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Java > Open Source Codes > javax > xml > bind > annotation > XmlList

1 package javax.xml.bind.annotation;
3 import java.lang.annotation.Retention JavaDoc;
4 import java.lang.annotation.Target JavaDoc;
5 import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME JavaDoc;
6 import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD JavaDoc;
7 import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD JavaDoc;
8 import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER JavaDoc;
10 /**
11  * Used to map a property to a list simple type.
12  *
13  * <p><b>Usage</b> </p>
14  * <p>
15  * The <tt>@XmlList</tt> annotation can be used with the
16  * following program elements:
17  * <ul>
18  * <li> JavaBean property </li>
19  * <li> field </li>
20  * </ul>
21  *
22  * <p>
23  * When a collection property is annotated just with @XmlElement,
24  * each item in the collection will be wrapped by an element.
25  * For example,
26  *
27  * <pre>
28  * &#64;XmlRootElement
29  * class Foo {
30  * &#64;XmlElement
31  * List&lt;String> data;
32  * }
33  * </pre>
34  *
35  * would produce XML like this:
36  *
37  * <pre><xmp>
38  * <foo>
39  * <data>abc</data>
40  * <data>def</data>
41  * </foo>
42  * </xmp></pre>
43  *
44  * &#64;XmlList annotation, on the other hand, allows multiple values to be
45  * represented as whitespace-separated tokens in a single element. For example,
46  *
47  * <pre>
48  * &#64;XmlRootElement
49  * class Foo {
50  * &#64;XmlElement
51  * &#64;XmlList
52  * List&lt;String> data;
53  * }
54  * </pre>
55  *
56  * the above code will produce XML like this:
57  *
58  * <pre><xmp>
59  * <foo>
60  * <data>abc def</data>
61  * </foo>
62  * </xmp></pre>
63  *
64  * <p>This annotation can be used with the following annotations:
65  * {@link XmlElement},
66  * {@link XmlAttribute},
67  * {@link XmlValue},
68  * {@link XmlIDREF}.
69  * <ul>
70  * <li> The use of <tt>@XmlList</tt> with {@link XmlValue} while
71  * allowed, is redundant since {@link XmlList} maps a
72  * collection type to a simple schema type that derives by
73  * list just as {@link XmlValue} would. </li>
74  *
75  * <li> The use of <tt>@XmlList</tt> with {@link XmlAttribute} while
76  * allowed, is redundant since {@link XmlList} maps a
77  * collection type to a simple schema type that derives by
78  * list just as {@link XmlAttribute} would. </li>
79  * </ul>
80  *
81  * @author <ul><li>Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li><li>Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li></ul>
82  * @since JAXB2.0
83  */

84 @Retention JavaDoc(RUNTIME) @Target JavaDoc({FIELD,METHOD,PARAMETER})
85 public @interface XmlList {
86 }
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