1 21 package oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.localization.i18n; 23 24 import java.util.ListResourceBundle ; 25 26 32 public class TraceLocalizationResource extends ListResourceBundle { 33 static final Object [][] contents = { 34 { "acquire_unit_of_work_with_argument", "acquire unit of work: {0}" }, 35 { "external_transaction_has_begun_internally", "external transaction has begun internally" }, 36 { "external_transaction_has_committed_internally", "external transaction has committed internally" }, 37 { "initialize_all_identitymaps", "initialize all identitymaps" }, 38 { "initialize_identitymap", "initialize identitymap: {0}" }, 39 { "initialize_identitymaps", "initialize identitymaps" }, 40 { "external_transaction_has_rolled_back_internally", "external transaction has rolled back internally" }, 41 { "validate_cache", "validate cache." }, 42 { "stack_of_visited_objects_that_refer_to_the_corrupt_object", "stack of visited objects that refer to the corrupt object: {0}" }, 43 { "corrupt_object_referenced_through_mapping", "corrupt object referenced through mapping: {0}" }, 44 { "corrupt_object", "corrupt object: {0}" }, 45 { "begin_unit_of_work_commit", "begin unit of work commit" }, 46 { "end_unit_of_work_commit", "end unit of work commit" }, 47 { "resume_unit_of_work", "resume unit of work" }, 48 { "resuming_unit_of_work_from_failure", "resuming unit of work from failure" }, 49 { "release_unit_of_work", "release unit of work" }, 50 { "revert_unit_of_work", "revert unit of work" }, 51 { "validate_object_space", "validate object space." }, 52 { "execute_query", "Execute query {0}" }, 53 { "merge_clone", "Merge clone {0} " }, 54 { "merge_clone_with_references", "Merge clone with references {0}" }, 55 { "new_instance", "New instance {0}" }, 56 { "register_existing", "Register the existing object {0}" }, 57 { "register_new", "Register the new container bean {0}" }, 58 { "register_new_bean", "Register the new bean {0}" }, 59 { "register", "Register the object {0}" }, 60 { "revert", "Revert the object''s attributes {0}" }, 61 { "unregister", "Unregister the object {0}" }, 62 { "begin_batch_statements", "Begin batch statements" }, 63 { "end_batch_statements", "End Batch Statements" }, 64 { "query_column_meta_data_with_column", "query column meta data ({0}.{1}.{2}.{3})" }, 65 { "query_column_meta_data", "query table meta data ({0}.{1}.{2})" }, 66 { "reconnecting_to_external_connection_pool", "reconnecting to external connection pool" }, 67 { "begin_transaction", "begin transaction" }, 68 { "commit_transaction", "commit transaction" }, 69 { "rollback_transaction", "rollback transaction" }, 70 { "adapter_result", "Adapter result: {0}" }, 71 { "data_access_result", "Data access result: {0}" }, 72 { "acquire_unit_of_work", "acquire unit of work" }, 73 { "JTS_register", "JTS register" }, 74 { "JTS_after_completion", "After JTS Completion" }, 75 { "JTS_before_completion", "Before JTS Completion" }, 76 { "JTS_begin", "Begin JTS transaction" }, 77 { "JTS_commit_with_argument", "JTS#commit({0})" }, 78 { "JTS_rollback", "Rollback JTS transaction." }, 79 { "JTS_commit", "Commit JTS transaction." }, 80 { "JTS_after_completion_with_argument", "After JTS Completion ({0})" }, 81 { "TX_beforeCompletion", "TX beforeCompletion callback, status={0}" }, 82 { "TX_afterCompletion", "TX afterCompletion callback, status={0}" }, 83 { "TX_bind", "TX binding to tx mgr, status={0}" }, 84 { "TX_begin", "TX beginTransaction, status={0}" }, 85 { "TX_beginningTxn", "TX Internally starting" }, 86 { "TX_commit", "TX commitTransaction, status={0}" }, 87 { "TX_committingTxn", "TX Internally committing" }, 88 { "TX_rollback", "TX rollbackTransaction, status={0}" }, 89 { "TX_rollingBackTxn", "TX Internally rolling back" }, 90 { "lock_writer_header", "Current object locks:" }, 91 { "lock_writer_footer", "End of locked objects." }, 92 { "active_thread", "Thread : {0}" }, 93 { "locked_object", "Locked Object : {0}" }, 94 { "depth", "Depth : {0}" }, 95 { "deferred_locks", "Deferred lock on : {0}" }, 96 { "deferred_locks_released", "All deferred locks for thread \"{0}\" have been released." }, 97 { "acquiring_deferred_lock", "Thread \"{1}\" has acquired a deferred lock on object : {0} in order to avoid deadlock." }, 98 { "dead_lock_encountered_on_write", "Thread \"{1}\" encountered deadlock when attempting to lock : {0}. Entering deadlock avoidance algorithm." }, 99 { "XML_call", "XML call" }, 100 { "XML_data_call", "XML data call" }, 101 { "XML_data_delete", "XML data delete" }, 102 { "XML_data_insert", "XML data insert" }, 103 { "XML_data_read", "XML data read" }, 104 { "XML_data_update", "XML data update" }, 105 { "XML_delete", "XML delete" }, 106 { "XML_existence_check", "XML existence check" }, 107 { "XML_insert", "XML insert" }, 108 { "XML_read_all", "XML read all" }, 109 { "XML_read", "XML read" }, 110 { "XML_update", "XML update" }, 111 { "write_BLOB", "Writing BLOB value(size = {0} bytes) through the locator to the table field: {1}" }, 112 { "write_CLOB", "Writing CLOB value(size = {0} bytes) through the locator to the table field: {1}" }, 113 { "assign_sequence", "assign sequence to the object ({0} -> {1})" }, 114 { "assign_return_row", "Assign return row {0}" }, 115 { "compare_failed", "Compare failed: {0}:{1}:{2}" }, 116 { "added_unmapped_field_to_returning_policy", "Added unmapped field {0} to ReturningPolicy of {1}" }, 117 { "field_for_unsupported_mapping_returned", "Returned field {0} specified in ReturningPolicy of {1} mapped with unsupported mapping" }, 118 { "received_updates_from_remote_server", "Received updates from Remote Server" }, 119 { "received_remote_connection_from", "Received remote connection from {0}" }, 120 { "applying_changeset_from_remote_server", "Applying changeset from remote server {0}" }, 121 { "change_from_remote_server_older_than_current_version", "Change from Remote Server is older than current Version for {0}: {1}" }, 122 { "current_version_much_older_than_change_from_remote_server", "Current Version is much older than change from remote server for {0}: {1}" }, 123 { "Merging_from_remote_server", "Merging {0}: {1} from remote server" }, 124 { "initializing_local_discovery_communication_socket", "Initializing local discovery communication socket" }, 125 { "place_local_remote_session_dispatcher_into_naming_service", "Place local remote session dispatcher into naming service" }, 126 { "connecting_to_other_sessions", "connecting to other sessions" }, 127 { "done", "Done" }, 128 { "getting_local_initial_context", "Getting local initial context" }, 129 { "received_connection_from", "Received connection from {0}" }, 130 { "sending_changeset_to_network", "Sending changeSet to network" }, 131 { "failed_to_reconnect_remote_connection", "Failed to reconnect the remote connection on error" }, 132 { "dropping_connection", "Dropping connection: {0}" }, 133 { "attempting_to_reconnect_to_JMS_service", "Attempting to reconnect to JMS service" }, 134 { "retreived_remote_message_from_JMS_topic", "Retreived remote message from JMS topic: {0}" }, 135 { "processing_topLink_remote_command", "Processing TopLink remote command" }, 136 { "JMS_exception_thrown", "JMSException thrown" }, 137 { "announcement_sent_from", "Announcement sent from {0}" }, 138 { "announcement_received_from", "Announcement received from {0}" }, 139 { "reconnect_to_jms", "Reconnect to the JMS topic name {0}" }, 140 { "sequencing_connected", "sequencing connected, state is {0}" }, 141 { "sequencing_connected_several_states", "sequencing connected, several states are used" }, 142 { "sequence_without_state", "sequence {0}: preallocation size {1}" }, 143 { "sequence_with_state", "sequence {0}: preallocation size {1}, state {2}" }, 144 { "sequencing_connected_several_states", "sequencing connected, several states are used" }, 145 { "sequencing_disconnected", "sequencing disconnected" }, 146 { "sequencing_localPreallocation", "local sequencing preallocation for {0}: objects: {1} , first: {2}, last: {3}" }, 147 { "sequencing_afterTransactionCommitted", "local sequencing preallocation is copied to preallocation after transaction commit" }, 148 { "sequencing_afterTransactionRolledBack", "local sequencing preallocation is discarded after transaction roll back" }, 149 { "sequencing_preallocation", "sequencing preallocation for {0}: objects: {1} , first: {2}, last: {3}" }, 150 { "starting_rcm", "Starting Remote Command Manager {0}" }, 151 { "stopping_rcm", "Stopping Remote Command Manager {0}" }, 152 { "initializing_discovery_resources", "Initializing discovery resources - group={0} port={1}" }, 153 { "sending_announcement", "Sending service announcement..." }, 154 { "register_local_connection_in_jndi", "Registering local connection in JNDI under name {0}" }, 155 { "register_local_connection_in_registry", "Registering local connection in RMIRegistry under name {0}" }, 156 { "context_props_for_remote_lookup", "Remote context properties: {0}" }, 157 { "looking_up_remote_conn_in_jndi", "Looking up remote connection in JNDI under name {0} at URL {1}" }, 158 { "looking_up_remote_conn_in_registry", "Looking up remote connection in RMIRegistry at {0}" }, 159 { "received_connection_from", "Received remote connection from {0}" }, 160 { "converting_to_toplink_command", "Converting {0} to TopLink Command format" }, 161 { "converting_to_user_command", "Converting {0} from TopLink Command format to user format" }, 162 { "executing_merge_changeset", "Executing MergeChangeSet command from {0}" }, 163 { "received_remote_command", "Received remote command {0} from {1}" }, 164 { "processing_internal_command", "Executing internal RCM command {0} from {1}" }, 165 { "processing_remote_command", "Executing command {0} from {1}" }, 166 { "sync_propagation", "Propagating command synchronously" }, 167 { "async_propagation", "Propagating command asynchronously" }, 168 { "propagate_command_to", "Propagating command {0} to {1}" }, 169 { "start_listening_to_jms_topic", "Start listening to JMS Topic {0} hosted at {1}" }, 170 { "stop_listening_to_jms_topic", "Stop listening to JMS Topic {0} hosted at {1}" }, 171 { "discovery_manager_active", "RCM Discovery Manager active" }, 172 { "discovery_manager_stopped", "RCM Discovery Manager stopped" }, 173 { "announcement_sent", "RCM service announcement sent out to cluster" }, 174 { "announcement_received", "RCM service announcement received from {0}" }, 175 { "creating_session_broker", "Creating session broker: {0}" }, 176 { "creating_database_session", "Creating database session: {0}" }, 177 { "creating_server_session", "Creating server session: {0}" }, 178 { "EJB_create", "Create EJB ({0}) " }, 179 { "EJB_find_all", "Find all EJB objects ({0})" }, 180 { "EJB_find_all_by_name", "Find all EJB objects by named query ({0})" }, 181 { "EJB_find_one", "Find one EJB object ({0})" }, 182 { "EJB_find_one_by_name", "Find one EJB object by named query ({0})" }, 183 { "EJB_load", "Load EJB" }, 184 { "EJB_remove", "Remove EJB ({0})" }, 185 { "EJB_store", "Store EJB ({0})" }, 186 { "error_in_preInvoke", "Error in preInvoke." }, 187 { "unable_to_load_generated_subclass", "Unable to load generated subclass: {0}" }, 188 { "ProjectDeployment_registeringMBeans_enter", "ProjectDeployment.registeringMBeans enter" }, 189 { "ProjectDeployment_registeringMBeans_return", "ProjectDeployment.registeringMBeans return" }, 190 { "executeFinder_query", "executeFinder query: {0}, {1}" }, 191 { "executeFinder_finder_execution_results", "executeFinder - finder execution results: {0}" }, 192 { "PM_initialize_enter", "PersistenceManager.initialize enter for {0}" }, 193 { "PM_initialize_return", "PersistenceManager.initialize return for {0}" }, 194 { "PM_preDeploy_enter", "PersistenceManager.preDeploy enter for {0}" }, 195 { "PM_preDeploy_return", "PersistenceManager.preDeploy return for {0}" }, 196 { "PM_postDeploy_enter", "PersistenceManager.postDeploy enter for {0}" }, 197 { "PM_postDeploy_return", "PersistenceManager.postDeploy return for {0}" }, 198 { "createEJB_call", "createEJB call: {0}" }, 199 { "createEJB_return", "createEJB return: {0}" }, 200 { "removeEJB_call", "removeEJB call: {0}" }, 201 { "removeEJB_return", "removeEJB return: {0}" }, 202 { "invokeHomeMethod_call", "invokeHomeMethod call: {0}({1})" }, 203 { "invokeHomeMethod_return", "invokeHomeMethod return" }, 204 { "ProjectDeployment_undeploy_enter", "ProjectDeployment.undeploy enter" }, 205 { "ProjectDeployment_undeploy_return", "ProjectDeployment.undeploy return" }, 206 { "ProjectDeployment_configureDescriptor_enter", "ProjectDeployment.configureDescriptor enter: {0}" }, 207 { "ProjectDeployment_configureDescriptor_return", "ProjectDeployment.configureDescriptor return" }, 208 { "ProjectDeployment_configureDescriptors_enter", "ProjectDeployment.configureDescriptors enter" }, 209 { "ProjectDeployment_configureDescriptors_return", "ProjectDeployment.configureDescriptors return" }, 210 { "configuring_descriptor", "configuring descriptor: {0}, {1}" }, 211 { "concrete_class", "concrete class: {0}" }, 212 { "setting_ref_class_of_foreign_ref_mapping", "setting ref class of foreign ref mapping: {0}, {1}" }, 213 { "setting_ref_class_of_aggregate_mapping", "setting ref class of aggregate mapping: {0}, {1}" }, 214 { "desc_has_inheritance_policy", "Descriptor has inheritance policy: {0}" }, 215 { "one_time_initialization_of_ProjectDeployment", "one-time initialization of ProjectDeployment" }, 216 { "generateBeanSubclass_call", "generateBeanSubclass call: {0}" }, 217 { "remote_and_local_homes", "remote and local homes: {0}, {1}" }, 218 { "generateBeanSubclass_return", "generateBeanSubclass return: {0}" }, 219 { "error_in_startBusinessCall", "Error in startBusinessCall." }, 220 { "error_in_endLocalTx", "Error in endLocalTx." }, 221 { "EJB20_Project_Deployment_adjustDescriptorsForUOW_enter", "UOWChangeSetFlagCodeGenerator.adjustDescriptorForUOWFlag enter" }, 222 { "EJB20_Codegeneration_For_UOW_Change_Policy_enter", "UOWChangePolicyCodeGenerator.generateCodeForUOWChangePolicy enter" }, 223 { "OBJECTCHANGEPOLICY_TURNED_ON", "Change tracking turned on for: {0}" }, 224 { "PM_DescriptorContents", "********** PersistenceManager.getPMDescriptorContents()" }, 225 { "project_class_used", "The project class [{0}] is being used." }, 226 { "pessimistic_lock_bean", "prepare pessimistic locking for bean {0}" }, 227 { "changetracker_interface_not_implemented", "Class [{0}] for attribute [{1}] does not implement ChangeTracker interface. This class is being reverted to DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy." }, 228 { "changetracker_interface_not_implemented_non_cmp", "Class [{0}] is being reverted to DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy since the attribute [{1}] " + "is a non-cmp field but the owinging class does not implement ChangeTracker interface." }, 229 { "acquire_client_session_broker", "acquire client session broker" }, 230 { "releasing_client_session_broker", "releasing client session broker" }, 231 { "client_released", "client released" }, 232 { "client_acquired", "client acquired" }, 233 { "tracking_pl_object", "track pessimistic locked object {0} with UnitOfWork {1}" }, 234 { "instantiate_pl_relationship", "instantiate pessimistic locking relationship when relationship is accessed in a new transaction." }, 235 { "descriptor_xml_not_in_jar", "The descriptor file ({0}) is not found in jar({1}) file, no migration therefore will be performed for this jar." }, 236 { "pessimistic_locking_migrated", "The native CMP setting 'pessimistic-locking' on entity({0}) has been migrated and supported." }, 237 { "read_only_migrated", "The native CMP setting 'read-only' on entity({0}) has been migrated and supported." }, 238 { "call_timeout_migrated", "Oc4j native CMP setting 'time-out' on entity({0}) has been migrated and supported." }, 239 { "verifiy_columns_version_locking_migrated", "Optimistic setting 'Version' on 'verifiy-columns' in entity ({0}) has been migrated." }, 240 { "verifiy_columns_timestamp_locking_migrated", "Optimistic setting 'Timestamp' on 'verifiy-columns' in entity ({0}) has been migrated." }, 241 { "verifiy_columns_changedField_locking_migrated", "Optimistic setting 'Modify' on 'verifiy-columns' in entity ({0}) has been migrated." }, 242 { "order_database_operations_supported", "WLS native CMP setting 'order-database-operations' has been supported and migrated" }, 243 { "pattern_syntax_error", "Regular expression syntax error, exception is: {0}" }, 244 { "weaver_adding_embeddable_class", "Adding Embeddable class [{0}] to list of weaving candidate Entities."}, 245 { "weaver_user_impl_change_tracking", "Weaving for change tracking not required for class [{0}] because it already implements the ChangeTracker interface."}, 246 { "weaver_found_field_lock", "Weaving for change tracking not enabled for class [{0}] because it uses field-based optimisitic locking."}, 247 { "weaver_class_not_in_project", "Weaver found class [{0}] in configuration but not in TopLink project."}, 248 { "weaver_processing_class", "Weaver processing class [{0}]."}, 249 { "cmp_init_invoke_predeploy", "javaSECMPInitializer - predeploying {0}."}, 250 { "cmp_init_register_transformer", "javaSECMPInitializer - registering transformer for {0}."}, 251 { "cmp_init_tempLoader_created", "javaSECMPInitializer - created temporary ClassLoader: {0}."}, 252 { "cmp_init_shouldOverrideLoadClassForCollectionMembers", "javaSECMPInitializer - override load class for collection members: {0}."}, 253 { "cmp_loading_entities_using_loader", "javaSECMPInitializer - loading entities using ClassLoader: {0}."}, 254 { "cmp_init_transformer_is_null", "javaSECMPInitializer - transformer is null."}, 255 { "cmp_init_globalInstrumentation_is_null", "javaSECMPInitializer - global instrumentation is null."}, 256 { "cmp_init_invoke_deploy", "javaSECMPInitializer - deploying {0}."}, 257 { "cmp_init_completed_deploy", "javaSECMPInitializer - completed deploy of {0}."}, 258 { "cmp_init_initialize", "javaSECMPInitializer - initializaing {0}."}, 259 { "cmp_init_initialize_from_main", "javaSECMPInitializer - initializing from main."}, 260 261 { "dbPlaformHelper_detectedVendorPlatform", "Detected Vendor platform: {0}"}, 262 { "dbPlaformHelper_regExprDbPlatform", "DBPlatform: {1}, RegularExpression: {0}."}, 263 { "dbPlaformHelper_patternSyntaxException", "Exception while using regExpr : {0}." }, 264 { "unknown_query_hint", "query {0}: unknown query hint {1} will be ignored"}, 265 { "query_hint", "query {0}: query hint {1}; value {2}"}, 266 { "property_value_specified", "property={0}; value={1}"}, 267 { "property_value_default", "property={0}; default value={1}"}, 268 { "handler_property_value_specified", "property={0}; value={1}; translated value={2}"}, 269 { "handler_property_value_default", "property={0}; default value={1}; translated value={2}"}, 270 { "deploy_begin", "begin deploying Persistence Unit {0}; state {1}; deploymentCount {2}"}, 271 { "deploy_end", "end deploying Persistence Unit {0}; state {1}; deploymentCount {2}"}, 272 { "undeploy_begin", "begin undeploying Persistence Unit {0}; state {1}; deploymentCount {2}"}, 273 { "undeploy_end", "end undeploying Persistence Unit {0}; state {1}; deploymentCount {2}"} 274 }; 275 276 279 protected Object [][] getContents() { 280 return contents; 281 } 282 } 283 | Popular Tags |