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public SAXNotRecognizedException()
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[1574]How to use SAX parser features
By Anonymous on 2005/11/04 20:23:08 Rate
//How to use SAX parser features
public class ParserTest
public static void main ( String [ ] args )
//Defining an array of names of known SAX fetures and properties
final String [ ] SAXFeatures =
} ;
//Create a new instance of a SAX parser
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "SAX parser factory class: " +
factory.getClass ( ) .getName ( ) ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
//Asks the parser what features it supports, by looping through
//the prepared array and calling getFeature on the factory for
//each request. This method can return true or false or can throw
//the SAXNotREcognizedException to say that it doesn't even know
//about the requested feture
System.out.println ( "SAX Features:" ) ;
for ( int s = 0; s < SAXFeatures.length; ++s )
System.out.print ( " " + SAXFeatures [ s ] + ": " ) ;
boolean hasFeature = factory.getFeature
( "" + SAXFeatures [ s ] ) ;
System.out.print ( "" + hasFeature + "." ) ;
catch ( SAXNotRecognizedException ex )
System.out.print ( "not recognized." ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ex.printStackTrace ( ) ;
public SAXNotRecognizedException(String message)
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