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Java > Open Source Codes > EDU > oswego > cs > dl > util > concurrent > FJTaskRunnerGroup

1 /*
2   File:
4   Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
5   This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment.
6   Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs,
7   and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.
9   History:
10   Date Who What
11   7Jan1999 dl First public release
12   12Jan1999 dl made getActiveCount public; misc minor cleanup.
13   14Jan1999 dl Added executeTask
14   20Jan1999 dl Allow use of priorities; reformat stats
15   6Feb1999 dl Lazy thread starts
16   27Apr1999 dl Renamed
17 */

19 package EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent;
21 /**
22  * A stripped down analog of a ThreadGroup used for
23  * establishing and managing FJTaskRunner threads.
24  * ThreadRunnerGroups serve as the control boundary separating
25  * the general world of normal threads from the specialized world
26  * of FJTasks.
27  * <p>
28  * By intent, this class does not subclass java.lang.ThreadGroup, and
29  * does not support most methods found in ThreadGroups, since they
30  * would make no sense for FJTaskRunner threads. In fact, the class
31  * does not deal with ThreadGroups at all. If you want to restrict
32  * a FJTaskRunnerGroup to a particular ThreadGroup, you can create
33  * it from within that ThreadGroup.
34  * <p>
35  * The main contextual parameter for a FJTaskRunnerGroup is
36  * the group size, established in the constructor.
37  * Groups must be of a fixed size.
38  * There is no way to dynamically increase or decrease the number
39  * of threads in an existing group.
40  * <p>
41  * In general, the group size should be equal to the number
42  * of CPUs on the system. (Unfortunately, there is no portable
43  * means of automatically detecting the number of CPUs on a JVM, so there is
44  * no good way to automate defaults.) In principle, when
45  * FJTasks are used for computation-intensive tasks, having only
46  * as many threads as CPUs should minimize bookkeeping overhead
47  * and contention, and so maximize throughput. However, because
48  * FJTaskRunners lie atop Java threads, and in turn operating system
49  * thread support and scheduling policies,
50  * it is very possible that using more threads
51  * than CPUs will improve overall throughput even though it adds
52  * to overhead. This will always be so if FJTasks are I/O bound.
53  * So it may pay to experiment a bit when tuning on particular platforms.
54  * You can also use <code>setRunPriorities</code> to either
55  * increase or decrease the priorities of active threads, which
56  * may interact with group size choice.
57  * <p>
58  * In any case, overestimating group sizes never
59  * seriously degrades performance (at least within reasonable bounds).
60  * You can also use a value
61  * less than the number of CPUs in order to reserve processing
62  * for unrelated threads.
63  * <p>
64  * There are two general styles for using a FJTaskRunnerGroup.
65  * You can create one group per entire program execution, for example
66  * as a static singleton, and use it for all parallel tasks:
67  * <pre>
68  * class Tasks {
69  * static FJTaskRunnerGroup group;
70  * public void initialize(int groupsize) {
71  * group = new FJTaskRunnerGroup(groupSize);
72  * }
73  * // ...
74  * }
75  * </pre>
76  * Alternatively, you can make new groups on the fly and use them only for
77  * particular task sets. This is more flexible,,
78  * and leads to more controllable and deterministic execution patterns,
79  * but it encounters greater overhead on startup. Also, to reclaim
80  * system resources, you should
81  * call <code>FJTaskRunnerGroup.interruptAll</code> when you are done
82  * using one-shot groups. Otherwise, because FJTaskRunners set
83  * <code>Thread.isDaemon</code>
84  * status, they will not normally be reclaimed until program termination.
85  * <p>
86  * The main supported methods are <code>execute</code>,
87  * which starts a task processed by FJTaskRunner threads,
88  * and <code>invoke</code>, which starts one and waits for completion.
89  * For example, you might extend the above <code>FJTasks</code>
90  * class to support a task-based computation, say, the
91  * <code>Fib</code> class from the <code>FJTask</code> documentation:
92  * <pre>
93  * class Tasks { // continued
94  * // ...
95  * static int fib(int n) {
96  * try {
97  * Fib f = new Fib(n);
98  * group.invoke(f);
99  * return f.getAnswer();
100  * }
101  * catch (InterruptedException ex) {
102  * throw new Error("Interrupted during computation");
103  * }
104  * }
105  * }
106  * </pre>
107  * <p>
108  * Method <code>stats()</code> can be used to monitor performance.
109  * Both FJTaskRunnerGroup and FJTaskRunner may be compiled with
110  * the compile-time constant COLLECT_STATS set to false. In this
111  * case, various simple counts reported in stats() are not collected.
112  * On platforms tested,
113  * this leads to such a tiny performance improvement that there is
114  * very little motivation to bother.
115  *
116  * <p>[<a HREF=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]
117  * <p>
118  * @see FJTask
119  * @see FJTaskRunner
120  **/

122 public class FJTaskRunnerGroup implements Executor {
124   /** The threads in this group **/
125   protected final FJTaskRunner[] threads;
127   /** Group-wide queue for tasks entered via execute() **/
128   protected final LinkedQueue entryQueue = new LinkedQueue();
130   /** Number of threads that are not waiting for work **/
131   protected int activeCount = 0;
133   /** Number of threads that have been started. Used to avoid
134       unecessary contention during startup of task sets.
135   **/

136   protected int nstarted = 0;
138   /**
139    * Compile-time constant. If true, various counts of
140    * runs, waits, etc., are maintained. These are NOT
141    * updated with synchronization, so statistics reports
142    * might not be accurate.
143    **/

145   static final boolean COLLECT_STATS = true;
146   // static final boolean COLLECT_STATS = false;

148   // for stats

150   /** The time at which this ThreadRunnerGroup was constructed **/
151   long initTime = 0;
153   /** Total number of executes or invokes **/
154   int entries = 0;
156   static final int DEFAULT_SCAN_PRIORITY = Thread.MIN_PRIORITY+1;
158   /**
159    * Create a FJTaskRunnerGroup with the indicated number
160    * of FJTaskRunner threads. Normally, the best size to use is
161    * the number of CPUs on the system.
162    * <p>
163    * The threads in a FJTaskRunnerGroup are created with their
164    * isDaemon status set, so do not normally need to be
165    * shut down manually upon program termination.
166    **/

168   public FJTaskRunnerGroup(int groupSize) {
169     threads = new FJTaskRunner[groupSize];
170     initializeThreads();
171     initTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
172   }
174   /**
175    * Arrange for execution of the given task
176    * by placing it in a work queue. If the argument
177    * is not of type FJTask, it is embedded in a FJTask via
178    * <code>FJTask.Wrap</code>.
179    * @exception InterruptedException if current Thread is
180    * currently interrupted
181    **/

183   public void execute(Runnable JavaDoc r) throws InterruptedException JavaDoc {
184     if (r instanceof FJTask) {
185       entryQueue.put((FJTask)r);
186     }
187     else {
188       entryQueue.put(new FJTask.Wrap(r));
189     }
190     signalNewTask();
191   }
194   /**
195    * Specialized form of execute called only from within FJTasks
196    **/

197   public void executeTask(FJTask t) {
198     try {
199       entryQueue.put(t);
200       signalNewTask();
201     }
202     catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc ex) {
203       Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
204     }
205   }
208   /**
209    * Start a task and wait it out. Returns when the task completes.
210    * @exception InterruptedException if current Thread is
211    * interrupted before completion of the task.
212    **/

214   public void invoke(Runnable JavaDoc r) throws InterruptedException JavaDoc {
215     InvokableFJTask w = new InvokableFJTask(r);
216     entryQueue.put(w);
217     signalNewTask();
218     w.awaitTermination();
219   }
222   /**
223    * Try to shut down all FJTaskRunner threads in this group
224    * by interrupting them all. This method is designed
225    * to be used during cleanup when it is somehow known
226    * that all threads are idle.
227    * FJTaskRunners only
228    * check for interruption when they are not otherwise
229    * processing a task (and its generated subtasks,
230    * if any), so if any threads are active, shutdown may
231    * take a while, and may lead to unpredictable
232    * task processing.
233    **/

235   public void interruptAll() {
236     // paranoically interrupt current thread last if in group.
Thread JavaDoc current = Thread.currentThread();
238     boolean stopCurrent = false;
240     for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
241       Thread JavaDoc t = threads[i];
242       if (t == current)
243         stopCurrent = true;
244       else
245         t.interrupt();
246     }
247     if (stopCurrent)
248       current.interrupt();
249   }
252   /**
253    * Set the priority to use while a FJTaskRunner is
254    * polling for new tasks to perform. Default
255    * is currently Thread.MIN_PRIORITY+1. The value
256    * set may not go into effect immediately, but
257    * will be used at least the next time a thread scans for work.
258    **/

259   public synchronized void setScanPriorities(int pri) {
260     for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
261       FJTaskRunner t = threads[i];
262       t.setScanPriority(pri);
263       if (! t.setPriority(pri);
264     }
265   }
268   /**
269    * Set the priority to use while a FJTaskRunner is
270    * actively running tasks. Default
271    * is the priority that was in effect by the thread that
272    * constructed this FJTaskRunnerGroup. Setting this value
273    * while threads are running may momentarily result in
274    * them running at this priority even when idly waiting for work.
275    **/

276   public synchronized void setRunPriorities(int pri) {
277     for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
278       FJTaskRunner t = threads[i];
279       t.setRunPriority(pri);
280       if ( t.setPriority(pri);
281     }
282   }
286   /** Return the number of FJTaskRunner threads in this group **/
288   public int size() { return threads.length; }
291   /**
292    * Return the number of threads that are not idly waiting for work.
293    * Beware that even active threads might not be doing any useful
294    * work, but just spinning waiting for other dependent tasks.
295    * Also, since this is just a snapshot value, some tasks
296    * may be in the process of becoming idle.
297    **/

298   public synchronized int getActiveCount() { return activeCount; }
300   /**
301    * Prints various snapshot statistics to System.out.
302    * <ul>
303    * <li> For each FJTaskRunner thread (labeled as T<em>n</em>, for
304    * <em>n</em> from zero to group size - 1):
305    * <ul>
306    * <li> A star "*" is printed if the thread is currently active;
307    * that is, not sleeping while waiting for work. Because
308    * threads gradually enter sleep modes, an active thread
309    * may in fact be about to sleep (or wake up).
310    * <li> <em>Q Cap</em> The current capacity of its task queue.
311    * <li> <em>Run</em> The total number of tasks that have been run.
312    * <li> <em>New</em> The number of these tasks that were
313    * taken from either the entry queue or from other
314    * thread queues; that is, the number of tasks run
315    * that were <em>not</em> forked by the thread itself.
316    * <li> <em>Scan</em> The number of times other task
317    * queues or the entry queue were polled for tasks.
318    * </ul>
319    * <li> <em>Execute</em> The total number of tasks entered
320    * (but not necessarily yet run) via execute or invoke.
321    * <li> <em>Time</em> Time in seconds since construction of this
322    * FJTaskRunnerGroup.
323    * <li> <em>Rate</em> The total number of tasks processed
324    * per second across all threads. This
325    * may be useful as a simple throughput indicator
326    * if all processed tasks take approximately the
327    * same time to run.
328    * </ul>
329    * <p>
330    * Cautions: Some statistics are updated and gathered
331    * without synchronization,
332    * so may not be accurate. However, reported counts may be considered
333    * as lower bounds of actual values.
334    * Some values may be zero if classes are compiled
335    * with COLLECT_STATS set to false. (FJTaskRunner and FJTaskRunnerGroup
336    * classes can be independently compiled with different values of
337    * COLLECT_STATS.) Also, the counts are maintained as ints so could
338    * overflow in exceptionally long-lived applications.
339    * <p>
340    * These statistics can be useful when tuning algorithms or diagnosing
341    * problems. For example:
342    * <ul>
343    * <li> High numbers of scans may mean that there is insufficient
344    * parallelism to keep threads busy. However, high scan rates
345    * are expected if the number
346    * of Executes is also high or there is a lot of global
347    * synchronization in the application, and the system is not otherwise
348    * busy. Threads may scan
349    * for work hundreds of times upon startup, shutdown, and
350    * global synch points of task sets.
351    * <li> Large imbalances in tasks run across different threads might
352    * just reflect contention with unrelated threads on a system
353    * (possibly including JVM threads such as GC), but may also
354    * indicate some systematic bias in how you generate tasks.
355    * <li> Large task queue capacities may mean that too many tasks are being
356    * generated before they can be run.
357    * Capacities are reported rather than current numbers of tasks
358    * in queues because they are better indicators of the existence
359    * of these kinds of possibly-transient problems.
360    * Queue capacities are
361    * resized on demand from their initial value of 4096 elements,
362    * which is much more than sufficient for the kinds of
363    * applications that this framework is intended to best support.
364    * </ul>
365    **/

367   public void stats() {
368     long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime;
369     double secs = ((double)time) / 1000.0;
370     long totalRuns = 0;
371     long totalScans = 0;
372     long totalSteals = 0;
374     System.out.print("Thread" +
375                      "\tQ Cap" +
376                        "\tScans" +
377                        "\tNew" +
378                        "\tRuns" +
379                        "\n");
381     for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
382       FJTaskRunner t = threads[i];
383       int truns = t.runs;
384       totalRuns += truns;
386       int tscans = t.scans;
387       totalScans += tscans;
389       int tsteals = t.steals;
390       totalSteals += tsteals;
392       String JavaDoc star = (getActive(t))? "*" : " ";
395       System.out.print("T" + i + star +
396                        "\t" + t.deqSize() +
397                        "\t" + tscans +
398                        "\t" + tsteals +
399                        "\t" + truns +
400                        "\n");
401     }
403     System.out.print("Total" +
404                      "\t " +
405                      "\t" + totalScans +
406                      "\t" + totalSteals +
407                      "\t" + totalRuns +
408                      "\n");
410     System.out.print("Execute: " + entries);
412     System.out.print("\tTime: " + secs);
414     long rps = 0;
415     if (secs != 0) rps = Math.round((double)(totalRuns) / secs);
417     System.out.println("\tRate: " + rps);
418   }
421   /* ------------ Methods called only by FJTaskRunners ------------- */
424   /**
425    * Return the array of threads in this group.
426    * Called only by FJTaskRunner.scan().
427    **/

429   protected FJTaskRunner[] getArray() { return threads; }
432   /**
433    * Return a task from entry queue, or null if empty.
434    * Called only by FJTaskRunner.scan().
435    **/

437   protected FJTask pollEntryQueue() {
438     try {
439       FJTask t = (FJTask)(entryQueue.poll(0));
440       return t;
441     }
442     catch(InterruptedException JavaDoc ex) { // ignore interrupts
444       return null;
445     }
446   }
449   /**
450    * Return active status of t.
451    * Per-thread active status can only be accessed and
452    * modified via synchronized method here in the group class.
453    **/

455   protected synchronized boolean getActive(FJTaskRunner t) {
456     return;
457   }
460   /**
461    * Set active status of thread t to true, and notify others
462    * that might be waiting for work.
463    **/

465   protected synchronized void setActive(FJTaskRunner t) {
466     if (! {
467 = true;
468       ++activeCount;
469       if (nstarted < threads.length)
470         threads[nstarted++].start();
471       else
472         notifyAll();
473     }
474   }
476   /**
477    * Set active status of thread t to false.
478    **/

480   protected synchronized void setInactive(FJTaskRunner t) {
481     if ( {
482 = false;
483       --activeCount;
484     }
485   }
487   /**
488    * The number of times to scan other threads for tasks
489    * before transitioning to a mode where scans are
490    * interleaved with sleeps (actually timed waits).
491    * Upon transition, sleeps are for duration of
492    * scans / SCANS_PER_SLEEP milliseconds.
493    * <p>
494    * This is not treated as a user-tunable parameter because
495    * good values do not appear to vary much across JVMs or
496    * applications. Its main role is to help avoid some
497    * useless spinning and contention during task startup.
498    **/

499   static final long SCANS_PER_SLEEP = 15;
501   /**
502    * The maximum time (in msecs) to sleep when a thread is idle,
503    * yet others are not, so may eventually generate work that
504    * the current thread can steal. This value reflects the maximum time
505    * that a thread may sleep when it possibly should not, because there
506    * are other active threads that might generate work. In practice,
507    * designs in which some threads become stalled because others
508    * are running yet not generating tasks are not likely to work
509    * well in this framework anyway, so the exact value does not matter
510    * too much. However, keeping it in the sub-second range does
511    * help smooth out startup and shutdown effects.
512    **/

514   static final long MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 100;
516   /**
517    * Set active status of thread t to false, and
518    * then wait until: (a) there is a task in the entry
519    * queue, or (b) other threads are active, or (c) the current
520    * thread is interrupted. Upon return, it
521    * is not certain that there will be work available.
522    * The thread must itself check.
523    * <p>
524    * The main underlying reason
525    * for these mechanics is that threads do not
526    * signal each other when they add elements to their queues.
527    * (This would add to task overhead, reduce locality.
528    * and increase contention.)
529    * So we must rely on a tamed form of polling. However, tasks
530    * inserted into the entry queue do result in signals, so
531    * tasks can wait on these if all of them are otherwise idle.
532    **/

534   protected synchronized void checkActive(FJTaskRunner t, long scans) {
536     setInactive(t);
538     try {
539       // if nothing available, do a hard wait
if (activeCount == 0 && entryQueue.peek() == null) {
541         wait();
542       }
543       else {
544         // If there is possibly some work,
// sleep for a while before rechecking

547         long msecs = scans / SCANS_PER_SLEEP;
548         if (msecs > MAX_SLEEP_TIME) msecs = MAX_SLEEP_TIME;
549         int nsecs = (msecs == 0) ? 1 : 0; // forces shortest possible sleep
wait(msecs, nsecs);
551       }
552     }
553     catch (InterruptedException JavaDoc ex) {
554       notify(); // avoid lost notifies on interrupts
556     }
557   }
559   /* ------------ Utility methods ------------- */
561   /**
562    * Start or wake up any threads waiting for work
563    **/

565   protected synchronized void signalNewTask() {
566     if (COLLECT_STATS) ++entries;
567     if (nstarted < threads.length)
568        threads[nstarted++].start();
569     else
570       notify();
571   }
573   /**
574    * Create all FJTaskRunner threads in this group.
575    **/

577   protected void initializeThreads() {
578     for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) threads[i] = new FJTaskRunner(this);
579   }
584   /**
585    * Wrap wait/notify mechanics around a task so that
586    * invoke() can wait it out
587    **/

588   protected static final class InvokableFJTask extends FJTask {
589     protected final Runnable JavaDoc wrapped;
590     protected boolean terminated = false;
592     protected InvokableFJTask(Runnable JavaDoc r) { wrapped = r; }
594     public void run() {
595       try {
596         if (wrapped instanceof FJTask)
597           FJTask.invoke((FJTask)(wrapped));
598         else
599 ;
600       }
601       finally {
602         setTerminated();
603       }
604     }
606     protected synchronized void setTerminated() {
607       terminated = true;
608       notifyAll();
609     }
611     protected synchronized void awaitTermination() throws InterruptedException JavaDoc {
612       while (!terminated) wait();
613     }
614   }
617 }
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