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Java > Open Source Codes > net > killingar > forum > tags > HrTag

1 /* Copyright 2000-2005 Anders Hovmöller
2  *
3  * The person or persons who have associated their work with
4  * this document (the "Dedicator") hereby dedicate the entire
5  * copyright in the work of authorship identified below (the
6  * "Work") to the public domain.
7  *
8  * Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the
9  * public at large and to the detriment of Dedicator's heirs
10  * and successors. Dedicator intends this dedication to be an
11  * overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present
12  * and future rights under copyright law, whether vested or
13  * contingent, in the Work. Dedicator understands that such
14  * relinquishment of all rights includes the relinquishment of
15  * all rights to enforce (by lawsuit or otherwise) those
16  * copyrights in the Work.
17  *
18  * Dedicator recognizes that, once placed in the public
19  * domain, the Work may be freely reproduced, distributed,
20  * transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise
21  * exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-
22  * commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have
23  * not yet been invented or conceived.
24  */

26 package;
28 import;
29 import;
31 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest JavaDoc;
32 import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException JavaDoc;
33 import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport JavaDoc;
35 public class HrTag extends TagSupport JavaDoc
36 {
37   public int doStartTag() throws JspException JavaDoc
38   {
39     try
40     {
41             ForumManager manager = (ForumManager)pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("manager");
42             String JavaDoc tmp;
43             if(manager == null || (tmp = ((OptionsManager)manager.getManager(OptionsManager.class.getName())).get("hr")) == null)
44         pageContext.getOut().print("<img SRC=\""+((HttpServletRequest JavaDoc)pageContext.getRequest()).getContextPath()+"/public/img/color.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"13\" alt=\"---\"/><br />");
45             else
46                 pageContext.getOut().print(tmp);
47     }
48     catch (Exception JavaDoc ex)
49     {
50             try
51             {
52                 pageContext.getOut().print("<hr />");
53             }
54             catch (Exception JavaDoc ex2){}
55     }
56     return SKIP_BODY;
57   }
59   public int doEndTag()
60   {
61     return EVAL_PAGE;
62   }
63 }
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