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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > javax > telephony > JtapiPeerUnavailableException

Class JtapiPeerUnavailableException


public JtapiPeerUnavailableException()
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[1507]Place a phone call
By shanmugavelinfo { at } yahoo { dot } co { dot } in on 2005/08/04 02:29:26  Rate
import javax.telephony.*; 
 public class Outcall  
   public static final void main ( String args [  ]  )  throws Exception  
     Provider myprovider = null;  
          JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer ( null ) ;  
        myprovider=peer.getProvider ( null ) ; 
     catch  ( Exception excp )   
       System.out.println ( "Can???t get Provider: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ;  
       System.exit ( 0 ) ;  
     Address origaddr = null;  
     Terminal origterm = null;  
       origaddr = myprovider.getAddress ( "22247828" ) ;  
     Terminal [  ]  terminals = origaddr.getTerminals (  ) ;  
     if  ( terminals == null )   
       System.out.println ( "No Terminals on Address." ) ;  
       System.exit ( 0 ) ;  
     origterm = terminals [ 0 ] ;  
     catch  ( Exception excp )   
     Call mycall = null;  
         mycall = myprovider.createCall (  ) ;  
         mycall.addObserver ( new MyOutCallObserver (  )  ) ;  
     catch  ( Exception excp )   
       Connection c [  ]  = mycall.connect ( origterm, origaddr, "9841882044" ) ;  
     catch  ( Exception excp )  

[1690]Please try to solve it
By ulaganathan { dot } a { at } coesyssolutions { dot } com on 2006/01/02 02:45:43  Rate
if i run this following program i have exception 
 javax.telephony.JtapiPeerUnavailableException:Default JtapiPeer Could not be created 
 import javax.telephony.*; 
  * Create a provider and monitor a particular terminal for an incoming call. 
 public class Incall  {  
   public static final void main ( String args [  ]  )   {  
      * Create a provider by first obtaining the default implementation of 
      * JTAPI and then the default provider of that implementation. 
     Provider myprovider = null; 
     try  {  
       JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer ( null ) ; 
       myprovider = peer.getProvider ( null ) ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       System.out.println ( "Can't get Provider: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
       System.exit ( 0 ) ; 
      * Get the terminal we wish to monitor and add a call observer to that 
      * Terminal. This will place a call observer on all call which come to 
      * that terminal. We are assuming that Terminals are named after some 
      * primary telephone number on them. 
     try  {  
       Terminal terminal = myprovider.getTerminal ( "4761111" ) ; 
       terminal.addCallObserver ( new MyInCallObserver (  )  ) ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       System.out.println ( "Can't get Terminal: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
       System.exit ( 0 ) ; 

[1736]i am adding all jar files but problem is that terminal connection found
By samirsadikshaikh { at } yahoo { dot } co { dot } in on 2006/03/26 13:45:14  Rate
 //Module to get JTapi services 
 import javax.telephony.JtapiPeer; 
 import javax.telephony.JtapiPeerFactory; 
 import javax.telephony.Terminal; 
 import javax.telephony.Provider; 
 public class Main extends Object  
   public static final void main ( String args [  ]  )   
     //A Provider represents the telephony software-entity that  
     //interfaces with a telephony subsystem 
       Provider myprovider = null; 
            JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer ( "net.xtapi.XJtapiPeer" ) ; 
            myprovider = peer.getProvider ( "MSTAPI" ) ; 
       catch  ( Exception excp )   
           System.out.println ( "Can't get Provider: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
       //A Terminal represents a physical hardware endpoint 
       // connected to the telephony domain 
       Terminal terminal; 
     //EventsHandler is the call observer on terminal 
           terminal = myprovider.getTerminal ( "0" ) ; 
           terminal.addCallObserver ( new EventsHandler (  )  ) ; 
       catch  ( Exception excp )   
       System.out.println ( "Can't get Terminal: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
 //EventsHandler file 
 //Modile to handle all events 
 import javax.telephony.Terminal; 
 import javax.telephony.TerminalConnection; 
 import javax.telephony.Call; 
 import javax.telephony.Connection; 
 import java.sql.SQLException; 
 import gdbpack.Database; 
 import ttspack.TextToSpeech; 
 import mailpack.MailAccess; 
 public class EventsHandler extends java.lang.Object implements MediaCallObserver  
   int j=0,totalMessages=0 ; 
   int dtmf=0; 
   char digits [  ] = new char [ 5 ] ; 
   int password; 
   int mailCount=1; 
   int validPassword=0; 
   String addr,epass; 
   int count=0; 
   //Call object represents the telephone call 
   private Call m_call = null;   
   //m_TerminalConnection & m_destTerminalConnection represents 
   //remote & this terminal respectively 
     private TerminalConnection m_terminalConnection = null; 
     private TerminalConnection m_destTerminalConnection = null; 
     private boolean bOrig = false; 
     //m_connections is the array of connections 
     private Connection m_connections [  ]  = null;  
     //Class which do text to speech 
   TextToSpeech t1 = new TextToSpeech (  ) ; 
   //Class which handle all database 
   Database db1 = new Database (  ) ; 
   //Class to access mails 
   MailAccess m1 = new MailAccess (  ) ;   
 /*  Method callChangedEvent reports all events associated with the Call object. 
   This method passes an array of CallEv objects as its  
   arguments which correspond to the list of events  
   representing the changes to the Call object as well as  
   changes to all of the Connection and TerminalConnection  
   objects associated with this Call. */
     public void callChangedEvent ( CallEv evlist [  ]  )   
     if ( m_call == null )  
          //setMVars function adds callObserver to the terminal 
          bOrig = false; 
         setMVars ( evlist [ 0 ] .getCall (  )  ) ; 
     for  ( int i = 0; i  <  evlist.length; i++ )   
     CallEv ev = evlist [ i ] ; 
       //if the event is Ringing event 
     switch ( ev.getID (  )  )  
       case TermConnRingingEv.ID:  
              TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
               //Establishes the Call 
                 tc.answer (  ) ; 
               System.out.println ( "Call Established" ) ; 
             catch  ( Exception excp )   
                 System.out.println ( "Can not establish call" + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
                 //Disconnect the connection 
           case MediaTermConnAvailableEv.ID: 
             /*The MediaTermConnAvailableEv interface indicates 
               that media is currently available on the TerminalConnection. 
                 Media becomes available on the TerminalConnection 
                 when the state of the TerminalConnection changes 
                 with respect to the telephone call.*/
                 TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
               MediaTerminalConnection mtc =  ( MediaTerminalConnection ) tc; 
               mtc.setDtmfDetection ( true ) ; 
               Messages ( "Welcome to phonomail system.\n"+ 
                     "Press 1 to read the mail\n"+ 
                     "Press 2 to skip the mail\n"+ 
                     "Press 3 to cancel reading current mail\n"+ 
                     "Now please enter your phonomail password",mtc ) ; 
             catch  ( Exception excp )  
               TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
               MediaTerminalConnection mtc =  ( MediaTerminalConnection ) tc; 
               ErrorMsg ( "Error in getting media connection. Please try afterwords",mtc ) ; 
               hangup ( mtc ) ; 
           case MediaTermConnUnavailableEv.ID: 
             /*The MediaTermConnUnavailableEv interface indicates 
              that there is currently no media available on the 
              TerminalConnection. This event is most likely cause 
              by a change in state of the TerminalConnection which 
              respect to the call. For example, when someone goes 
              on hold, media is no longer avaiable on that TerminalConnection*/
               if  ( ev instanceof MediaTermConnUnavailableEv )   
                 TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
                 MediaTerminalConnection mtc =  ( MediaTerminalConnection ) tc; 
             mtc.setDtmfDetection ( false ) ; 
               hangup ( mtc ) ; 
               catch  ( Exception excp )   
                 TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
                 MediaTerminalConnection mtc =  ( MediaTerminalConnection ) tc; 
                  ErrorMsg ( "Media connection is currently unavailable.Please try afterwords",mtc ) ; 
                  hangup ( mtc ) ; 
           case MediaTermConnDtmfEv.ID: 
             /*The MediaTermConnDtmfEv interface indicates that 
             a DTMF-tone has been detection on the telephone line*/
             TerminalConnection tc =  (  ( TermConnEv ) ev ) .getTerminalConnection (  ) ; 
             MediaTerminalConnection mtc =  ( MediaTerminalConnection ) tc; 
             if ( validPassword==1 )   //Entered full password 
               char yesno =  (  ( MediaTermConnDtmfEv ) ev ) .getDtmfDigit (  ) ; 
             switch ( yesno )  
               case '1':  //Read mail 
                 get_mails ( mtc,1 ) ; 
                 System.out.println ( "Read Mail :"+mailCount ) ; 
                 get_mails ( mtc,0 ) ; 
               case '2':  //Skip mail 
                 get_mails ( mtc,0 ) ; 
               case '3':  //cancel reading 
                 mtc.stopPlaying (  ) ; 
                 get_mails ( mtc,0 ) ; 
           catch  ( Exception excp )   
             ErrorMsg ( "Sorry, We can not accept your choice.Please try afterwords",mtc ) ; 
             hangup ( mtc ) ; 
               //Array to hold PhonoMail Password 
               digits [ dtmf ]  =  (  ( MediaTermConnDtmfEv ) ev ) .getDtmfDigit (  ) ; 
               if ( dtmf==5 )  
             String pass1 = new String ( digits ) ; 
                 Integer temp; 
                 password = Integer.parseInt ( pass1 ) ; 
                   db1.getDatabaseConnection (  ) ; 
                   //Get uesr's Email-ID & Email Password 
                   db1.returnMailInfo ( password ) ; 
               addr = db1.emailId; 
               epass = db1.emailPass; 
               System.out.println ( addr ) ; 
               System.out.println ( epass ) ; 
               db1.closeDataBaseConnection (  ) ; 
               //Connect to mail server & get 
               //Total Messages 
               totalMessages = m1.getConnection ( "",addr,epass ) ; 
               System.out.println ( totalMessages ) ; 
               get_mails ( mtc,0 ) ; 
                 catch  ( SQLException e )  
                   Messages ( "You have entered wrong password.Please enter correct password",mtc ) ; 
                 catch  ( Exception excp )   
                    ErrorMsg ( "Your mail account can not be accessed.Please try afterwords",mtc ) ; 
                    hangup ( mtc ) ; 
           //  System.out.println ( "\n"+ev.toString (  )  ) ; 
   /*Function to access mails in text form,convert it into Audio files     
     and playing that file on teletphone line*/
   public void get_mails ( MediaTerminalConnection mtc,int flag )  
       if ( mailCount < =totalMessages )  
         int state; 
         if ( flag==0 )     //read only subject of mail 
           System.out.println ( "Header Mailcount : "+mailCount ) ; 
           m1.getMessage ( mailCount ) ; 
           t1.tts ( "Header.txt" ) ; 
             state = mtc.getMediaState (  ) ; 
                     state = state & MediaTerminalConnection.PLAYING; 
            } while ( state!=0 ) ; 
           mtc.usePlayURL ( new URL ( "file:C:\\PhonoMail\\ULaw\\Mail.wav" )  ) ; 
               mtc.startPlaying (  ) ;  
             if ( flag==1 )     //read body part also 
               System.out.println ( "Body Mailcount : "+mailCount ) ; 
               t1.tts ( "Mail.txt" ) ; 
             state = mtc.getMediaState (  ) ; 
                     state = state & MediaTerminalConnection.PLAYING; 
            } while ( state!=0 ) ; 
           mtc.usePlayURL ( new URL ( "file:C:\\PhonoMail\\ULaw\\Mail.wav" )  ) ; 
           mtc.startPlaying (  ) ;  
             ErrorMsg ( "You don't have further mails. Good Bye.",mtc ) ; 
             hangup ( mtc ) ; 
     catch  ( Exception excp )   
         ErrorMsg ( "System is not working properly. Please try afterwords",mtc ) ; 
         hangup ( mtc ) ; 
   //Fuction to play Error messages 
   public void ErrorMsg ( String msg,MediaTerminalConnection mtc )  
       FileWriter ErrMsg = new FileWriter ( "Error.txt" ) ; 
             ErrMsg.write ( msg ) ; 
             ErrMsg.close (  ) ; 
             t1.tts ( "Error.txt" ) ; 
             mtc.usePlayURL ( new URL ( "file:C:\\PhonoMail\\ULaw\\Mail.wav" )  ) ; 
           mtc.startPlaying (  ) ; 
           int state; 
         state = mtc.getMediaState (  ) ; 
               state = state & MediaTerminalConnection.PLAYING; 
        } while ( state!=0 ) ; 
         hangup ( mtc ) ;     
       catch ( Exception e )  
         System.out.println ( e ) ; 
         hangup ( mtc ) ; 
   //Fuction to play simple messages 
   public void Messages ( String msg,MediaTerminalConnection mtc )  
       FileWriter Msg = new FileWriter ( "Messages.txt" ) ; 
             Msg.write ( msg ) ; 
             Msg.close (  ) ; 
             t1.tts ( "Messages.txt" ) ; 
             mtc.usePlayURL ( new URL ( "file:C:\\PhonoMail\\ULaw\\Mail.wav" )  ) ; 
           mtc.startPlaying (  ) ; 
       catch ( Exception e )  
         System.out.println ( e ) ; 
         hangup ( mtc ) ; 
   //Function to add callObserver to the terminal 
   private void setMVars ( Call c )  
         m_call = c; 
             m_connections = c.getConnections (  ) ; 
             TerminalConnection [  ]  tc; 
             if ( bOrig == false )  
               m_call.addObserver ( this ) ; 
               tc = m_connections [ 0 ] .getTerminalConnections (  ) ; 
               m_terminalConnection = tc [ 0 ] ; 
               Terminal t = m_terminalConnection.getTerminal (  ) ; 
               t.addCallObserver ( this ) ;  
       tc = m_connections [ 1 ] .getTerminalConnections (  ) ; 
             m_destTerminalConnection = tc [ 0 ] ; 
         catch ( Exception e )  
             System.out.println ( e ) ; 
     //Function to Disconnect the call & Reinitialising Variables 
   public void hangup ( MediaTerminalConnection mtc )  
           mtc.getConnection (  ) .disconnect (  ) ; 
         m_call = null; 
           m_connections= null; 
           m_terminalConnection = null; 
         m_destTerminalConnection = null; 
         catch  ( Exception excp )   
           System.out.println ( "APPLICATION IS NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY " + 
                   "MANUALLY RESTART THE APPLICATION\n" ) ; 
           System.out.println ( excp ) ; 

public JtapiPeerUnavailableException(java.lang.String s)
Geek's Notes:
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[1012]Places a telephone call from 476111 to 5551212
By shail_w81 { at } rediffmail { dot } com on 2004/10/03 14:20:24  Rate 
 import javax.telephony.*; 
 import javax.telephony.callcontrol.*; 
  * Places a telephone call from 476111 to 5551212 
 public class CallCtlOutcall  {  
   public static final void main ( String args [  ]  )   {  
      * Create a provider by first obtaining the default implementation of 
      * JTAPI and then the default provider of that implementation. 
     Provider myprovider = null; 
     try  {  
       JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer ( null ) ; 
       myprovider = peer.getProvider ( null ) ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       System.out.println ( "Can't get Provider: " + excp.toString (  )  ) ; 
       System.exit ( 0 ) ; 
     * We need to get the appropriate objects associated with the 
     * originating side of the telephone call. We ask the Address for a list 
     * of Terminals on it and arbitrarily choose one. 
     Address origaddr = null; 
     Terminal origterm = null; 
     try  {  
       origaddr = myprovider.getAddress ( "4761111" ) ; 
       /* Just get some Terminal on this Address */ 
       Terminal [  ]  terminals = origaddr.getTerminals (  ) ; 
       if  ( terminals == null )   {  
         System.out.println ( "No Terminals on Address." ) ; 
         System.exit ( 0 ) ; 
       origterm = terminals [ 0 ] ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       // Handle exceptions; 
      * Create the telephone call object and add an observer. 
     Call mycall = null; 
     try  {  
       mycall = myprovider.createCall (  ) ; 
       mycall.addObserver ( new MyCallCtlOutCallObserver (  )  ) ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       // Handle exceptions 
      * Place the telephone call. 
     try  {  
       Connection c [  ]  = mycall.connect ( origterm, origaddr, "5551212" ) ; 
      }  catch  ( Exception excp )   {  
       // Handle all Exceptions 

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