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Java > Open Source Codes > com > opensymphony > workflow > loader > Workspace

1 package com.opensymphony.workflow.loader;
3 import*;
4 import java.util.*;
5 import JavaDoc;
6 import JavaDoc;
8 import com.opensymphony.workflow.FactoryException;
9 import com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.Layout;
10 import com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.Prefs;
11 import com.opensymphony.workflow.designer.ResourceManager;
13 /**
14  * @author Hani Suleiman (
15  * Date: May 15, 2003
16  * Time: 7:56:36 PM
17  */

18 public class Workspace extends XMLWorkflowFactory
19 {
20   private Map layouts = new HashMap();
21   private File workflowsXML;
22   private File configFile;
24   public Workspace()
25   {
26     workflows = new HashMap();
27   }
29   public void initDone() throws FactoryException
30   {
31     String JavaDoc name = getProperties().getProperty("resource", null);
32     if(name!=null) name = name.replace('\\', '/');
33     if(name!=null && name.indexOf('/')==-1)
34     {
35       //it's a relative path to resource, lets convert it
37         {
38             configFile = new File(new URL JavaDoc(Prefs.INSTANCE.get(Prefs.LAST_WORKSPACE, null)).getFile());
39         }
40         catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
41         {
42             throw new FactoryException(e);
43         }
44         try
45       {
46         workflowsXML = new File(configFile.getParentFile(), name);
47         getProperties().setProperty("resource", workflowsXML.toURL().toString());
48       }
49       catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
50       {
51         e.printStackTrace();
52       }
53     }
54     super.initDone();
55     String JavaDoc dir = workflowsXML.getParent();
56     Iterator iter = workflows.values().iterator();
57     while(iter.hasNext())
58     {
59       WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig);
60       if(config.location.indexOf('/')==-1 && config.location.indexOf('\\')==-1)
61       {
62         try
63         {
64           File file = new File(dir, config.location);
65           config.url = file.toURL();
66           if(file.exists())
67             config.lastModified = file.lastModified();
68         }
69         catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
70         {
71           e.printStackTrace();
72         }
73       }
74     }
75     //now read in all layouts
iter = workflows.entrySet().iterator();
77     while(iter.hasNext())
78     {
79       Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
80       String JavaDoc workflowName = entry.getKey().toString();
81       WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)entry.getValue();
82       String JavaDoc layoutUrl = getLayoutURL(config, workflowName);
83       layouts.put(workflowName, layoutUrl);
84     }
85   }
87   private String JavaDoc getLayoutURL(XMLWorkflowFactory.WorkflowConfig config, String JavaDoc workflowName)
88   {
89     try
90     {
91       if(config.url==null) config.url = new File(workflowsXML.getParentFile(), workflowName + ".xml").toURL();
92     }
93     catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
94     {
95       e.printStackTrace();
96     }
97     String JavaDoc layoutUrl = config.url.toString();
98     layoutUrl = layoutUrl.substring(0, layoutUrl.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
99     layoutUrl = layoutUrl + workflowName + ".lyt";
100     return layoutUrl;
101   }
103   public String JavaDoc getName()
104   {
105     return configFile!=null ? configFile.getName().substring(0, configFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.')) : "<new>";
106   }
108   public boolean isNew()
109   {
110     return workflowsXML==null;
111   }
113   public void importDescriptor(String JavaDoc name, InputStream is)
114   {
115     WorkflowConfig config = new WorkflowConfig("file", name + ".xml");
116     try
117     {
118       File file = new File(workflowsXML.getParentFile(), name+".xml");
119       config.url = file.toURL();
120       config.lastModified = file.lastModified();
121       workflows.put(name, config);
122     }
123     catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
124     {
125       //can't really happen
127     }
128   }
130   public Layout getLayout(String JavaDoc workflowName)
131   {
132     Object JavaDoc obj = layouts.get(workflowName);
133     if(obj==null) return null;
134     if(obj instanceof Layout)
135       return (Layout)obj;
136     String JavaDoc url = obj.toString();
137     try
138     {
139       InputStream is = new URL JavaDoc(url).openStream();
140       if(is!=null)
141       {
142         Layout layout = new Layout(is);
143         layout.setUrl(url);
144         layouts.put(workflowName, layout);
145         return layout;
146       }
147     }
148     catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
149     {
150       //that's ok, no saved layout
152     catch( JavaDoc e)
153     {
154       e.printStackTrace();
155     }
156     return null;
157   }
159   public void save()
160   {
161     if(workflowsXML==null)
162     {
163       return;
164     }
165     try
166     {
167       if(!configFile.exists())
168       {
169         //this is a brand new workspace, so lets create the main config file
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(configFile)));
171         out.println("<osworkflow>");
172         out.println(" <persistence class=\"com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.memory.MemoryWorkflowStore\"/>");
173         out.println(" <factory class=\"com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.Workspace\">");
174         out.println(" <property key=\"resource\" value=\"workflows.xml\" />");
175         out.println(" </factory>");
176         out.println("</osworkflow>");
177         out.flush();
178         out.close();
179       }
180       PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(workflowsXML)));
181       out.println("<workflows>");
182       Iterator iter = workflows.entrySet().iterator();
183       while(iter.hasNext())
184       {
185         Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
186         WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)entry.getValue();
187         if(config.location==null) config.location = entry.getKey() + ".xml";
188         out.println(" <workflow name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\" type=\"file\" location=\"" + config.location + "\" />");
189       }
190       out.println("</workflows>");
191       out.flush();
192       out.close();
193     }
194     catch(IOException e)
195     {
196       e.printStackTrace();
197     }
198   }
200   public boolean removeWorkflow(String JavaDoc name) throws FactoryException
201   {
202     WorkflowConfig removed = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.remove(name);
203     save();
204     if(removed.url != null && removed.url.getProtocol().equals("file"))
205     {
206       return new File(removed.url.getFile()).delete();
207     }
208     return removed != null;
209   }
211   public WorkflowDescriptor getWorkflow(String JavaDoc name) throws FactoryException
212   {
213     WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.get(name);
214     if(config==null) return null;
215     if(config.url ==null)
216     {
217       return config.descriptor;
218     }
219     return super.getWorkflow(name);
220   }
222   public boolean saveWorkflow(String JavaDoc name, WorkflowDescriptor descriptor, boolean replace) throws FactoryException
223   {
224     Object JavaDoc obj = layouts.get(name);
225     if(obj instanceof Layout)
226     {
227       Layout layout = (Layout)obj;
228       try
229       {
230         WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.get(name);
231         URL JavaDoc url = new URL JavaDoc(getLayoutURL(config, name));
232         File file = new File(url.getFile());
233         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)));
234         layout.writeXML(out, 0);
235         out.flush();
236         out.close();
237         if(config.location==null)
238         {
239           config.location = name + ".xml";
240           config.url = new File(workflowsXML.getParentFile(), config.location).toURL();
241         }
242       }
243       catch(IOException e)
244       {
245         e.printStackTrace();
246         return false;
247       }
248     }
249     if(descriptor!=null)
250     {
251       WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.get(name);
252       if(config.url!=null)
253       {
254           descriptor.getMetaAttributes().put("generator", "OSWOrkflow Designer");
255           descriptor.getMetaAttributes().put("lastModified", new Date());
256         return super.saveWorkflow(name, descriptor, replace);
257       }
258       else
259       {
260         System.out.println("WARN: *** saveWorkflow called with config.location=" + config.location + " url is null");
261       }
262     }
263     return false;
264   }
266   public void setLayout(String JavaDoc workflowName, Layout layout)
267   {
268     layouts.put(workflowName, layout);
269   }
271   public File getLocation()
272   {
273     return workflowsXML;
274   }
276   public void setLocation(File file)
277   {
278     this.workflowsXML = new File(file.getParentFile(), "workflows.xml");
279     this.configFile = file;
280   }
282   public void createWorkflow(String JavaDoc name)
283   {
284     WorkflowConfig config = new WorkflowConfig("file", null);
285     config.descriptor = new WorkflowDescriptor();
286     ActionDescriptor initialAction = new ActionDescriptor();
287     initialAction.setName(ResourceManager.getString("action.initial.start"));
288     config.descriptor.getInitialActions().add(initialAction);
289       config.descriptor.getMetaAttributes().put("created", new Date());
290     workflows.put(name, config);
291   }
293     public void renameWorkflow(String JavaDoc oldName, String JavaDoc newName)
294     {
295         //todo need to keep track of deleted workflows and delete their files on save
WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.get(oldName);
297         config.location = newName + ".xml";
298         try
299         {
300             config.url = new File(workflowsXML.getParentFile(), config.location).toURL();
301         }
302         catch(MalformedURLException JavaDoc e)
303         {
304             //this can't ever happen
306         }
307         workflows.remove(oldName);
308         workflows.put(newName, config);
309     }
311     public void deleteWorkflow(String JavaDoc name)
312     {
313         WorkflowConfig config = (WorkflowConfig)workflows.remove(name);
314     }
315 }
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