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Java > Open Source Codes > com > sun > imageio > plugins > gif > GIFStreamMetadataFormatResources

1 /*
2  * @(#) 1.7 05/08/23
3  *
4  * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
5  * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
6  */

8 package com.sun.imageio.plugins.gif;
10 import java.util.ListResourceBundle JavaDoc;
12 public class GIFStreamMetadataFormatResources extends ListResourceBundle JavaDoc {
14     public GIFStreamMetadataFormatResources() {}
16     protected Object JavaDoc[][] getContents() {
17         return new Object JavaDoc[][] {
19         // Node name, followed by description
{ "Version", "The file version, either 87a or 89a" },
21         { "LogicalScreenDescriptor",
22           "The logical screen descriptor, except for the global color table" },
23         { "GlobalColorTable", "The global color table" },
24         { "ColorTableEntry", "A global color table entry" },
26         // Node name + "/" + AttributeName, followed by description
{ "Version/value",
28           "The version string" },
29         { "LogicalScreenDescriptor/logicalScreenWidth",
30           "The width in pixels of the whole picture" },
31         { "LogicalScreenDescriptor/logicalScreenHeight",
32           "The height in pixels of the whole picture" },
33         { "LogicalScreenDescriptor/colorResolution",
34           "The number of bits of color resolution, beteen 1 and 8" },
35         { "LogicalScreenDescriptor/pixelAspectRatio",
36           "If 0, indicates square pixels, else W/H = (value + 15)/64" },
37         { "GlobalColorTable/sizeOfGlobalColorTable",
38           "The number of entries in the global color table" },
39         { "GlobalColorTable/backgroundColorIndex",
40           "The index of the color table entry to be used as a background" },
41         { "GlobalColorTable/sortFlag",
42           "True if the global color table is sorted by frequency" },
43         { "ColorTableEntry/index", "The index of the color table entry" },
44         { "ColorTableEntry/red",
45           "The red value for the color table entry" },
46         { "ColorTableEntry/green",
47           "The green value for the color table entry" },
48         { "ColorTableEntry/blue",
49           "The blue value for the color table entry" },
51         };
52     }
53 }
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