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Java > Open Source Codes > com > mckoi > database > sql > SQLConstants

1 /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. */
2 package com.mckoi.database.sql;
4 public interface SQLConstants {
6   int EOF = 0;
7   int STAR = 7;
8   int ASSIGNMENT = 8;
9   int EQUALS = 9;
10   int GR = 10;
11   int LE = 11;
12   int GREQ = 12;
13   int LEEQ = 13;
14   int NOTEQ = 14;
15   int DIVIDE = 15;
16   int ADD = 16;
17   int SUBTRACT = 17;
18   int CONCAT = 18;
19   int BOOLEAN_LITERAL = 19;
20   int NULL_LITERAL = 20;
21   int REGEX_LITERAL = 21;
22   int DROP = 22;
23   int SHOW = 23;
24   int ALTER = 24;
25   int SELECT = 25;
26   int UPDATE = 26;
27   int CREATE = 27;
28   int DELETE = 28;
29   int INSERT = 29;
30   int COMMIT = 30;
31   int COMPACT = 31;
32   int EXPLAIN = 32;
33   int ROLLBACK = 33;
34   int OPTIMIZE = 34;
35   int DESCRIBE = 35;
36   int SHUTDOWN = 36;
37   int IS = 37;
38   int AS = 38;
39   int ON = 39;
40   int IF = 40;
41   int TO = 41;
42   int NO = 42;
43   int ALL = 43;
44   int ANY = 44;
45   int SET = 45;
46   int USE = 46;
47   int ASC = 47;
48   int OLD = 48;
49   int NEW = 49;
50   int SQLADD = 50;
51   int FOR = 51;
52   int ROW = 52;
53   int EACH = 53;
54   int CALL = 54;
55   int BOTH = 55;
56   int SOME = 56;
57   int FROM = 57;
58   int LEFT = 58;
59   int DESC = 59;
60   int INTO = 60;
61   int JOIN = 61;
62   int TRIM = 62;
63   int VIEW = 63;
64   int LOCK = 64;
65   int WITH = 65;
66   int USER = 66;
67   int CAST = 67;
68   int LONG = 68;
69   int NAME = 69;
70   int JAVA = 70;
71   int AFTER = 71;
72   int START = 72;
73   int COUNT = 73;
74   int WHERE = 74;
75   int CYCLE = 75;
76   int CACHE = 76;
77   int RIGHT = 77;
78   int TABLE = 78;
79   int LIMIT = 79;
80   int INNER = 80;
81   int INDEX = 81;
82   int CROSS = 82;
83   int OUTER = 83;
84   int CHECK = 84;
85   int USING = 85;
86   int UNION = 86;
87   int GRANT = 87;
88   int USAGE = 88;
89   int SQLRETURN = 89;
90   int BEFORE = 90;
91   int UNLOCK = 91;
92   int ACTION = 92;
93   int GROUPS = 93;
94   int REVOKE = 94;
95   int OPTION = 95;
96   int PUBLIC = 96;
97   int EXCEPT = 97;
98   int IGNORE = 98;
99   int SCHEMA = 99;
100   int EXISTS = 100;
101   int VALUES = 101;
102   int HAVING = 102;
103   int UNIQUE = 103;
104   int SQLCOLUMN = 104;
105   int RETURNS = 105;
106   int ACCOUNT = 106;
107   int LEADING = 107;
108   int NATURAL = 108;
109   int BETWEEN = 109;
110   int TRIGGER = 110;
111   int SQLDEFAULT = 111;
112   int VARYING = 112;
113   int EXECUTE = 113;
114   int CALLBACK = 114;
115   int MINVALUE = 115;
116   int MAXVALUE = 116;
117   int FUNCTION = 117;
118   int SEQUENCE = 118;
119   int RESTRICT = 119;
120   int PASSWORD = 120;
121   int TRAILING = 121;
122   int GROUPBY = 122;
123   int ORDERBY = 123;
124   int DEFERRED = 124;
125   int DISTINCT = 125;
126   int LANGUAGE = 126;
127   int INCREMENT = 127;
128   int PROCEDURE = 128;
129   int CHARACTER = 129;
130   int IMMEDIATE = 130;
131   int INITIALLY = 131;
132   int TEMPORARY = 132;
133   int INTERSECT = 133;
134   int PRIVILEGES = 134;
135   int CONSTRAINT = 135;
136   int DEFERRABLE = 136;
137   int REFERENCES = 137;
138   int PRIMARY = 138;
139   int FOREIGN = 139;
140   int KEY = 140;
141   int INDEX_NONE = 141;
142   int INDEX_BLIST = 142;
143   int GROUPMAX = 143;
144   int COLLATE = 144;
145   int PRIMARY_STRENGTH = 145;
146   int SECONDARY_STRENGTH = 146;
147   int TERTIARY_STRENGTH = 147;
148   int IDENTICAL_STRENGTH = 148;
149   int NO_DECOMPOSITION = 149;
151   int FULL_DECOMPOSITION = 151;
152   int BIT = 152;
153   int INT = 153;
154   int REAL = 154;
155   int CLOB = 155;
156   int BLOB = 156;
157   int CHAR = 157;
158   int TEXT = 158;
159   int DATE = 159;
160   int TIME = 160;
161   int FLOAT = 161;
162   int BIGINT = 162;
163   int DOUBLE = 163;
164   int STRING = 164;
165   int BINARY = 165;
166   int NUMERIC = 166;
167   int DECIMAL = 167;
168   int BOOLEAN = 168;
169   int TINYINT = 169;
170   int INTEGER = 170;
171   int VARCHAR = 171;
172   int SMALLINT = 172;
173   int VARBINARY = 173;
174   int TIMESTAMP = 174;
175   int JAVA_OBJECT = 175;
176   int LONGVARCHAR = 176;
177   int LONGVARBINARY = 177;
179   int AUTOCOMMIT = 179;
180   int READCOMMITTED = 180;
181   int READUNCOMMITTED = 181;
182   int REPEATABLEREAD = 182;
183   int SERIALIZABLE = 183;
184   int CASCADE = 184;
185   int CURRENT_TIME = 185;
186   int CURRENT_DATE = 186;
187   int CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 187;
188   int LIKE = 188;
189   int REGEX = 189;
190   int AND = 190;
191   int OR = 191;
192   int IN = 192;
193   int NOT = 193;
194   int NUMBER_LITERAL = 194;
195   int STRING_LITERAL = 195;
196   int QUOTED_VARIABLE = 196;
197   int IDENTIFIER = 197;
198   int DOT_DELIMINATED_REF = 198;
200   int JAVA_OBJECT_ARRAY_REF = 200;
201   int CTALIAS = 201;
202   int GLOBVARIABLE = 202;
204   int PARAMETER_REF = 204;
205   int LETTER = 205;
206   int DIGIT = 206;
208   int DEFAULT = 0;
210   String JavaDoc[] tokenImage = {
211     "<EOF>",
212     "\" \"",
213     "\"\\t\"",
214     "\"\\n\"",
215     "\"\\r\"",
216     "<token of kind 5>",
217     "<token of kind 6>",
218     "\"*\"",
219     "\"=\"",
220     "\"==\"",
221     "\">\"",
222     "\"<\"",
223     "\">=\"",
224     "\"<=\"",
225     "<NOTEQ>",
226     "\"/\"",
227     "\"+\"",
228     "\"-\"",
229     "\"||\"",
230     "<BOOLEAN_LITERAL>",
231     "\"null\"",
232     "<REGEX_LITERAL>",
233     "\"drop\"",
234     "\"show\"",
235     "\"alter\"",
236     "\"select\"",
237     "\"update\"",
238     "\"create\"",
239     "\"delete\"",
240     "\"insert\"",
241     "\"commit\"",
242     "\"compact\"",
243     "\"explain\"",
244     "\"rollback\"",
245     "\"optimize\"",
246     "\"describe\"",
247     "\"shutdown\"",
248     "\"is\"",
249     "\"as\"",
250     "\"on\"",
251     "\"if\"",
252     "\"to\"",
253     "\"no\"",
254     "\"all\"",
255     "\"any\"",
256     "\"set\"",
257     "\"use\"",
258     "\"asc\"",
259     "\"old\"",
260     "\"new\"",
261     "\"add\"",
262     "\"for\"",
263     "\"row\"",
264     "\"each\"",
265     "\"call\"",
266     "\"both\"",
267     "\"some\"",
268     "\"from\"",
269     "\"left\"",
270     "\"desc\"",
271     "\"into\"",
272     "\"join\"",
273     "\"trim\"",
274     "\"view\"",
275     "\"lock\"",
276     "\"with\"",
277     "\"user\"",
278     "\"cast\"",
279     "\"long\"",
280     "\"name\"",
281     "\"java\"",
282     "\"after\"",
283     "\"start\"",
284     "\"count\"",
285     "\"where\"",
286     "\"cycle\"",
287     "\"cache\"",
288     "\"right\"",
289     "\"table\"",
290     "\"limit\"",
291     "\"inner\"",
292     "\"index\"",
293     "\"cross\"",
294     "\"outer\"",
295     "\"check\"",
296     "\"using\"",
297     "\"union\"",
298     "\"grant\"",
299     "\"usage\"",
300     "\"return\"",
301     "\"before\"",
302     "\"unlock\"",
303     "\"action\"",
304     "\"groups\"",
305     "\"revoke\"",
306     "\"option\"",
307     "\"public\"",
308     "\"except\"",
309     "\"ignore\"",
310     "\"schema\"",
311     "\"exists\"",
312     "\"values\"",
313     "\"having\"",
314     "\"unique\"",
315     "\"column\"",
316     "\"returns\"",
317     "\"account\"",
318     "\"leading\"",
319     "\"natural\"",
320     "\"between\"",
321     "\"trigger\"",
322     "\"default\"",
323     "\"varying\"",
324     "\"execute\"",
325     "\"callback\"",
326     "\"minvalue\"",
327     "\"maxvalue\"",
328     "\"function\"",
329     "\"sequence\"",
330     "\"restrict\"",
331     "\"password\"",
332     "\"trailing\"",
333     "\"group by\"",
334     "\"order by\"",
335     "\"deferred\"",
336     "\"distinct\"",
337     "\"language\"",
338     "\"increment\"",
339     "\"procedure\"",
340     "\"character\"",
341     "\"immediate\"",
342     "\"initially\"",
343     "\"temporary\"",
344     "\"intersect\"",
345     "\"privileges\"",
346     "\"constraint\"",
347     "\"deferrable\"",
348     "\"references\"",
349     "\"primary\"",
350     "\"foreign\"",
351     "\"key\"",
352     "\"index_none\"",
353     "\"index_blist\"",
354     "\"group max\"",
355     "\"collate\"",
356     "\"primary_strength\"",
357     "\"secondary_strength\"",
358     "\"tertiary_strength\"",
359     "\"identical_strength\"",
360     "\"no_decomposition\"",
361     "\"canonical_decomposition\"",
362     "\"full_decomposition\"",
363     "\"bit\"",
364     "\"int\"",
365     "\"real\"",
366     "\"clob\"",
367     "\"blob\"",
368     "\"char\"",
369     "\"text\"",
370     "\"date\"",
371     "\"time\"",
372     "\"float\"",
373     "\"bigint\"",
374     "\"double\"",
375     "\"string\"",
376     "\"binary\"",
377     "\"numeric\"",
378     "\"decimal\"",
379     "\"boolean\"",
380     "\"tinyint\"",
381     "\"integer\"",
382     "\"varchar\"",
383     "\"smallint\"",
384     "\"varbinary\"",
385     "\"timestamp\"",
386     "\"java_object\"",
387     "\"longvarchar\"",
388     "\"longvarbinary\"",
389     "\"transaction isolation level\"",
390     "\"auto commit\"",
391     "\"read committed\"",
392     "\"read uncommitted\"",
393     "\"repeatable read\"",
394     "\"serializable\"",
395     "\"cascade\"",
396     "\"current_time\"",
397     "\"current_date\"",
398     "\"current_timestamp\"",
399     "\"like\"",
400     "\"regex\"",
401     "\"and\"",
402     "\"or\"",
403     "\"in\"",
404     "\"not\"",
405     "<NUMBER_LITERAL>",
406     "<STRING_LITERAL>",
407     "<QUOTED_VARIABLE>",
408     "<IDENTIFIER>",
412     "<CTALIAS>",
413     "<GLOBVARIABLE>",
415     "\"?\"",
416     "<LETTER>",
417     "<DIGIT>",
418     "\";\"",
419     "\"(\"",
420     "\")\"",
421     "\",\"",
422   };
424 }
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