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Java > Java SE, EE, ME > org > w3c > dom > NamedNodeMap

Interface NamedNodeMap

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int getLength()
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Node getNamedItem(String name)
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Node getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI,
                    String localName)
                    throws DOMException
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Node item(int index)
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[1590]Traverse a DOM document using Apache xerces DocumentTraversal API
By Anonymous on 2005/11/04 20:23:08  Rate
//Traverse a DOM document using Apache xerces DocumentTraversal API 
 public static void usingTraversal ( Document doc )   {  
 if  ( ! ( doc instanceof DocumentTraversal )  )   {  
   System.out.println ( "Not DocumentTraversal" ) ; 
 DocumentTraversal traversal =  ( DocumentTraversal )  doc; 
 NodeIterator each = traversal.createNodeIterator ( doc,NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT| NodeFilter.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, null, false ) ; 
 Node walker=null; 
 while  (  ( walker = each.nextNode (  )  )  != null )   {  
    if  ( walker.getNodeType (  )  == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE )   {  
       ProcessingInstruction pi =  ( ProcessingInstruction ) walker; 
       if  ( "aTarget".equalsIgnoreCase ( pi.getTarget (  )  )  )   {  
   //When we find a certain ProcessingInstruction node 
   //replace it with a new ProcessingInstruction node with a different target 
   //do something with the data 
   System.out.println ( pi.getData (  )  ) ; 
   ProcessingInstruction newPI = doc.createProcessingInstruction ( "newTarget", pi.getData (  )  ) ; 
   pi.getParentNode (  ) .replaceChild ( pi, newPI ) ; 
    if  ( walker.getNodeType (  )  == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )   {  
       NamedNodeMap attributes = walker.getAttributes (  ) ; 
       Attr attr = null; 
       for  ( int i = 0; i  <  attributes.getLength (  ) ; i++ )   {  
           attr =  ( Attr ) attributes.item ( i ) ; 
           //do something with the data 
           System.out.println ( attr.getValue (  )  ) ; 
       if  ( walker.getChildNodes (  ) .getLength (  )  == 1 )   {  
           Node aNode = walker.getFirstChild (  ) ; 
           if  ( aNode.getNodeType (  )  == Node.TEXT_NODE )   {  
              //do something with the data 
              System.out.println ( pi.getData (  )  ) ; 

Node removeNamedItem(String name)
                     throws DOMException
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Node removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI,
                       String localName)
                       throws DOMException
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Node setNamedItem(Node arg)
                  throws DOMException
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Node setNamedItemNS(Node arg)
                    throws DOMException
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