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Java > Open Source Codes > javax > xml > rpc > Service

1 /*
2  * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */

16 package javax.xml.rpc;
18 import javax.xml.namespace.QName JavaDoc;
19 import javax.xml.rpc.encoding.TypeMappingRegistry JavaDoc;
20 import javax.xml.rpc.handler.HandlerRegistry JavaDoc;
22 /**
23  * <code>Service</code> class acts as a factory of the following:
24  * <ul>
25  * <li>Dynamic proxy for the target service endpoint.
26  * <li>Instance of the type <code>javax.xml.rpc.Call</code> for
27  * the dynamic invocation of a remote operation on the
28  * target service endpoint.
29  * <li>Instance of a generated stub class
30  * </ul>
31  *
32  * @version 1.0
33  */

34 public interface Service {
36     /**
37      * The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated
38      * stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. A service client
39      * uses this dynamic proxy to invoke operations on the target
40      * service endpoint. The <code>serviceEndpointInterface</code>
41      * specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by
42      * the created dynamic proxy or stub instance.
43      *
44      * @param portName Qualified name of the service endpoint in
45      * the WSDL service description
46      * @param serviceEndpointInterface Service endpoint interface
47      * supported by the dynamic proxy or stub
48      * instance
49      * @return java.rmi.Remote Stub instance or dynamic proxy that
50      * supports the specified service endpoint
51      * interface
52      * @throws ServiceException This exception is thrown in the
53      * following cases:
54      * <ul>
55      * <li>If there is an error in creation of
56      * the dynamic proxy or stub instance
57      * <li>If there is any missing WSDL metadata
58      * as required by this method
59      * <li>Optionally, if an illegal
60      * <code>serviceEndpointInterface</code>
61      * or <code>portName</code> is specified
62      * </ul>
63      */

64     public java.rmi
JavaDoc        .Remote getPort(QName JavaDoc portName, Class JavaDoc serviceEndpointInterface)
66             throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
68     /**
69      * The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated
70      * stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. The parameter
71      * <code>serviceEndpointInterface</code> specifies the service
72      * endpoint interface that is supported by the returned stub or
73      * proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-RPC
74      * runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol
75      * binding (and a port) and configuring the stub accordingly.
76      * The returned <code>Stub</code> instance should not be
77      * reconfigured by the client.
78      *
79      * @param serviceEndpointInterface Service endpoint interface
80      * @return Stub instance or dynamic proxy that supports the
81      * specified service endpoint interface
82      *
83      * @throws ServiceException <ul>
84      * <li>If there is an error during creation
85      * of stub instance or dynamic proxy
86      * <li>If there is any missing WSDL metadata
87      * as required by this method
88      * <li>Optionally, if an illegal
89      * <code>serviceEndpointInterface</code>
90      *
91      * is specified
92      * </ul>
93      */

94     public java.rmi.Remote JavaDoc getPort(Class JavaDoc serviceEndpointInterface)
95         throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
97     /**
98      * Gets an array of preconfigured <code>Call</code> objects for
99      * invoking operations on the specified port. There is one
100      * <code>Call</code> object per operation that can be invoked
101      * on the specified port. Each <code>Call</code> object is
102      * pre-configured and does not need to be configured using
103      * the setter methods on <code>Call</code> interface.
104      *
105      * <p>Each invocation of the <code>getCalls</code> method
106      * returns a new array of preconfigured <code>Call</code>
107      *
108      * objects
109      *
110      * <p>This method requires the <code>Service</code> implementation
111      * class to have access to the WSDL related metadata.
112      *
113      * @param portName Qualified name for the target service endpoint
114      * @return Call[] Array of pre-configured Call objects
115      * @throws ServiceException If this Service class does not
116      * have access to the required WSDL metadata
117      * or if an illegal <code>portName</code> is
118      * specified.
119      */

120     public Call JavaDoc[] getCalls(QName JavaDoc portName) throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
122     /**
123      * Creates a <code>Call</code> instance.
124      *
125      * @param portName Qualified name for the target service endpoint
126      * @return Call instance
127      * @throws ServiceException If any error in the creation of
128      * the <code>Call</code> object
129      */

130     public Call JavaDoc createCall(QName JavaDoc portName) throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
132     /**
133      * Creates a <code>Call</code> instance.
134      *
135      * @param portName Qualified name for the target service
136      * endpoint
137      * @param operationName Qualified Name of the operation for
138      * which this <code>Call</code> object is to
139      * be created.
140      * @return Call instance
141      * @throws ServiceException If any error in the creation of
142      * the <code>Call</code> object
143      */

144     public Call JavaDoc createCall(QName JavaDoc portName, QName JavaDoc operationName)
145         throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
147     /**
148      * Creates a <code>Call</code> instance.
149      *
150      * @param portName Qualified name for the target service
151      * endpoint
152      * @param operationName Name of the operation for which this
153      * <code>Call</code> object is to be
154      * created.
155      * @return Call instance
156      * @throws ServiceException If any error in the creation of
157      * the <code>Call</code> object
158      */

159     public Call JavaDoc createCall(QName JavaDoc portName, String JavaDoc operationName)
160         throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
162     /**
163      * Creates a <code>Call</code> object not associated with
164      * specific operation or target service endpoint. This
165      * <code>Call</code> object needs to be configured using the
166      * setter methods on the <code>Call</code> interface.
167      *
168      * @return Call object
169      * @throws ServiceException If any error in the creation of
170      * the <code>Call</code> object
171      */

172     public Call JavaDoc createCall() throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
174     /**
175      * Gets the name of this Service.
176      *
177      * @return Qualified name of this service
178      */

179     public QName JavaDoc getServiceName();
181     /**
182      * Returns an <code>Iterator</code> for the list of
183      * <code>QName</code>s of service endpoints grouped by this
184      * service.
185      *
186      * @return Returns <code>java.util.Iterator</code> with elements
187      * of type <code>javax.xml.namespace.QName</code>
188      * @throws ServiceException If this Service class does not
189      * have access to the required WSDL metadata
190      */

191     public java.util.Iterator JavaDoc getPorts() throws ServiceException JavaDoc;
193     /**
194      * Gets location of the WSDL document for this Service.
195      *
196      * @return URL for the location of the WSDL document for
197      * this service
198      */

199     public JavaDoc getWSDLDocumentLocation();
201     /**
202      * Gets the <code>TypeMappingRegistry</code> for this
203      * <code>Service</code> object. The returned
204      * <code>TypeMappingRegistry</code> instance is pre-configured
205      * to support the standard type mapping between XML and Java
206      * types types as required by the JAX-RPC specification.
207      *
208      * @return The TypeMappingRegistry for this Service object.
209      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the <code>Service</code> class does not support
210      * the configuration of <code>TypeMappingRegistry</code>.
211      */

212     public TypeMappingRegistry JavaDoc getTypeMappingRegistry();
214     /**
215      * Returns the configured <code>HandlerRegistry</code> instance
216      * for this <code>Service</code> instance.
217      *
218      * @return HandlerRegistry
219      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the <code>Service</code> class does not support
220      * the configuration of a <code>HandlerRegistry</code>
221      */

222     public HandlerRegistry JavaDoc getHandlerRegistry();
223 }
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