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Java > Open Source Codes > com > sun > enterprise > admin > common > domains > registry > DomainRegistryI

1 /*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
3  * of the Common Development and Distribution License
4  * (the License). You may not use this file except in
5  * compliance with the License.
6  *
7  * You can obtain a copy of the license at
8  * or
9  * glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
10  * See the License for the specific language governing
11  * permissions and limitations under the License.
12  *
13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
14  * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
15  * at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
16  * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
17  * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
18  * you own identifying information:
19  * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
20  *
21  * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
22  */

24 package;
25 import java.util.Iterator JavaDoc;
26 public interface DomainRegistryI
27 {
29         /**
30            Register the given domain information.
31            <p>
32            Precondition - the domain entry's name and location are unique
33            within the registry
34            <p>
35            Postcondition - the entry is registered under the domain
36            entry's name within the registry.
37            @param de the domain entry to be registered. The name and
38            location of this entry must be unique within the registry.
39            @throws NullPointerException if de is null
40            @throws DomainRegistryException if there's a problem with
41            registering the domain entry.
42         */

44   void registerDomain(DomainEntry de) throws DomainRegistryException;
46         /**
47            Remove the registration of the domain with the given name.
48            <p>
49            Precondition - a domain is registered within the registry
50            with the given name
51            <p>
52            Postcondition - the registry contains no entry for the given
53            name
54            @param domain_name the name of the domain to be unregistered
55            @throws NullPointerException if the domain_name is null
56            @throws DomainRegistryException if the domain_name is unknown
57            with the registry, or if there's a problem in deleting the
58            registry entry
59         */

60   void unregisterDomain(String JavaDoc domain_name) throws DomainRegistryException;
62         /**
63            Remove the registration of the given domain entry.
64            <p>
65            Precondition - a domain with the same name and location as
66            the given domain is registered in the registry
67            <p>
68            Postcondition - the registry contains no entry for the given
69            name
70            @param de the domain entry to be unregistered
71            @throws NullPointerException if de is null
72            @throws DomainRegistryException if de is not registered
73            within the registry, or if there's a problem in deleting the
74            registry entry
75         */

76   void unregisterDomain(DomainEntry de) throws DomainRegistryException;
77         /**
78            Re-register the given domain entry with the registry.
79            <p>
80            Precondition - a domain with the same name and location as
81            the given domain entry is already registered in the
82            registry or no domain is registered which has either the
83            same name or the same location (or both).
84            <p>
85            Postcondition - the domain entry registered against the given
86            domain entry's name is the given domain entry.
87            @param de the domain entry to be re-registered
88            @throws DomainRegistryException if no domain with the given
89            domain entry's name is registered, or if there are other
90            problems with updating the registry
91         */

92   void reregisterDomain(DomainEntry de) throws DomainRegistryException;
93         /**
94            Obtain an iterator over the entries in the
95            registry. The entries will appear in alphabetically sorted
96            order by name. This iterator will operate on a snapshot of the
97            registry obtained at the time this method is executed -
98            changes to the registry during the lifetime of the iterator returned from
99            this method will not affect the iterator.
100            @return an iterator (whose contents are all instances of
101            {@link DomainEntry}
102            @throws DomainRegistryException if there's a problem in
103            obtaining the iterator.
104         */

105   Iterator JavaDoc iterator() throws DomainRegistryException;
106         /**
107            Indicate if the registry contains the given entry.
108            <p>
109            precondition - entry is not null
110            <p>
111            postcondition - registry has not been modified
112            @param de the entry whose presence in the registry is to be determined
113            @return true iff the entry is in the registry
114            @throws DomainRegistryException if there's a problem in accessing the registry
115         */

116   boolean containsDomain(DomainEntry de) throws DomainRegistryException;
117         /**
118            Return the domain entry given a domain entry name.
119            <p>
120            precondition - the given name is not null
121            <p>
122            postcondition - the registry has not been modified
123            @param name - the name of the domain whose entry is to be obtained
124            @return DomainEntry from the registry whose name is that
125            given. Returns null if no match.
126            @throws DomainRegistryException if there's a problem accessing the
127            registry
128         */

129   DomainEntry getDomain(String JavaDoc name) throws DomainRegistryException;
130         /**
131            Get the number of entries in the registry.
132            @return Return the number of items in the registry
133            @throws DomainRegistryException if there's a problem
134            accessing the registry
135         */

136   int size() throws DomainRegistryException;
137 }
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