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Java > Open Source Codes > javax > jdo > JDOException

1 /*
2  * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */

17 /*
18  *
19  *
20  */

22 package javax.jdo;
24 import javax.jdo.spi.I18NHelper;
26 /** This is the root of all JDO Exceptions. It contains an optional detail
27  * message, an optional nested <code>Throwable</code> array and an optional failed object.
28  * @author Craig Russell
29  * @version 1.0.2
30  */

31 public class JDOException extends java.lang.RuntimeException JavaDoc {
33   /** This exception was generated because of an exception in the runtime library.
34    * @serial the nested <code>Throwable</code> array
35    */

36   Throwable JavaDoc[] nested;
38   /** This exception may be the result of incorrect parameters supplied
39    * to an API. This is the object from which the user can determine
40    * the cause of the problem.
41    * @serial the failed <code>Object</code>
42    */

43   Object JavaDoc failed;
45     /** The Internationalization message helper.
46      */

47     private static I18NHelper msg = I18NHelper.getInstance ("javax.jdo.Bundle"); //NOI18N

49     /** Flag indicating whether printStackTrace is being executed.
50      */

51     private boolean inPrintStackTrace = false;
53   /**
54    * Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> without a detail message.
55    */

56   public JDOException() {
57   }
60   /**
61    * Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message.
62    * @param msg the detail message.
63    */

64   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg) {
65     super(msg);
66   }
68   /** Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message
69    * and nested <code>Throwable</code>s.
70    * @param msg the detail message.
71    * @param nested the nested <code>Throwable[]</code>.
72    */

73   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg, Throwable JavaDoc[] nested) {
74     super(msg);
75     this.nested = nested;
76   }
78   /** Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message
79    * and nested <code>Throwable</code>.
80    * @param msg the detail message.
81    * @param nested the nested <code>Throwable</code>.
82    */

83   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg, Throwable JavaDoc nested) {
84     super(msg);
85     this.nested = new Throwable JavaDoc[] {nested};
86   }
88   /** Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message
89    * and failed object.
90    * @param msg the detail message.
91    * @param failed the failed object.
92    */

93   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg, Object JavaDoc failed) {
94     super(msg);
95     this.failed = failed;
96   }
98   /** Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message,
99    * nested <code>Throwable</code>s, and failed object.
100    * @param msg the detail message.
101    * @param nested the nested <code>Throwable[]</code>.
102    * @param failed the failed object.
103    */

104   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg, Throwable JavaDoc[] nested, Object JavaDoc failed) {
105     super(msg);
106     this.nested = nested;
107     this.failed = failed;
108   }
110   /** Constructs a new <code>JDOException</code> with the specified detail message,
111    * nested <code>Throwable</code>, and failed object.
112    * @param msg the detail message.
113    * @param nested the nested <code>Throwable</code>.
114    * @param failed the failed object.
115    */

116   public JDOException(String JavaDoc msg, Throwable JavaDoc nested, Object JavaDoc failed) {
117     super(msg);
118     this.nested = new Throwable JavaDoc[] {nested};
119     this.failed = failed;
120   }
122   /** The exception may include a failed object.
123    * @return the failed object.
124    */

125   public Object JavaDoc getFailedObject() {
126     return failed;
127   }
129   /** The exception may have been caused by multiple exceptions in the runtime.
130    * If multiple objects caused the problem, each failed object will have
131    * its own <code>Exception</code>.
132    * @return the nested Throwable array.
133    */

134   public Throwable JavaDoc[] getNestedExceptions() {
135     return nested;
136   }
138   /** Often there is only one nested exception, and this method returns it.
139    * If there are more than one, then this method returns the first nested
140    * exception. If there is no nested exception, then null is returned.
141    * @return the first or only nested Throwable.
142    * @since 1.0.1
143    */

144   public synchronized Throwable JavaDoc getCause() {
145       // super.printStackTrace calls getCause to handle the cause.
// Returning null prevents the superclass from handling the cause;
// instead the local implementation of printStackTrace should
// handle the cause. Otherwise, the cause is printed twice.
if (nested == null || nested.length == 0 || inPrintStackTrace) {
150           return null;
151       } else {
152           return nested[0];
153       }
154   }
156   /** JDK 1.4 includes a new chaining mechanism for Throwable, but since
157    * JDO has its own "legacy" chaining mechanism, the "standard" mechanism
158    * cannot be used. This method always throws a JDOFatalInternalException.
159    * @param cause ignored.
160    * @return never.
161    */

162   public Throwable JavaDoc initCause(Throwable JavaDoc cause) {
163       throw new JDOFatalInternalException(msg.msg("ERR_CannotInitCause"));
164   }
166   /** The <code>String</code> representation includes the name of the class,
167    * the descriptive comment (if any),
168    * the <code>String</code> representation of the failed <code>Object</code> (if any),
169    * and the <code>String</code> representation of the nested <code>Throwable</code>s (if any).
170    * @return the <code>String</code>.
171    */

172   public synchronized String JavaDoc toString() {
173     int len = nested==null?0:nested.length;
174     // calculate approximate size of the String to return
StringBuffer JavaDoc sb = new StringBuffer JavaDoc (10 + 100 * len);
176     sb.append (super.toString());
177     // include failed object information
if (failed != null) {
179         sb.append ("\n").append (msg.msg ("MSG_FailedObject"));
180       String JavaDoc failedToString = null;
181       try {
182           failedToString = failed.toString();
183       } catch (Exception JavaDoc ex) {
184           // include the information from the exception thrown by failed.toString
Object JavaDoc objectId = JDOHelper.getObjectId(failed);
186           if (objectId == null) {
187               failedToString = msg.msg("MSG_ExceptionGettingFailedToString", //NOI18N
189           }
190           else {
191               // include the ObjectId information
String JavaDoc objectIdToString = null;
193               try {
194                   objectIdToString = objectId.toString();
195               }
196               catch (Exception JavaDoc ex2) {
197                   objectIdToString = exceptionToString(ex2);
198               }
199               failedToString = msg.msg("MSG_ExceptionGettingFailedToStringObjectId", //NOI18N
exceptionToString(ex), objectIdToString);
201           }
202       }
203       sb.append (failedToString);
204     }
205     // include nested Throwable information, but only if not called by
// printStackTrace; the stacktrace will include the cause anyway.
if (len > 0 && !inPrintStackTrace) {
208       sb.append ("\n").append (msg.msg ("MSG_NestedThrowables")).append ("\n");
209       Throwable JavaDoc exception = nested[0];
210       sb.append (exception==null?"null":exception.toString()); //NOI18N
for (int i=1; i<len; ++i) {
212         sb.append ("\n"); //NOI18N
exception = nested[i];
214       sb.append (exception==null?"null":exception.toString()); //NOI18N
216     }
217     return sb.toString();
218   }
220     /**
221      * Prints this <code>JDOException</code> and its backtrace to the
222      * standard error output.
223      * Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well.
224      */

225     public void printStackTrace() {
226         printStackTrace (System.err);
227     }
229     /**
230      * Prints this <code>JDOException</code> and its backtrace to the
231      * specified print stream.
232      * Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well.
233      * @param s <code>PrintStream</code> to use for output
234      */

235     public synchronized void printStackTrace( JavaDoc s) {
236     int len = nested==null?0:nested.length;
237         synchronized (s) {
238             inPrintStackTrace = true;
239             super.printStackTrace(s);
240             if (len > 0) {
241                 s.println (msg.msg ("MSG_NestedThrowablesStackTrace"));
242                 for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
243                     Throwable JavaDoc exception = nested[i];
244                     if (exception != null) {
245                         exception.printStackTrace(s);
246                     }
247                 }
248             }
249             inPrintStackTrace = false;
250         }
251     }
253     /**
254      * Prints this <code>JDOException</code> and its backtrace to the specified
255      * print writer.
256      * Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well.
257      * @param s <code>PrintWriter</code> to use for output
258      */

259     public synchronized void printStackTrace( JavaDoc s) {
260     int len = nested==null?0:nested.length;
261         synchronized (s) {
262             inPrintStackTrace = true;
263             super.printStackTrace(s);
264             if (len > 0) {
265                 s.println (msg.msg ("MSG_NestedThrowablesStackTrace"));
266                 for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
267                     Throwable JavaDoc exception = nested[i];
268                     if (exception != null) {
269                         exception.printStackTrace(s);
270                     }
271                 }
272             }
273             inPrintStackTrace = false;
274         }
275     }
277     /**
278      * Helper method returning a short description of the exception passed
279      * as an argument. The returned string has the format defined by
280      * Throwable.toString. If the exception has a non-null detail message
281      * string, then it returns the name of exception class concatenated
282      * with ": " concatenated with the detailed message. Otherwise it
283      * returns the name of exception class.
284      * @param ex the exception to be represented.
285      * @return a string representation of the exception passed as an argument.
286      */

287     private static String JavaDoc exceptionToString(Exception JavaDoc ex)
288     {
289         if (ex == null) return null;
290         String JavaDoc s = ex.getClass().getName();
291         String JavaDoc message = ex.getMessage();
292         return (message != null) ? (s + ": " + message) : s;
293     }
294 }
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