636     /**
637      * ADVANCED:
638      * The unit of work performs validations such as,
639      * ensuring multiple copies of the same object don't exist in the same unit of work,
640      * ensuring deleted objects are not refered after commit,
641      * ensures that objects from the parent cache are not refered in the unit of work cache.
642      * The level of validation can be increased or decreased for debugging purposes or under
643      * advanced situation where the application requires/desires to violate clone identity in the unit of work.
644      * It is strongly suggested that clone identity not be violate in the unit of work.
645      */

646     public boolean shouldPerformPartialValidation();
648     /**
649      * ADVANCED:
650      * Unregister the object with the unit of work.
651      * This can be used to delete an object that was just created and is not yet persistent.
652      * Delete object can also be used, but will result in inserting the object and then deleting it.
653      * The method will only unregister private owned parts
654      */

655     public void unregisterObject(Object JavaDoc clone);
657     /**
658      * ADVANCED:
659      * This can be used to help debugging an object-space corruption.
660      * An object-space corruption is when your application has incorrectly related a clone to an original object.
661      * This method will validate that all registered objects are in a correct state and throw
662      * an error if not, it will contain the full stack of object references in the error message.
663      * If you call this method after each register or change you perform it will pin-point where the error was made.
664      */

665     public void validateObjectSpace();
667     /**
668      * ADVANCED: Writes all changes now before commit().
669      * The commit process will begin and all changes will be written out to the datastore, but the datastore transaction will not
670      * be committed, nor will changes be merged into the global cache.
671      * <p>
672      * A subsequent commit (on UnitOfWork or global transaction) will be required to finalize the commit process.
673      * <p>
674      * As the commit process has begun any attempt to register objects, or execute object-level queries will
675      * generate an exception. Report queries, non-caching queries, and data read/modify queries are allowed.
676      * <p>
677      * On exception any global transaction will be rolled marked or marked rollback only. No recovery of this UnitOfWork will be possible.
678      * <p>
679      * Can only be called once. It can not be used to write out changes in an incremental fashion.
680      * <p>
681      * Use to partially commit a transaction outside of a JTA transaction's callbacks. Allows you to get back any exception directly.
682      * <p>
683      * Use to commit a UnitOfWork in two stages.
684      */

685     public void writeChanges();
686 }
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