1 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent ; 2 import java.util.ListResourceBundle ; 3 4 6 public final class Lang extends ListResourceBundle { 7 8 public Object [][] getContents() { 9 return contents; 10 } 11 12 17 private static final String k2s(int keycode){ 18 return (keycode+""); 19 } 20 21 26 public static final int s2k(String value){ 27 return (Integer.parseInt(WhisperIM.lang.getString(value))); 28 } 29 30 32 public static final String gs(String value){ 33 return WhisperIM.lang.getString(value); 34 } 35 36 37 public static final String [] availableLanguageCodes={"en_GB","en_US","sv"}; 38 39 private static final Object [][] contents = { 40 {"language_code","en_GB"}, {"base_language_code","en"}, {"opt_en_GB","English GB"}, 44 {"opt_en_US","English US"}, 45 {"opt_sv","Svenska"}, 46 {"loading","Whisper IM Loading..."}, {"error", "Error"}, 50 {"cannot load config file","Cannot load config file"}, 51 {"addne","Account directory does not exist:\r\n"}, 52 {"cnlup","Could not load user preferences.\r\nUsing defaults.\r\n("}, 53 {"cannot create userdir","Could not create the account directory"}, 54 {"cannot save","Cannot save settings file."}, 55 {"cannot save keypair","Cannot save the Whisper key pair."}, 56 {"need to be connected","You need to be connected to do this."}, 57 {"key cache problem","The following key cache files could not be loaded:"}, 58 {"quit","Quit"}, 60 {"quit_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_Q)}, {"help","Help"}, 62 {"help_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_H)}, {"cancel","Cancel"}, 64 {"cancel_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_C)}, {"save","Save"}, 66 {"save_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"close","Close"}, 68 {"close_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_C)}, {"browse_tt","Browse"}, {"about","About"}, 72 {"version","Version:"}, 73 {"system","System"}, 74 {"credits","Credits"}, 75 {"ok","Ok"}, {"login","Login"}, {"login_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_L)}, {"account","Account:"}, 81 {"account_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_A)}, {"passphrase","Passphrase:"}, 83 {"passphrase_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_P)}, {"configure","Configure"}, {"configure_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_C)}, {"new account","New Account"}, {"new account_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_N)}, {"incorrect passphrase","Incorrect passphrase."}, 89 {"could not load account settings","Could not load account settings."}, 90 {"config title","Whisper IM Configuration"}, 93 {"account location","Account files location"}, 94 {"account location_tt","Where the users account files are stored. See help for more info"}, 95 {"user home","User's home directory"}, 96 {"application dir","Application directory"}, 97 {"other dir","Other directory:"}, 98 {"select account files directory","Select account files directory"}, {"select","Select"}, {"time out","Socket time-out in seconds:"}, 101 {"time out_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_T)}, {"time out_tt","How long a socket will wait for an answer before closing the connection"}, {"cannot save config file","Cannot save configuration file:\r\n"}, 104 {"config file saved","Configuration saved."}, 105 {"help title","Whisper IM Help"}, 108 {"cnlp","Could not load page:"}, 109 {"form_name","Name:"}, {"form_nick","Nickname:"}, {"form_nickname","Nickname:"}, {"form_username","UserName:"}, {"form_password","Password:"}, {"form_first","First Name:"}, {"form_last","Last Name:"}, {"form_email","Email:"}, {"form_city","Town/City:"}, {"form_state","County:"}, {"form_zip","Post Code:"}, {"form_phone","Phone number:"}, {"form_url","Homepage:"}, {"form_date","Date"}, {"form_misc","Miscellaneous:"}, {"form_text","Text:"}, {"form_country","Country:"}, 130 {"status","Status"}, 133 {"general","General"}, 134 {"work","Work"}, 135 {"location","Location"}, 136 {"notes","Notes"}, 137 {"key","Key"}, 138 {"birthday","Birthday:"}, 140 {"street","Street:"}, 141 {"company","Company:"}, 142 {"department","Department:"}, 143 {"position","Position:"}, 144 {"role","Role:"}, 145 {"key_none","The user does not have a whisper key"}, 147 {"key_ok","Whisper key is valid"}, 148 {"key_invalid","The whisper key is invalid. It will not be used"}, 149 {"key_date","Creation Date:"}, 150 {"key_fingerprint","Fingerprint:"}, 151 {"wait","Please wait..."}, {"talk with server","Communicating with remote server"}, 154 {"logging in","Logging in"}, 155 {"new account title","Create New Account"}, 158 {"back","Back"}, {"back_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_B)}, {"next","Next"}, {"next_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_N)}, {"finish","Finished"}, 163 {"finish_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_F)}, {"title0","Account Settings"}, 165 {"title1","Generate a Whisper KeyPair"}, 166 {"title2","Create Account"}, 167 {"title3","Finished"}, 168 {"account_tt","The name of your account on this machine/network. Max 8 characters"}, {"remember password","Remember Password"}, 171 {"remember password_tt","Remember your jabber password on this machine. It will be stored in encrypted form."}, {"jabber_settings","Jabber Settings"}, 174 {"jabber_username","Jabber UserName:"}, 175 {"jabber_username_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_U)}, {"jabber_username_tt","eg fred.bloggs"}, {"jabber_server","Jabber Server:"}, 178 {"jabber_server_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"jabber_server_tt","Name of the jabber server, eg jabber.org"}, {"jabber_password","Jabber Password:"}, 181 {"jabber_password_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_P)}, {"jabber_password_tt","The password to logon to the jabber server"}, {"jabber_resource","Default Resource:"}, 184 {"jabber_resource_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"jabber_resource_tt","Where you're logging in from, eg work, home"}, {"jabber_ssl","Connect using SSL"}, 187 {"jabber_ssl_tt","Connect using a secure connection (recommended)"}, 188 {"jabber_new","New Jabber Account"}, 189 {"jabber_new_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_J)}, {"jabber_new_tt","Create a new jabber account based on the settings you've supplied"}, {"you must enter a account name","You must enter an account name."}, {"account name already exists","The account name already exists.\r\nPlease enter a different account name."}, {"enter a user name","You must enter a username."}, {"you must enter servername","You must enter the name of a server."}, {"you must enter password","You must enter a password."}, {"generation info","You now need to generate a whisper key pair.\r\n Choose a passphrase of at least 20 characters and click next. \r\nIt will take aproximately 10 minutes to generate your keypair, \r\nbut it only has to be done once."}, 198 {"reenter passphrase","Enter your passphrase again:"}, 200 {"reenter passphrase_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_E)}, {"generating key","Generating new keypair..."}, 202 {"passphrase too short","You must use a passphrase of at least 20 characters"}, {"passphrase mismatch","You must enter your passhrase identically in both boxes."}, {"ready","Keypair generated successfully. Now ready to to create account - click next to continue."}, 206 {"done","New whisper account successfully created. Click 'Finished' to launch Whisper Instant Messenger."}, 208 {"register_info","Registration Information"}, 210 {"register","Register"}, {"register_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"account created","New account created"}, 213 {"could not connect","Could not connect to server."}, 215 {"no new accounts","The server does not support creating new accounts."}, 216 {"connection error","Connection Error:"}, 217 {"could not create account","Could not create new account."}, 218 {"connection closed","The connection to the server has been lost."}, 219 220 {"menu_status","My Status"}, 223 {"menu_status_tt","Your online status: "}, {"menu_status_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"menu_profile","My Profile"}, 226 {"menu_profile_tt","View your profile"}, {"menu_profile_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_P)}, {"menu_chat","Chat"}, 229 {"menu_chat_tt","Send a message, chat or join a group chat room"}, {"menu_chat_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_C)}, {"menu_chat_sendmessage","Send a message"}, 232 {"menu_chat_chat","Chat"}, 233 {"menu_chat_groupchat","Join group chat"}, 234 {"menu_tools","Tools"}, 235 {"menu_tools_tt","Useful tools"}, {"menu_tools_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_T)}, {"menu_tools_disco","Service Discovery"}, 238 {"menu_preferences","Options"}, 239 {"menu_preferences_tt","Set options for appearance, sounds and account settings"}, {"menu_preferences_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_O)}, {"menu_help","Help"}, 242 {"menu_help_tt","View help files"}, {"menu_help_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_H)}, {"menu_about","About"}, 245 {"menu_about_tt","View information about Whisper IM"}, {"menu_about_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_A)}, {"menu_quit","Quit"}, 248 {"menu_quit_tt","Quit Whisper Instant Messenger"}, {"menu_quit_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_Q)}, {"contacts","My Contacts"}, 252 {"contact_add","Add A Contact"}, 253 {"contact_delete","Delete Contact"}, 254 {"confirm delete","Confirm Delete"}, 255 {"delete group","Are you sure you want to delete this group?"}, 256 {"delete contact","Are you sure you want to delete this contact?"}, 257 {"pu add contact","Add a contact to"}, 259 {"pu rename group","Rename Group"}, 260 {"pu delete group","Delete Group"}, 261 {"new group name","New name for this group:"}, {"pu chat with","Chat with"}, 264 {"pu send msg","Send Message"}, 265 {"pu rename contact","Rename Contact"}, 266 {"new contact name","New name for contact:"}, 267 {"pu profile","View Profile"}, 268 {"pu explore service","Explore Service"}, 270 {"pu rename service","Rename Service"}, 271 {"pu delete service","Delete Service"}, 272 {"status_online","Online"}, 274 {"status_available","Available for chat"}, 275 {"status_away","Away"}, 276 {"status_xa","Not Available"}, 277 {"status_dnd","Do Not Disturb"}, 278 {"status_invisible","Invisible"}, 279 {"status_offline","Offline"}, 280 {"status_unknown","Unknown"}, 281 282 {"connect","Connect"}, {"connect_tt","Connect to the server"}, 286 {"connect_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_N)}, 289 {"compose","Compose"}, {"compose_tt","Composing new message to:"}, {"to","To: "}, 293 {"to_tt","Enter the address (e.g. fred@jabber.org) or select one of your contacts from the list"}, 294 {"to_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_T)}, {"send","Send"}, 296 {"send_tt","Send this message"}, 297 {"send_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"no address","You must enter a address."}, 299 {"invalid address","The address entered is not a valid address."}, 300 {"no message","You must enter a message."}, 301 302 {"no key","The recipient does not have a whisper key.\r\nDo you want to send the message unencrypted?"}, 303 {"getting key","Fetching whisper key..."}, 304 {"could not get key","Could not fetch whisper key for recipient."}, 305 306 {"recieved message","Message recieved from: "}, {"reply","Reply"}, 309 {"reply_tt","Reply to this message"}, 310 {"reply_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"save_tt","Save this message"}, 312 {"from","From: "}, 313 {"encrypted","This message was encrypted."}, 314 {"nonencrypted","This message was not encrypted."}, 315 316 {"chat started","Chat Started"}, 318 {"me","Me"}, 319 {"chatting with","Chatting with: "}, {"chat encrypted","This chat session is encrypted."}, 321 {"chat not encrypted","This chat session is not encrypted."}, 322 {"chat send_tt","Send message"}, 323 {"chat close_tt","Stop chatting and close this panel"}, 324 {"chat save_tt","Save this conversation"}, 325 {"chat no key","The other user does not have a whisper key"}, 326 {"disconnected","Disconnected"}, 327 {"reconnected","Re-connected"}, 328 {"bad message received","Bad Message Received"}, 329 {"invalid signature","Invalid Signature"}, 330 {"could not decrypt","Could not decrypt"}, 331 332 {"id","Jabber ID:"}, 335 {"id_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_I)}, {"id_tt","The jabber ID of the person you want to add, eg fred@jabber.org"}, 337 {"name","Name: "}, 338 {"name_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_N)}, {"name_tt","The name you want to refer to the person as (optional)"}, 340 {"add","Add"}, 341 {"add_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_A)}, {"add_tt","Add the contact to your contact list"}, 343 {"group","Group"}, 344 {"group_tt","Select the contact group you want to add this contact to"}, 345 {"group none","None"}, 346 {"group none_tt","The contact will not be placed in a contact group"}, 347 {"group new","New group: "}, 348 {"group new_tt","Enter the name of the new contact group you want to add this contact to"}, 349 {"group missing name","You must enter the name of the new contact group"}, {"group already exists","The new contact group name you have entered already exists."}, {"already on list","The user is already on your contact list:"}, 353 {"subscription request","Subscription Request"}, 355 {"subscribe","Subscription request from: "}, 356 {"accept","Accept"}, 357 {"accept_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_A)}, {"accept_tt","Allow the user to see your online status"}, 359 {"deny","Deny"}, 360 {"deny_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_D)}, {"deny_tt","Don't allow the user to see your online status"}, 362 {"add to contacts","Add the user to my contacts"}, 363 {"add to contacts_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_C)}, {"add to contacts_tt","Add the user to your contact list as well"}, 365 366 {"subscribed","Subscribed"}, 368 {"been subscribed","The user has allowed you to see their online status:"}, 369 370 {"chat with","Chat with:"}, 372 {"chat with_tt","Enter the address (e.g. fred@jabber.org) or select one of your contacts from the list"}, 373 374 {"profile","Profile"}, {"refresh","Refresh"}, 377 {"refresh_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"refresh_tt","Reload the profile from the server"}, 379 {"getting profile","Retrieving profile from server..."}, {"could not get profile","Unable to retrieve profile:"}, {"invalid new key","The user has a new key in their profile but it was not valid and has been rejected."}, {"new key","The user has a new whisper key."}, {"different new key","The user has a new whisper key that is \r\nvery different from the one in your keyring.\r\n It is recommended that you do not accept the new key\r\n unless you are sure it is valid. Do you want to accept the new key?"}, 385 {"my profile save_tt","Save your profile"}, 387 {"profile saved","Profile saved successfully."}, 389 {"host","Host:"}, 392 {"host_tt","The name of the server hosting the room, e.g. chat.jabber.org"}, 393 {"host_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_H)}, {"room","Room:"}, 395 {"room_tt","The name of the room to enter"}, 396 {"room_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"nick_tt","The name you want to be known as in the room"}, 398 {"nick_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_N)}, {"room password","Room Password:"}, 401 {"room password_tt","Optional - a password to join the room if required"}, 402 {"room password_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_P)}, {"create room","Create Room"}, 404 {"create room_tt","Tick to create the chat room if it does not already exist"}, 405 {"create room_mn", k2s(KeyEvent.VK_E)}, {"join","Join"}, 407 {"join_tt","Join the group chat room"}, 408 {"join_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_J)}, {"need host","You must enter the name of the host server."}, {"need room name","You must enter the name of the room."}, {"need nickname","You must enter a nickname."}, {"need password","This room requires a password to enter"}, {"you banned","You are banned from this room"}, 414 {"room does not exist","The room does not exist."}, 415 {"nickname in use","The nickname is already being used by someone else. \r\nPlease choose another nickname."}, 416 {"could not join","Could not enter room:"}, 417 418 {"topic","Topic:"}, 422 {"none","None"}, 423 {"leave","Leave"}, 424 {"leave_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_L)}, {"leave_tt","Leave this chat room"}, 426 {"room options","Room Options"}, 427 {"room options_tt","Send invitations, change your nickname, register, change the topic, configure the room, etc."}, 428 {"room options_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"change nickname","Change Nickname"}, 430 {"change nickname_tt","Change your nickname"}, 431 {"new nickname","New nickname:"}, 432 {"nickname changed","Nickname changed to:"}, 433 {"invite","Invite"}, 434 {"invite_tt","Invite someone to this chat room"}, 435 {"register","Register"}, 436 {"register_tt","If the room is a members-only room, you will need to register"}, 437 {"change topic","Change Topic"}, 438 {"change topic_tt","Change the current topic of conversation in this room - you need to have moderator status to do this"}, 439 {"new topic","New Topic:"}, {"configure room","Configure Room"}, 441 {"configure room_tt","Configure the room - you need admin status to do this"}, 442 {"remove room","Remove Room"}, 443 {"remove room_tt","Delete this room - you need admin status to do this"}, 444 {"adminGranted","You have been granted admin status in this room."}, 445 {"adminRevoked","Your admin status has been revoked in this room."}, 446 {"banned","You have been banned from this room!"}, 447 {"by","By: "}, 448 {"reason","Reason:"}, 449 {"kicked","You have been kicked out of this room."}, 450 {"membershipGranted","You have been granted membership of this room."}, 451 {"membershipRevoked","Your membership of this room has been revoked."}, 452 {"moderatorGranted","You have been granted moderator status in this room."}, 453 {"moderatorRevoked","Your moderator status has been revoked in this room."}, 454 {"ownershipGranted","You have been granted ownership of this room"}, 455 {"ownershipRevoked","Your ownership of this room has been revoked."}, 456 {"voiceGranted","You have been granted a voice in this room."}, 457 {"voiceRevoked","Your voice in this room has been revoked."}, 458 {"has changed nick","has changed thier nickname."}, 459 {"has been kicked","has been kicked out of this room."}, 460 {"has been banned","has been banned from this room."}, 461 {"topic changed","Topic has been changed to: "}, 462 {"no affiliation","Not affiliated to this room"}, 463 {"no role","Room Occupant"}, 464 {"owner","Room Owner"}, 465 {"admin","Room Administrater"}, 466 {"member","Member"}, 467 {"outcast","Outcast"}, 468 {"moderator","Moderator"}, 469 {"participant","Participant"}, 470 {"visitor","Visitor"}, 471 {"has left room","has left."}, 472 {"has entered room","has entered."}, 473 {"forbidden","You do not have permission to do this."}, {"private msg","Private Msg"}, 476 {"private msg failed","Private message failed"}, {"private msg_tt","Send a private message to this person"}, 478 {"moderation","Moderation"}, 479 {"grant voice","Grant Voice"}, 480 {"revoke voice","Revoke Voice"}, 481 {"make moderator","Make Moderator"}, 482 {"revoke moderator","Revoke Moderator"}, 483 {"kick","Kick out of room"}, 484 {"who_tt","Enter the ID of whom you want to invite to this room (eg fred@jabber.org), or select someone from your contacts."}, 488 {"invite_reason_tt","Why you are sendiing this invitation (optional)"}, 489 {"send invitation","Send Invitation"}, {"send invitation_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"need valid id","You must enter a valid id"}, {"invitation sent","Invitation sent to: "}, 493 {"drd_reason_tt","Why the room is being removed (optional)"}, {"alternative room","Alternative Room:"}, 498 {"alternative room_tt","The address of an alternative room (eg green@example.net) - optional"}, 499 {"drd_remove_room_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"room is removed","Room has been removed."}, {"od_save_tt","Save the settings"}, 505 {"od_cancel_tt","Ignore changes to the options"}, 506 {"reset","Reset to Defaults"}, 507 {"reset_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_R)}, {"reset_tt","Reset the options to their default settings"}, 509 {"opt_general","General"}, 511 {"opt_actions","Actions"}, 512 {"opt_inactivity","Inactivity"}, 514 {"opt_layout","Layout"}, 516 {"opt_colours","Message Colours"}, 517 {"opt_new message","New Message Alert"}, 518 {"opt_new chat","New Chat Alert"}, 519 {"opt_contact online","Contact Online Alert"}, 520 {"opt_account settings","Account Settings"}, 521 {"opt_left","Left"}, 523 {"opt_right","Right"}, 524 {"opt_default sound","Play default sound"}, 526 {"opt_no sound","No Sound"}, 527 {"opt_custom sound","Play custom sound..."}, 528 {"opt_sound files","Sound Files"}, 529 {"opt_default","Chat if they're online"}, 531 {"opt_message","Send a message"}, 532 {"opt_chat","Chat with them"}, 533 {"opt_hide","Hide the window"}, 535 {"opt_quit","Quit Whisper IM"}, 536 {"opt_lang","Language"}, 538 {"opt_lang_tt","Which language Whisper IM uses"}, 539 {"opt_laf","Look & Feel"}, 540 {"opt_laf_tt","How the GUI of Whisper IM appears"}, 541 {"opt_warn_unencrypted","Warn about unencrypted messages"}, 542 {"opt_warn_unencrypted_tt","Show a warning when sending a message unencrypted"}, 543 {"opt_alert_online","Show the main window"}, 544 {"opt_alert_new_message","Show the main window"}, 545 {"opt_alert_new_chat","Show the main window"}, 546 {"opt_alert_online_tt","Show the main window when one of your contacts comes online"}, 547 {"opt_alert_new_message_tt","Show the main window when you recieve a new message"}, 548 {"opt_alert_new_chat_tt","Show the main window when you recieve a new chat message"}, 549 {"opt_sound_alert_online","Sound:"}, 550 {"opt_sound_alert_new_message","Sound:"}, 551 {"opt_sound_alert_new_chat","Sound:"}, 552 {"opt_emoticons","Enable emoticons"}, 553 {"opt_emoticons_tt","Show smilies such as :-) as images"}, 554 {"opt_double_click","Contact list double click"}, 555 {"opt_double_click_tt","What action to take when you double click on a contact in the contacts list"}, 556 {"opt_remember_window_size","Remember window size"}, 557 {"opt_remember_window_size_tt","Whether to remember the size and position of the main window between sessions"}, 558 {"opt_contact_list_location","Show contact list on"}, 559 {"opt_contact_list_location_tt","What side of the main window to show the contacts list"}, 560 {"opt_muc_list_location","Show room occupants list on"}, 561 {"opt_muc_list_location_tt","What side of the window to show the occupants list in a group chat"}, 562 {"opt_text_colour","Text Colour"}, 563 {"opt_text_colour_tt","The colour of the text in messages and chats"}, 564 {"opt_text_font","Text Font"}, 565 {"opt_text_font_tt","The font used in messages and chats, eg. Ariel"}, 566 {"opt_text_size","Text Size"}, 567 {"opt_text_size_tt","The size of the text in messages and chats"}, 568 {"opt_background_colour","Background"}, 569 {"opt_background_colour_tt","The colour of the background in messages and chats"}, 570 {"opt_close_action","Main window closed"}, 571 {"opt_close_action_tt","What action to take when you close the main window"}, 572 {"opt_idle_time","Consider inactive after"}, 573 {"opt_idle_time_tt","How long (in minutes) Whisper IM hasn't been used before becoming inactive"}, 574 {"opt_auto_away","Set my status as away"}, 575 {"opt_auto_away_tt","When Whisper IM hasn't been used for a while, set your online status to Away"}, 576 {"opt_clear_keypair","Clear my Keypair"}, 577 {"opt_clear_keypair_tt","Clear your Keypair and lock Whisper IM after inactivity"}, 578 {"resource","Resource:"}, 580 {"change password","Change Jabbber Password"}, 581 {"change password_tt","Change the password used to connect to the jabber server"}, 582 {"delete account","Delete Account"}, 583 {"delete account_tt","Delete your whisper account"}, 584 {"change passphrase","Change Passphrase"}, 585 {"change passphrase_tt","Change your whisper passphrase"}, 586 {"options reset","Options reset - click Save to confirm or Cancel to undo"}, 588 {"options saved","Options have been saved"}, 589 {"new password","New Password:"}, 591 {"jabber password changed","Jabber Password Changed.\r\nYou must now save your options for Whisper to remember the new password."}, 592 {"new passphrase","New Passphrase:"}, 594 {"reenter new passphrase","Re-enter new passphrase:"}, 595 {"passphrase changed","Whisper Passphrase Changed"}, 596 {"form","Form"}, 600 {"submit","Submit"}, 601 {"submit_mn",k2s(KeyEvent.VK_S)}, {"fetching form","Retrieving form..."}, {"submitting form","Submitting form..."}, {"config not possible","It is not possible to configure this room."}, 605 {"registration not possible","It not possible to become a member of this room."}, 606 {"form submitted","Form has been submitted."}, {"no search result","The search returned no results."}, {"search result","Search Result"}, 609 {"registered","You have been registered with the service."}, 610 {"DISCO_add to contacts","Add to your contacts list"}, 612 {"DISCO_register","Register with service"}, 613 {"DISCO_search","Search service"}, 614 {"DISCO_back","Go Back"}, 615 {"DISCO_home","Goto main host"}, 616 {"disco_jabber_server","Jabber Server"}, 618 {"disco_jud","Jabber User Directory"}, 619 {"disco_muc_service","Chat Room Service Provider"}, 620 {"disco_muc_room","Chat Room"}, 621 {"disco_aim_gateway","Gateway for AOL Instant Messenger"}, 622 {"disco_icq_gateway","Gateway for ICQ"}, 623 {"disco_irc_gateway","Gateway for Internet Relay Chat (IRC)"}, 624 {"disco_msn_gateway","Gateway for M$N"}, 625 {"disco_yahoo_gateway","Gateway for Yahoo! Messenger"}, 626 {"disco_gateway","Gateway"}, 627 {"disco_other",""}, {"gateways","Gateways"}, 630 {"secure channel","Secure Channel"}, 632 {"channel","Channel"}, 633 {"provided by","Provided by:"}, 634 {"you are providing","You are providing this secure channel"}, 635 {"joining channel","Joining Secure Channel..."}, 636 {"opening channel","Secure Channel Open"}, 637 {"joining response","Response received..."}, 638 {"could not open channel","Could not open secure channel."}, 639 {"no public key","No public key."}, 640 {"joined as","Joined as:"}, 641 {"is requesting join","is requesting to join this channel. \r\nDo you want to allow this?"}, 642 {"attempted to join","attempted to join channel"}, 643 {"message failed","Sending message failed"}, 644 {"join channel","Join a secure channel"}, 646 {"provide channel","Provide a secure channel"}, 647 {"provider id","Provider:"}, 648 {"provider id_tt","Enter the jabber address of the person providing the secure channel you want to join"}, 649 {"allow anyone","Allow anyone to join the channel"}, 650 {"ask me","Ask me if someone can join the channel"}, 651 {"allow contacts","Automatically allow someone on my contacts list to join"}, 652 {"locked","Whisper IM Locked"} 654 }; 656 } | Popular Tags |