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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > javax > mail > SendFailedException

Class SendFailedException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended byjavax.mail.MessagingException
              extended byjavax.mail.SendFailedException
All Implemented Interfaces:
See Also:
Top Examples, Source Code, Transport.send(javax.mail.Message), Transport.sendMessage(javax.mail.Message, javax.mail.Address[]), TransportEvent

public Address[] getInvalidAddresses()
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public Address[] getValidSentAddresses()
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public Address[] getValidUnsentAddresses()
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[274]Creates a very simple text/plain message and sends it
By Anonymous on 2005/03/18 04:34:03  Rate
import java.util.*; 
 import javax.mail.*; 
 import javax.mail.internet.*; 
 import javax.activation.*; 
  * msgsendsample creates a very simple text/plain message and sends it. 
  *  < p >  
  * usage:  < code > java msgsendsample  < i > to from smtphost true|false < /i >  < /code >  
  * where  < i > to < /i >  and  < i > from < /i >  are the destination and 
  * origin email addresses, respectively, and  < i > smtphost < /i >  
  * is the hostname of the machine that has the smtp server 
  * running. The last parameter either turns on or turns off 
  * debugging during sending. 
  * @author Max Spivak 
 public class msgsendsample  {  
     static String msgText = "This is a message body.\nHere's the second line."; 
     public static void main ( String [  ]  args )   {  
   if  ( args.length != 4 )   {  
       usage (  ) ; 
       System.exit ( 1 ) ; 
   System.out.println (  ) ; 
   String to = args [ 0 ] ; 
   String from = args [ 1 ] ; 
   String host = args [ 2 ] ; 
   boolean debug = Boolean.valueOf ( args [ 3 ]  ) .booleanValue (  ) ; 
   // create some properties and get the default Session 
   Properties props = new Properties (  ) ; 
   props.put ( "", host ) ; 
   if  ( debug )  props.put ( "mail.debug", args [ 3 ]  ) ; 
   Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance ( props, null ) ; 
   session.setDebug ( debug ) ; 
   try  {  
       // create a message 
       Message msg = new MimeMessage ( session ) ; 
       msg.setFrom ( new InternetAddress ( from )  ) ; 
       InternetAddress [  ]  address =  { new InternetAddress ( args [ 0 ]  )  } ; 
       msg.setRecipients ( Message.RecipientType.TO, address ) ; 
       msg.setSubject ( "JavaMail APIs Test" ) ; 
       msg.setSentDate ( new Date (  )  ) ; 
       // If the desired charset is known, you can use 
       // setText ( text, charset )  
       msg.setText ( msgText ) ; 
       Transport.send ( msg ) ; 
    }  catch  ( MessagingException mex )   {  
       System.out.println ( "\n--Exception handling in" ) ; 
       mex.printStackTrace (  ) ; 
       System.out.println (  ) ; 
       Exception ex = mex; 
       do  {  
     if  ( ex instanceof SendFailedException )   {  
         SendFailedException sfex =  ( SendFailedException ) ex; 
         Address [  ]  invalid = sfex.getInvalidAddresses (  ) ; 
         if  ( invalid != null )   {  
       System.out.println ( " ** Invalid Addresses" ) ; 
       if  ( invalid != null )   {  
           for  ( int i = 0; i  <  invalid.length; i++ )   
         System.out.println ( " " + invalid [ i ]  ) ; 
         Address [  ]  validUnsent = sfex.getValidUnsentAddresses (  ) ; 
         if  ( validUnsent != null )   {  
       System.out.println ( " ** ValidUnsent Addresses" ) ; 
       if  ( validUnsent != null )   {  
           for  ( int i = 0; i  <  validUnsent.length; i++ )   
         System.out.println ( " "+validUnsent [ i ]  ) ; 
         Address [  ]  validSent = sfex.getValidSentAddresses (  ) ; 
         if  ( validSent != null )   {  
       System.out.println ( " ** ValidSent Addresses" ) ; 
       if  ( validSent != null )   {  
           for  ( int i = 0; i  <  validSent.length; i++ )   
         System.out.println ( " "+validSent [ i ]  ) ; 
     System.out.println (  ) ; 
     if  ( ex instanceof MessagingException )  
         ex =  (  ( MessagingException ) ex ) .getNextException (  ) ; 
         ex = null; 
        }  while  ( ex != null ) ; 
     private static void usage (  )   {  
   System.out.println ( "usage: java msgsendsample  < to >   < from >   < smtp >  true|false" ) ; 

protected transient Address[] invalid
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By raj_koltur { at } yahoo { dot } com on 2004/02/04 10:59:33  Rate
package com.gen; 
 import java.util.*; 
 import javax.mail.*; 
 import javax.mail.internet.*; 
 import javax.activation.*; 
  * msgsendsample creates a very simple text/plain message and sends it. 
  * usage: java msgsendsample to from smtphost true|false 
  * where to and from are the destination and 
  * origin email addresses, respectively, and smtphost 
  * is the hostname of the machine that has the smtp server 
  * running. The last parameter either turns on or turns off 
  * debugging during sending. 
  * @author Max Spivak 
 public class MailTest  {  
     static String msgText = "This is a message body.\nHere's the second line."; 
     public static void main ( String [  ]  args )   {  
     System.out.println (  ) ; 
     String to = ""; 
     String from = ""; 
     String host = ""; 
     boolean debug = false; 
     // create some properties and get the default Session 
     Properties props = new Properties (  ) ; 
     props.put ( "", host ) ; 
     if  ( debug )  props.put ( "mail.debug", "false" ) ; 
     Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance ( props, null ) ; 
     session.setDebug ( debug ) ; 
     try  {  
         // create a message 
         Message msg = new MimeMessage ( session ) ; 
         msg.setFrom ( new InternetAddress ( from )  ) ; 
         InternetAddress [  ]  address =  { new InternetAddress ( to )  } ; 
         msg.setRecipients ( Message.RecipientType.TO, address ) ; 
         msg.setSubject ( "JavaMail APIs Test" ) ; 
         msg.setSentDate ( new Date (  )  ) ; 
         // If the desired charset is known, you can use 
         // setText ( text, charset )  
         msg.setText ( msgText ) ; 
         Transport.send ( msg ) ; 
      }  catch  ( MessagingException mex )   {  
         System.out.println ( "\n--Exception handling in" ) ; 
         mex.printStackTrace (  ) ; 
         System.out.println (  ) ; 
         Exception ex = mex; 
         do  {  
         if  ( ex instanceof SendFailedException )   {  
             SendFailedException sfex =  ( SendFailedException ) ex; 
             Address [  ]  invalid = sfex.getInvalidAddresses (  ) ; 
             if  ( invalid != null )   {  
             System.out.println ( " ** Invalid Addresses" ) ; 
             if  ( invalid != null )   {  
                 for  ( int i = 0; i  <  invalid.length; i++ )   
                 System.out.println ( " " + invalid [ i ]  ) ; 
             Address [  ]  validUnsent = sfex.getValidUnsentAddresses (  ) ; 
             if  ( validUnsent != null )   {  
             System.out.println ( " ** ValidUnsent Addresses" ) ; 
             if  ( validUnsent != null )   {  
                 for  ( int i = 0; i  <  validUnsent.length; i++ )   
                 System.out.println ( " "+validUnsent [ i ]  ) ; 
             Address [  ]  validSent = sfex.getValidSentAddresses (  ) ; 
             if  ( validSent != null )   {  
             System.out.println ( " ** ValidSent Addresses" ) ; 
             if  ( validSent != null )   {  
                 for  ( int i = 0; i  <  validSent.length; i++ )   
                 System.out.println ( " "+validSent [ i ]  ) ; 
         System.out.println (  ) ; 
         if  ( ex instanceof MessagingException )  
             ex =  (  ( MessagingException ) ex ) .getNextException (  ) ; 
             ex = null; 
          }  while  ( ex != null ) ; 
     private static void usage (  )   {  
     System.out.println ( "usage: java msgsendsample true|false" ) ; 

public SendFailedException()
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public SendFailedException(String s)
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public SendFailedException(String s,
                           Exception e)
See Also:
MessagingException.setNextException(java.lang.Exception), MessagingException.getNextException()
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public SendFailedException(String msg,
                           Exception ex,
                           Address[] validSent,
                           Address[] validUnsent,
                           Address[] invalid)
See Also:
MessagingException.setNextException(java.lang.Exception), MessagingException.getNextException()
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protected transient Address[] validSent
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protected transient Address[] validUnsent
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