KickJava   Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.

Java > Open Source Codes > demo > concurrency > Client

1 package demo.concurrency;
3 import org.omg.CosConcurrencyControl.*;
4 import org.omg.CosTransactions.*;
5 import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
6 // import LogicLand.LLsSession.*;
// import*;
// import*;
// import*;

11 public class Client {
12     private static Control ctrl = null;
13     private static TransactionalLockSet lockset = null;
14     private static TransactionFactory tf = null;
15     public static void main( String JavaDoc [] args ){
16         try {
17 // args );
// org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = jacorb.orb.Local.get_orb();
org.omg.CORBA.ORB JavaDoc orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args, null);
21             org.omg.PortableServer.POA JavaDoc poa =
22                 org.omg.PortableServer.POAHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"));
24 // Session ss = get_session( orb );
// org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt nc = ss.get_naming();
NamingContextExt nc = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"));
27             NameComponent [] name = new NameComponent[1];
28             name[0] = new NameComponent( "LogicLand", "transaction");
29             tf = TransactionFactoryHelper.narrow(nc.resolve(name));
31             name[0] = new NameComponent( "LogicLand", "lock");
32             LockSetFactory ls = LockSetFactoryHelper.narrow( nc.resolve(name) );
34             name[0] = new NameComponent( "LogicLand", "lockset");
35             lockset = TransactionalLockSetHelper.narrow( nc.resolve(name) );
36             print_help();
37             while ( exec_command() );
39         } catch ( Exception JavaDoc e ){
40             e.printStackTrace();
41         }
42     }
43     static void print_help(){
44         System.out.println(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
45         System.out.println(" LogicLand group, Concurrency service test program");
46         System.out.println(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
47         System.out.println(" LockMode: Read - r, Write - w, Upgrade - u, IRead - ir, IWrite iw");
48         System.out.println(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
49         System.out.println(" Commands :");
50         System.out.println(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
51         System.out.println(" Lock ::= l<LockMode> // Lock resource ");
52         System.out.println(" Try_Lock ::= t<LockMode> // Try lock resource ");
53         System.out.println(" Unlock ::= u<LockMode> // Unlock resource");
54         System.out.println(" Change ::= c<LockMode><LockMode> // Change lock from->to");
55         System.out.println(" Start ::= start[=n] // n minuts timeout, default - 5");
56         System.out.println(" Commit ::= commit // commit transaction ");
57         System.out.println(" Rollback ::= rollback // rollback transaction");
58         System.out.println(" Print ::= print // print LockSet contents");
59         System.out.println(" Help ::= help // this screen");
60         System.out.println(" Quit ::= quit // quit from test");
61         System.out.println(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
62     };
63     static boolean exec_command(){
64         System.out.print( "Ready ;-)" );
65         String JavaDoc cmd =;
66         System.out.println( "Accept:"+cmd );
67         try {
68             if( cmd.equals("quit") ) {
69                 return false;
70             } else if( cmd.equals( "help" ) ) {
71                 print_help();
72             } else if( cmd.equals( "print" ) ) {
73         // lockset.print();
} else if( cmd.equals( "commit" ) ) {
75                 if( ctrl == null ) {
76                     System.out.println( "Error: Transaction not active" );
77                 } else {
78                     try {
79                         ctrl.get_terminator().commit( false );
80                         System.out.println( "Commit complete" );
81                     } catch ( org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST JavaDoc e ){
82                         System.out.println( "Error: Transaction finnished" );
83                     }
84                     ctrl = null;
85                 }
86             } else if( cmd.equals( "rollback" ) ) {
87                 if( ctrl == null ) {
88                     System.out.println( "Error: Transaction not active" );
89                 } else {
90                     try {
91                         ctrl.get_terminator().rollback();
92                         System.out.println( "Rollback complete" );
93                     } catch ( org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST JavaDoc e ){
94                         System.out.println( "Error: Transaction finnished" );
95                     }
96                     ctrl = null;
97                 }
98             } else if( cmd.length() >= 5 && cmd.substring(0,5).equals( "start" ) ) {
99                 if( ctrl != null ){
100                     System.out.println("Error: Transaction is active");
101                 } else {
102                     int minute = 5;
103                     try {
104                         minute = Integer.parseInt( cmd.substring(6) );
105                      } catch ( Exception JavaDoc e ){
106                         e.printStackTrace();
107                         System.out.println( "Use default 5 min." );
108                      }
109                      ctrl = tf.create( minute*60 );
110                      System.out.println( "Transaction started with "+minute+"min timeout" );
111                 }
112             } else {
113                 if( ctrl == null ){
114                     System.out.println("Error: Transaction not active");
115                     return true;
116                 }
117                  try {
118                      if( cmd.length() >= 2 && cmd.substring(0,1).equals( "l" ) ) {
119                          lock_mode mode = parse_mode( cmd.substring(1) );
120                          lockset.lock( ctrl.get_coordinator(), mode );
121                          System.out.println( "Lock complete" );
122                      } else if( cmd.length() >=2 && cmd.substring(0,1).equals( "t" ) ) {
123                          lock_mode mode = parse_mode( cmd.substring(1) );
124                          if ( lockset.try_lock( ctrl.get_coordinator(), mode ) ) {
125                              System.out.println( "Lock complete" );
126                          } else {
127                              System.out.println( "Lock uncomplete" );
128                          }
129                      } else if( cmd.length() >=2 && cmd.substring(0,1).equals( "u" ) ) {
130                          lock_mode mode = parse_mode( cmd.substring(1) );
131                          lockset.unlock( ctrl.get_coordinator(), mode );
132                          System.out.println( "Unlock complete" );
133                      } else if( cmd.length() >=3 && cmd.substring(0,1).equals( "c" ) ) {
134                          lock_mode mode = parse_mode( cmd.substring(1) );
135                          lock_mode mode1;
136                          if( mode.equals(lock_mode.intention_read) || mode.equals(lock_mode.intention_write) ){
137                              mode1 = parse_mode( cmd.substring(3) );
138                          } else {
139                              mode1 = parse_mode( cmd.substring(2) );
140                          }
141                          lockset.change_mode( ctrl.get_coordinator(), mode, mode1 );
142                          System.out.println( "Change mode complete" );
143                      }
144                  } catch ( org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK JavaDoc e ) {
145                     System.out.println( "Error: Transaction RolledBack" );
146                     ctrl = null;
147                  } catch ( org.omg.CORBA.INVALID_TRANSACTION JavaDoc e ) {
148                     System.out.println( "Error: Transaction invalid" );
149                     ctrl = null;
150                  } catch ( org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST JavaDoc e ) {
151                     System.out.println( "Error: Transaction finnished" );
152                     ctrl = null;
153                  }
154             }
155         } catch ( Exception JavaDoc e ) {
156             e.printStackTrace();
157         }
158         return true;
159     }
160     static lock_mode parse_mode( String JavaDoc mode ){
161         if( mode.substring(0,1).equals( "r" ) ){
162             return;
163         } else if( mode.substring(0,1).equals( "w" ) ) {
164             return lock_mode.write;
165         } else if( mode.substring(0,1).equals( "u" ) ) {
166             return lock_mode.upgrade;
167         } else if( mode.substring(0,2).equals( "ir" ) ) {
168             return lock_mode.intention_read;
169         } else if( mode.substring(0,2).equals( "iw" ) ) {
170             return lock_mode.intention_write;
171         }
172         return;
173     };
174 /*
175     static Session get_session( org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb ) throws Exception {
176         String line;
177         BufferedReader in;
178         Socket quote = new Socket("", 9000);
179         in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(quote.getInputStream()));
180         line = in.readLine();
181         while (line.indexOf("IOR:") != 0) {
182              line = in.readLine();
183         }
184         in.close();
185         quote.close();
187         org.omg.CORBA.Object o = orb.string_to_object(line);
188         return SessionHelper.narrow(o);
189     }
190 */

191 };
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